DMS - Chlap vs. Chlapec / Musíš Sám - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation DMS - Chlap vs. Chlapec / Musíš Sám

Chlap vs. Chlapec / Musíš Sám
Boy vs. Man / You Must Yourself
Život z nás robí to, čo nejsme a nechceme byť.
Life turns us into something we aren't and don't want to be.
Musíš sa naučiť, jak sám chceš žiť.
You've got to learn how you want to live.
Nikto ti nedá návod, nepomôže nič.
Nobody will give you a guidebook, nothing helps.
Nespoliehaj sa na nikoho, je to fakt v piči.
Don't rely on anyone, it's really bad.
Si sám, nikto ti nedá ten rozum, niektoré veci musíš chápať jak posun.
You're alone, nobody will give you that understanding, you've got to understand some things as a movement.
Aj keď to nevyzerá, práve to je osud.
Even if it doesn't look like it, that's exactly fate.
To tie veci, ktoré dopredu ťa kopú.
Those are the things that move you forward.
Aj keď to bolí ale musíš nad tým vyhrať.
Even when it hurts but you have to win over it.
Jak som povedal cháp, život je freestyle.
Like I said, understand, life is freestyle.
Šak vieš sám, s čím, jak musíš vedieť žiť a nikto to nevyrieši si tu len ty, vstaň!
You know, what, how you've got to live with and nobody will solve it here just you, get up!
Keď padáš, to je jediná rada, inak si sám, inak si sama.
When you fall, that's the only advice, otherwise you're alone, otherwise you're alone.
Každý v sebe radar a každý nájde, čo hľadá, keď to naozaj cíti.
Everyone has a radar in them and everyone will find what they are looking for when they really feel it.
Nesmieš to siliť.
You mustn't force it.
Kľud, nádych, výdych.
Calm, inhale, exhale.
Poď, dýchaj!
Come on, breathe!
Cítiš, neni to pýcha.
Feel it, it's not pride.
Musíš vážiť si seba, než si vážiš druhých a vieš zo seba všetko to najlepšie žmýkať.
You've got to value yourself before you value others and you know how to squeeze the best out of yourself.
Čo dáš dostaneš, vtedy nachádzaš význam.
What you give is what you get, that's when you find meaning.
Život nás sáče a ne každý z nás je, taktiež vyvinutý, tak že to chápe...
Life tires us and not every one of us is so developed, so that he/she understands it...
A ne každý zvládne, to čo mu ten osud a nehľadá chybu len tápe, sám v sebe tam,
And not everyone can handle what fate gives him/her and doesn't look for a fault he/she only wanders, there in him/her self,
Kde je zásek a práve nevymotáš sa z toho sám bez tej práce a láme sa nejedna hlava,
Where is the catch and he/she can't get out of it by him/her self without that work and many a head is broken,
Keď nechápe sám, každý z nás celý ten zámer...
When he/she does not understand him/her self, everyone of us the whole intention...
Občas zostávaš a zostávaš sám na rozhodnutia nastáva osobná dráma.
Sometimes you stay and you stay alone for decisions a personal drama occurs.
neni prvá dáma, kráľ zostáva sám a preteká cez okraj vyliata hrádza.
There is no longer a first lady, the king stays alone and an overflowing dam overflows.
Vstávaj, musíš sám sa tam občas hodiť do vody, vtedy najlepšie naučíš sa plávať.
Get up, you have to throw yourself into the water there sometimes, that's when you learn to swim best.
Keď musíš tak kráčaj, bež na tie schody...
When you must then walk, run on those stairs...
Hovorím len metafory aby si ma chápal.
I'm just talking metaphors so that you understand me.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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