Dagmar Patrasová - Komáři se ženili - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dagmar Patrasová - Komáři se ženili

Komáři se ženili
Mosquitos Got Married
Komáři se ženili
Mosquitos got married
Bzum, bzum, ženili
Buzz, buzz, got married
Kapky vína neměli
They had no drops of wine
Bzum, bzum, neměli
Buzz, buzz, had no drops
Přiletěl k nim slavíček
A nightingale flew to them
Bzum, bzum, slavíček
Buzz, buzz, nightingale
Přines vína žejdlíček
Brought a jug of wine
Bzum, bzum, žejdlíček
Buzz, buzz, jug of wine
Komáři se opili
Mosquitos got drunk
Bzum, bzum, opili
Buzz, buzz, got drunk
komára zabili
And they killed a mosquito
Bzum, bzum, zabili
Buzz, buzz, killed a mosquito
Komár leží v komoře
The mosquito lies in the chamber
Bzum, bzum, v komoře
Buzz, buzz, in the chamber
Muška pláče na dvoře
The fly cries in the yard
Bzum, bzum, na dvoře
Buzz, buzz, in the yard
Neplač, muško, co ti je
Don't cry, fly, what's the matter
Bzum, bzum, co ti je
Buzz, buzz, what's the matter
Však ti komár ožije
The mosquito will come to life
Bzum, bzum, ožije
Buzz, buzz, will come to life
Těžké jeho ožití
It's hard, hard to bring him around
Bzum, bzum, ožití
Buzz, buzz, to bring him around
Když je na smrt zabitý
When he's killed to death
Bzum, bzum, zabitý
Buzz, buzz, killed to death

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