Dabu Fantastic - Lied - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dabu Fantastic - Lied

Ussert das Lied
Bring out the song
Wo isch das Lied?
Where is the song?
Wo so wi damals immer da isch
Where has it been all this time
Wenn alls andre nüt meh bringt
When nothing else seems to matter
Wo isch das Lied?
Where is the song?
Wo immer d Rettig gsi isch
Where it always used to be
Beschti Medizin, wenn nüt meh glingt
The perfect medicine when nothing else will do
Ussert das Lied
Bring out the song
Wo isch das Lied?
Where is the song?
Wo so wi damals immer da isch
Where has it been all this time
Wenn alls andre nüt meh bringt
When nothing else seems to matter
Wo isch das Lied?
Where is the song?
Wo immer d Rettig gsi isch
Where it always used to be
Beschti Medizin, wenn nüt meh glingt
The perfect medicine when nothing else will do
Ich wott das Lied, wo mer guet tuet
I want the song that makes me feel better
Das Lied, wo mi heilt
The song that heals me
Das Lied wi damals dihei
The song like back home
Won i ganz ällei im Garte
When I was all alone in the garden
Gwartet han uf si
Waiting for you
Und es isch gar niemert cho
And no one ever came
Ussert das Lied
Except for the song
Ussert das Lied
Except for the song
Wo isch das Lied?
Where is the song?
Wo so wi damals wider das isch
Like it used to be back then
Wo du immer lüüter singsch oh
When you would always sing louder oh
Isch das das Lied?
Is this the song?
Wo immer das isch, wo du gsuecht häsch
Wherever it is, that's where you've been searching
Au wenn du susch nüt meh findsch
Even if you can't find anything else
Will nüt hilft
Because nothing helps
Ussert das Lied
Except for the song
Si isch gange, aber niemert isch cho ussert das Lied
She's gone, but no one has come except for the song
Niemert verstaht das, niemert git mer es Ohr ussert das Lied
No one understands, no one listens except for the song
Nie wi all andere und niemert isch so ussert das Lied
Never like everyone else and no one is like except for the song
Es gaht nie ganz ohni Lied oh ussert das Lied
It never happens without a song oh except for the song
Nie ganz ohni canzoni
Never without a song
Ussert das Lied
Except for the song
Nume das Lied
Only the song

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