DMS feat. Vladimir 518 - Už Mám Dosť - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation DMS feat. Vladimir 518 - Už Mám Dosť

Už Mám Dosť
Already Had Enough
Jasná odpoveď bez otázok,
My answer is clear and I have no questions.
že národ, v ktorom žijem,
The nation I live in
Nemá dávno nárok hodnotiť ma so zamaskovanou tvárou,
Has not been able to judge me with a made-up face,
Nejsom z vás paf, zedli ste mi párok, ja nepatrím k vám, pod váš altánok, hovorím ne, vzácne je,
I am not impressed by you all, and you all really annoy me, I do not belong with you all, below your worshiping site, I say no, it is rare
Keď poviem áno,
When I say yes.
To, čo som videl a zažil stačilo, všetko raz dohorí, jak ciga. naživo nevieš sa správať a nevieš, kto si, všetkým to jebe, sa žerú, jak psy, normálni ľudia sa boja,
All I have seen and experienced has been enough now. Everything will burn away one day like a live cigarette. You are unable to behave yourself and do not know who you are, you’re all crazy, and you’re all consuming one another like dogs, normal people are afraid.
Nechodia von, radšej doma, kvôli kokotom, ako si ty.
They do not go out; they would rather stay home because of your kind.
Neni tu vojna, vyjeb sa na pocity, kapacity sa nerešpektujú, karpinami zalepené oči,
We are not at war. Forget your emotions. We do not respect our capacity. Our eyes are sealed with carp.
Prečo sa normálni ľudia nevedia vzoprieť, radšej zomrie vždy,
Why can’t normal people stand up for themselves? Instead, people always die.
Vraj sa ti nechce hádať,
You say you do not want to argue.
Neviem to chápať,
I do not understand that.
Kukni sa na dejiny,
Look at our history,
Bez vojny neni mier,
If there is no war, there is no peace.
Bez viery neni cieľ,
If there is no faith, there is no purpose.
Bez cieľa neni výhra,
If there is no purpose, there is no victory.
Výhra je tvoj podiel,
Your victory is your portion,
Povedz mi, prečo je to tak,
Tell me, why is this so?
Povedz mi, prečo ti to takto stačí, prečo nechceš byť rád,
Tell me, why are you okay with this?
Prečo si nezobereš to, čo ti patrí?!
Why won’t you take what is yours?!
Začarovaný kruh nemenovaný hod, začína sa výsluch, na chvíľu buď človek,
Our nameless existence is like a revolving door, interrogation has already begun. Come on and be human for a moment.
Nežeriem ti prízvuk,
I am not buying your accent.
Prijebaný prístup, nekrívaj jak kokot, správaj sa, pome! Preto nevieš byť sám sebou, lebo si sám sebou posadnutý, je to tak, preto je s ním a preto nechce byť s tebou, všetko, čo robíš, robíš naopak.
That is such a screwed up approach. Stop acting like an idiot. Let's do this. That is why you cannot be yourself because you are crazy about yourself. That is the reason why you are with him, and that is why you do not want to be with me. Everything you do, you do the opposite.
Začarovaný kruh nemenovaných, začína sa výsluch, na chvíľu buď človek, nežeriem ti prízvuk, prijebaný prístup, nekrívaj jak kokot, správaj sa, pome! Preto nevieš byť sám sebou, lebo si sám sebou posadnutý, je to tak, preto je s ním a preto nechce byť s tebou, všetko, čo robíš, robíš naopak.
Our nameless existence is like a revolving door, interrogation has already begun. Come on and be human for a moment. I am not buying your accent. That is such a screwed up approach. Stop acting like an idiot. Let's do this. That is why you cannot be yourself because you are crazy about yourself. That is the reason why you are with him, and that is why you do not want to be with me. Everything you do, you do the opposite.

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