DMS feat. Luza - Nechaj Ma / Slnko Stoj - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation DMS feat. Luza - Nechaj Ma / Slnko Stoj

Nechaj Ma / Slnko Stoj
Leave Me Alone / Sun Stand Still
Prečo ťa neprestalo baviť jebať to do seba za tie roky?!
Why haven't you gotten tired of fucking yourself up over the years?!
To ti pomôže, keď ma jebne v noci, jak asi mám prijať sám hektolitre rumu, vy kokoti?!
That's gonna help when I lose it at night, how am I supposed to take hectoliters of rum alone, you assholes?!
Som jak šuter, to nedávam, mám taký pocit.
I'm like a rock, I can't take it anymore, I have that feeling.
A čo ja dopiče, nemôžem si dať ani šlofík?
And what the fuck, I can't even get a nap?
Pijem jak o závod, jeb na tie prekurzory, prosím.
I'm drinking like it's a race, fuck those pre-drinks, please.
Hentí majú, henten to, každý pátok, sila noci, je ráno, jebte na to, lebo
These guys have it, that guy has it, every Friday, the power of the night, it's already morning, fuck it, because
Vybuchnem, a skončím, jak balón.
I'll explode, and I'll end up like a balloon.
A ja som tupý, jak starý puro a to vôbec neni málo, že si nepamätám nič zo včera
And I'm stupid, like an old puro, and it's not a little bit that I don't remember anything from yesterday
čo sa stalo?!
what happened?!
Kde všetky texty, neviem ani jeden, haló.
Where are all the lyrics, I don't even know one, hello.
Prosím ťa, nechoď na stage, včera ste vyslopali galón.
Please don't go on stage, you guys drank a gallon yesterday.
Nemaj haluze, dám pozor, aby sato nedojebalo, aspoň, že nefajčí, nepičujem na double
Don't worry, I'll make sure it doesn't fuck up, at least she doesn't smoke, I'm not bitching about double
Predtým nezvládali dýchať, pocit, že sa zagrcám, aj tak sa furt namotám, rozjebaný
They couldn't breathe before, feeling like I'm going to choke, I still get hooked, fucked up
Na totál.
Nepoučiteľný, nikdy to neni slabota.
Unteachable, it's never weak.
Zdalo sa, že dospejem, ako-tak si to udržím, no zase som rozbitý, jak sitora.
It seemed like I would grow up, I can handle it somehow, but I'm broken again, like a sieve.
Na kokota sa popotácam s rumom na botách, mám v piči, nerobím nič, každý deň je
I'm staggering around like an asshole with rum on my shoes, I don't give a fuck, I don't do anything, every day is
Ref.: (Tina)
Chorus: (Tina)
Nechaj ma aspoň tento víkend spať, nech sa môžem dať dokopy trochu, kým je čas
Let me sleep at least this weekend, so I can get myself together a little while there's time
Telo bolí, hlava horí, nechaj ma tak, žebrák nechaj ma tak!
My body hurts, my head is burning, leave me alone, you beggar leave me alone!
Čas vypnúť.
Time to turn off.
Počkaj, počkaj, počkaj, hej...
Wait, wait, wait, hey...
Ty jeden kokot!
You fucking asshole!
Počúvaj ma chov, či ako si to hovoríš jebko, lebo to, ako sa chováš ku mne čisto
Listen to me, flock, or whatever you call yourself, bitch, because the way you treat me purely
Necháš bez slov, piatky a soboty ráno v našej hube neni mentol, štekáš na psy, nespíš
Leaves me speechless, Fridays and Saturdays morning there's no menthol in our mouths, you're barking at dogs, you're not sleeping
Na feny, zas stokár, žiadny???, jebeš do mňa atrament, tuna toto, tam hento.
On bitches, a stoker again, no one???, you're fucking ink into me, this here, that there.
Tvoje pojebané zvieratká si kresli doma štetcom, z mäsa, kostí, vec som, na to nemusíš
Your fucked up little animals draw at home with a brush, I'm made of flesh and bones, you don't have to be
Byť vedcom.
A scientist for that.
Pri tréningoch si ma týral, nechal udrieť cudzou päsťou.
You tortured me during training, let me get hit by a stranger's fist.
Napiču pán, že váž si ho, lenivý kár, čo trápi ho, nevidí sám, že kántri ho, ho
Fucking sir, appreciate him, a lazy carriage, what's bothering him, he doesn't see himself, that country is tormenting him, he's
Neživý, stále fajčí to.
Not alive, he's still smoking that.
Víkend, bagety, skap ty kok, rum, tabak a ďalší joint.
Weekend, baguettes, die you cock, rum, tobacco and another joint.
Do rána hore, jak párty boh, a ja ti to celé mám vrátiť, čo?!
Up all night, like a party god, and I'm supposed to return all of that, what?!
Keby sa dalo, tak sám si v tom.
If I could, I'd be in this alone.
Mám v piči tvoje latino, mal si ostať voziť pizzu, tam by sa mi viac páčilo, jeb
I don't give a fuck about your Latino, you should have stayed delivering pizza, I would have liked it better there, fuck
na toto, však ma vypúšťaš, jak hrobku Pálffyho, stačilo!
This already, you're letting me out like Pálffy's tomb, that's enough!
Pozri na tie dary, všade okolo bary, či sa smejem, či som v žiali, cítiš v hrdle
Look at those gifts, there are bars all around, whether I'm laughing or sad, you feel it in your throat
Jak to páli, aj tak plníme furt sály, vždy je čas na pohárik, potom príbehy tak
How it burns, we still fill the halls, there's always time for a drink, then stories so
Choré, ťažko veriť, že sa stali, mám okno, viem hovno, stratil som svoj obnos, že
Sick, hard to believe they happened, I have a window, I know shit, I lost my money, that
Zas som sa dal dole, tak, že nevidím si pod nos.
I got down again, so I can't see under my nose.
Aj tak spokojný som moc, ne, netreba mi pomoc.
I'm still very satisfied, no, I don't need help.
Deň úspešne za sebou, veď dneska ide o noc, ma nechaj, neštekaj, ja nejsom tvoj
A successful day behind me, after all, tonight is what matters, leave me alone, don't bark, I'm not your
Lokaj, počkaj, naliate mám stále po okraj, a pokiaľ nepozerám na dno, nejdem
Lackey, wait, I still have it poured to the brim, and as long as I don't look at the bottom, I'm not going
Odtiaľ, pričom stále rátam dni, nech prejde tento ošiaľ, na spomienky, na strety.
From there, while still counting the days, let this frenzy pass, for memories, for encounters.
Vravím Slipo, toľko nepi.
I'm telling Slipo, don't drink so much.
Ja ďalej hľadal fleky, kde som nebol ešte predtým, išiel som, jak o preteky.
I kept looking for spots where I hadn't been before, I went like it was a race.
Ráno pohľad máš vytretý, celý týždeň doma, radšej nevytiahnem päty.
In the morning your eyes are wiped, I'm home all week, I'd rather not leave.
Ref.: (Tina)
Chorus: (Tina)
Nechaj ma aspoň tento víkend spať, nech sa môžem dať dokopy trochu, kým je čas
Let me sleep at least this weekend, so I can get myself together a little while there's time
Telo bolí, hlava horí, nechaj ma tak, žebrák nechaj ma tak!
My body hurts, my head is burning, leave me alone, you beggar leave me alone!
Čas vypnúť.
Time to turn off.
Počúvaj more, zas sme rozbití, jak orech, je obed, to, čo je, sme od včera hore
Listen, sea, we're broken again, like a nut, it's noon, what is it, we've been up since yesterday
Dojebaná hlava mi nakladá za bolesť, mám autizmus, jak Forest, slabý, jak zlomená
My fucked up head is blaming me for the pain, I have autism, like Forest, weak, like a broken
Holeň, ty vole, tu vôbec nejde o rap, telo, jak choré, pičuje pri každom schode
Shin, man, this is not about rap at all, body like sick, pisses at every step
Aj keď idem stále dole a???, v tento moment fakt neviem, prečo slopem, pľúca pískajú
Even though I'm still going down and???, at this moment I really don't know why I'm sloping, my lungs are whistling
Na protest, jak keby sa blíži koniec v klube Dole.
In protest, as if the end is near in the Dole club.
Vzduch slaný a hustý, jak mŕtve more, oči pália, jak čili, pomaly dochádzajú sily
The air is salty and thick, like the Dead Sea, my eyes burn, like chili, my strength is slowly fading
Vylízané hlavy máme, jak keby sme pili???, pečeň je restovaná, zbytok tela, jak
We have licked heads, as if we were drinking???, liver is roasted, the rest of the body, like
šalát, zas mesto na nás padá, jak vo vetre domček z karát, dýcham, jak keby som
Salad, the city is falling on us again, like a house of cards in the wind, I'm breathing like I'm
Nasal cement na celý barák, keby mám v žalúdku mobil, tak volá na 112.
Inhaled cement for the whole building, if I had a phone in my stomach, it would call 112.
Ref.: (Tina)
Chorus: (Tina)
Nechaj ma aspoň tento víkend spať, nech sa môžem dať dokopy trochu, kým je čas
Let me sleep at least this weekend, so I can get myself together a little while there's time
Telo bolí, hlava horí, nechaj ma tak, žebrák nechaj ma tak!
My body hurts, my head is burning, leave me alone, you beggar leave me alone!
Čas vypnúť.
Time to turn off.
Slnko stoj
Sun stand still
Noc nese tmu, nese tlmený hluk, v podniku na rohu, nejdem dnu, je mi to fuk.
The night carries darkness, carries muffled noise, in the pub on the corner, I'm not going in, I don't give a fuck.
Mladý pár, pár minút sa trú, nemajú kde, no majú pubertu a ja nemám obraz, ani zvuk
A young couple, rubbing against each other for a few minutes, they have nowhere to go, but they have puberty and I have no image, no sound
No mám fľašu a čáry máry fuk.
But I have a bottle and abracadabra fuck it.
Stopercentný sluch, v Prahe na streche, jak duch, kruh najbližších ľudí, zapíjame
One hundred percent hearing, in Prague on the roof, like a ghost, a circle of the closest people, we're drinking to
Melódiu, studený vzduch, sanitky vyjú, moji chalani na to pijú, nočný život na pár
Melody, cold air, ambulances howling, my guys are drinking to it, nightlife for a couple
Minút, ľudia idú do práce, my domov, depresie bijú, no tie pocity sa skryjú v dave
Minutes, people go to work, we go home, depression hits, but those feelings are hidden in the crowd
Zdvihnutých rúk.
Of raised hands.
Nespím, slnko vrhá siete, jak pavúk, zhasni, vráť mi noc, zhasni, vráť mi noc.
I'm not sleeping, the sun casts nets, like a spider, go out, give me back the night, go out, give me back the night.
Pomaly odchádza preč, chcem zastaviť deň, nastaviť tieň, ďalšia noc je zas len nechcený
Slowly fading away, I want to stop the day, set the shadow, another night is just an unwanted
Bezcenný prebdený sen, neviem, či chápeš, jak trápime telá, noc je vždy aj tak
Worthless sleepless dream, I don't know if you understand how we torment our bodies, that night is always great anyway
Vyliate litre, stratené kilá, vypraté mysle, že viac sa nedá.
Spilled liters, lost kilos, washed out minds, that it can't be done anymore.
Stojíš pri dverách, nechápeš nič zo včera, slnko sa zas prediera, prekáža, spať
You're standing at the door, you don't understand anything from yesterday, the sun is breaking through again, it's in the way, sleep
Sa nedá.
Vynechal 4, 5 medál, telo v piči, zrak seká, každá tvár je nadránom bledá, jak stena
Skipped 4, 5 medals, body fucked up, sight is chopping, every face is pale in the morning, like a wall
Len bezduché, rozbité telá.
Just soulless, broken bodies.
čierne svetlo dopadá na zem, biela len na všetkých nohách v hlave, popol z cigariet
black light falls on the ground, white only on all legs in the head, cigarette ash
Je všade, kam padne ti zrak, žiadny balet, skôr bar a kabaret, nikto nevedel, čo
It's everywhere you look, no ballet, more like a bar and cabaret, nobody knew what
Sa stane, pár hodín naspäť nebol to plán, dáme sa fakt len do nálady, panáky, pivá
It will happen, a few hours ago it wasn't the plan, we'll just get in the mood, shots, beers
Pár shotov, žiadne fľaše.
A few shots, no bottles.
O chvíľu zase plán je pasé, zaseknutý v čase, keď ľudia chodia do práce, nadránom
In a moment the plan is over again, stuck in time, when people go to work, in the morning
štípu ma oči, jak keby som dostal do tváre kaser, prázdne pohľady všetkých na seba
My eyes sting as if I had been hit in the face with a helmet, everyone's empty looks at each other
Chladné zase, jak frappé.
Cold again, like frappe.
Zas si ma počká zajtrajšia depka, ktorá teraz šlape.
Tomorrow's depression will wait for me again, which is already stepping on it now.
Nemôže to chápať človek, ktorý nebol ešte hore minimálne 2 dni v kuse, nemôže to
It can't be understood by a person who hasn't been up for at least 2 days straight, it can't be
Chápať človek, ktorý nebol v alkohole, drogách 24 hodín, tucet vplyvov na jednu
Understood by a person who hasn't been on alcohol, drugs for 24 hours, a dozen influences on one
Mozgovú bunku, 2 glgy a nezvládaš byť na slnku, nepomôžu brýle, v tele mám búrku
Brain cell, 2 glg's and you can't handle being in the sun, glasses won't help, I have a storm in my body
Môj žalúdok ma rozviazanú šnúrku, nemôžem jesť, chcem bazén a smiech, vyjeb sa na
My stomach has a loose cord, I can't eat, I want a pool and laughter, fuck you
Mňa, schovaj tie pytle a schovaj skurvenú rúrku.
Me, hide those bags and hide that fucking pipe.
Schovaj ju, chápeš?!
Hide it, do you understand?!
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