DMS - Názov Skladby - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation DMS - Názov Skladby

Názov Skladby
Song Title
Počuješ hej,
Listen up, hey,
Nejsom premrhaný talent,
I'm no wasted talent,
Pozerám na svet,
I look at the world,
Každý deň sa posúvam ďalej,
Every day I move further,
Neni to čas, len
It's not just time,
to roky roboty,
It's years of work,
Udané ciele, hodnoty, furt ale nejsme kokoti,
Set goals, values, but we're still not assholes,
Aj keď to mnohí hovoria,
Even though many say it,
žijem svoj sen, vieš kokot,
I'm living my dream, you know, asshole,
Ja na tom fakt pochop sám makám, a tí, čo to
I'm really working on it myself, and those who
Riešia vážne netrápia ma, nemám čas,
Seriously, they don't bother me, I don't have time,
Desaťkrát viac spravím, jak ten, čo len bedáka.
I do ten times more than the one who just complains.
Kým ma iní niekde riešia,
While others are dealing with me somewhere,
Ja sa sústredím na seba,
I focus on myself,
Mám piči všetky reči,
I don't give a fuck about all the talk,
činy vravia za seba,
Actions speak for themselves,
Miliónkrát som mohol nadávať,
I could have cursed a million times,
No dávam pohov a vstávam pravou nohou,
But I give up and get up on the right foot,
Aby som sa niekam pohol,
To get somewhere,
Ja teraz naozaj viem, čo sa stalo,
I now really know what happened,
Buldozér šoféruje pirát,
The bulldozer is driven by a pirate,
Nejsme tu na rok, ne,
We're not here for a year, no,
Nemierim nadol, ten slalom dám cvalom,
I'm not aiming down, I'll do that slalom at a gallop,
Aj na mol, zavolaj aj na most,
Even drunk, call even on the bridge,
Kámo, spravíme v klube aj halo,
Dude, we'll make a halo in the club,
Som zas tu a mierim na strop,
I'm here again and aiming for the ceiling,
Ne nadol, rozmýšľam hlavou na vzor,
Not down, I think with my head as an example,
Vlastný názor natrvalo, kým mám čas,
My own opinion forever, while I have time,
Snažím sa dať všetko ľahko zadnou ľavou,
I try to do everything easily with my back left,
Nech rysuje sa budúcnosť,
Let the future be drawn,
Za sto, jak Karol! DMS!
At a hundred, like Karol! DMS!
Milión kilometrov za nami
A million kilometers behind us
A furt nejsme sklamaní,
And we're still not disappointed,
Stále istí chalani,
Still the same guys,
čo nosia tepláky,
who wear sweatpants,
Je mi jedno,
I don't care,
Mám čo chcem, lietam, jak kanárik,
I have what I want, I fly like a canary,
Minca s dvomi stranami,
A coin with two sides,
Ale idem bez pretvárky.
But I go without pretense.
Zapíjame úspech,
We drink to success,
No cesta bola dlhá,
But the road was long,
Furt máme čo povedať,
We still have something to say,
Nejsme vata, ty čurák!
We're not cotton wool, you asshole!
A furt neviem, čo sa stalo
And I still don't know what happened
Tuna u nás,
Here with us,
No špiny ma chcú schalovať,
But the dirt wants to frame me,
Jak burák. hip hop hurá,
Like a peanut. hip hop hooray,
Za to, že robím rap,
For doing rap,
živý terč, jak kura,
Living target, like a chicken,
Choď do piče,
Go to hell,
Do očí, ty nula!
To the eyes, you zero!
Hejtklub 5,
Hate club 5,
Majk ček čik pam,
Mike check chik pam,
Na hlavu koruna,
Crown on the head,
A vraj moja hudba nemá žiadny odkaz,
And they say my music has no message,
Pozerám na svet,
I look at the world,
čo nechce žiadny odkaz, bodka!
That doesn't want any message, period!
Stojím chrbtom
I stand with my back
A vy sa môžete aj dosrať,
And you can even shit yourself,
Stroskotaný slabý kus,
Wrecked weak piece,
Z piráta ostala kostra,
Only a skeleton remains of the pirate,
A je nesrmteľný a chodí ťa strašiť hudbou,
And he is immortal and comes to haunt you with music,
piči, čo si o tom myslia vaši,
He doesn't give a fuck what your parents think,
With a knife
Bodá do slabiny studený svet,
He stabs the cold world in the groin,
So smutnou tvárou sa zleje ruskou
With a sad face, he gets drunk with Russian
ľudia pomýlení a to zlé je, hrotia trpezlivosť,
People are confused and the bad thing is, they push patience,
kým sa nepreleje,
Until it overflows,
Kým máš čas, váž si, čo máš!
While you have time, appreciate what you have!
Nejeb všetko, je jak byť,
Don't fuck everything up, it's as it should be,
čas beží, kym nedozreje.
Time runs until it matures.
Mám rád poslanie a odkaz odovzdaný tu bez kriku,
I like the mission and the message delivered here without shouting,
Všetko je, jak byť,
Everything is as it should be,
Ružové brýle vec zvyku,
Rose-colored glasses are a matter of habit,
žijem v noci, divný pocit,
I live at night, a strange feeling,
Na sto percent neviem nič,
I know nothing for sure,
nejsú 90té,
It's not the 90s anymore,
že musím chrbtom držať piču,
That I have to hold a bitch with my back,
Ne, milujem hudbu, spomienky milión,
No, I love music, a million memories,
Neplávam nikdy ku dnu, ne,
I never swim to the bottom, no,
žiadna pretvárka,
No pretense,
Nejsom ten,
I'm not the one,
Ktorý vytiahne kudlu,
Who will pull out the knife here,
že. naučil som sa z rodiny neveriť,
That. I learned from my family not to trust,
Vedieť sa v správny čas uhnúť,
To be able to dodge at the right time,
život neni len vata,
Life is not just cotton wool,
Aby ťa nevypol niekto, jak hudbu.
So that someone doesn't turn you off like music.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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