Dalsin feat. Alaska & Froid - Prenúncios - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Dalsin feat. Alaska & Froid - Prenúncios

Prenúncios (Premonitions)
Começou na reunião escolar
It started at the school meeting
Das treta do lar pra terapia
From home quarrels to therapy
Que rimar era coisa que não dava dinheiro eu ouvia e sorria
That rhyming was something that didn't bring money, I just listened and smiled
era de uns dias tinha alforria
It was already a few days, I already had freedom
O fiho da puta do Collor tinha metido o com a grana da maioria
The son of a bitch Collor had already taken off with most people's money
Magrelo cabia no canto da sala na maior dos dias
Skinny fit in the corner of the room most days
Encostava de jeans no carro do Rafa e a porrada comia
Leaned in jeans on Rafa's car and the fight ate
Eu nunca tive irmã pra ver as amigas em casa dançando é o Tchan
I never had a sister to see my friends at home dancing É o Tchan
Colei no meu irmão vi o nosso amigo usar em si o próprio oitão
I hung out with my brother, saw our friend use his own eight on himself
Temporada de vilão pipa rodava a disparar coração
Villain season, kite spinning, heart racing
Eu caía na roda brigava era foda de pau e pedra na mão
I fell in the wheel, fought, it was awesome with stick and stone in hand
Pra nóis era mamão
For us it was a big papaya
Beijava as minas da escola do lado do latão
Kissed the girls at the school next to the trash can
Foda que a filha da puta tinha irmão, falava que não
Fuck that the daughter of a bitch had a brother, said no
Era final de abril festa primeiro de maio
It was the end of April, May Day party
Zero seis dois mil eu era o homem do gol
Zero six two thousand I was the man of the goal
Que ainda rodava bombril e apanhava de fio mas foi por um fio
Who still spun steel wool and got beaten with wire, but it was by a thread
Um dos primeiros beck que a viatura subiu
One of the first blunts the patrol car went up
Fez nós engolir a única baga que tava ali depois sumiu
Made us swallow the only berry that was there then disappeared
Veio a era do giz saí pra pichar de BMX
The era of chalk came, I went out to paint with BMX
A única mina da rua que nunca quis ninguém um dia me quis
The only girl on the street who never wanted anyone one day wanted me
Foi tipo rebote passei pro abate de escova sorriso creme colgate
It was like a rebound, I went to slaughter with a brush, smile, Colgate cream
Na viela onde a bola rolava era tarde eu usei coisas a parte
In the alley where the ball rolled it was late, I used things aside
Lembro bem dessa tarde
I remember this afternoon well
Santana subiu jogou o farol no vazio
Santana went up, threw the headlight into the void
Eu reparei uma mina quando olhei sentada no meio fio
I noticed a girl when I looked sitting on the curb
Doi mil e g cinco engraçado quando vai dar merda eu sempre sinto
Two thousand and five funny when shit's gonna happen I always feel
Tipo quem era daqui sabia que o plano era esse eu não minto
Like who was from here knew the plan was this I'm not lying
Painel de 2 din vidro limpim polidão
2 din panel, clean glass, polished
Esses caras nunca fez questão de apertar minha mão
These guys never cared to shake my hand
Anel de masson chave da mansão passou rapidaço
Masonic ring, mansion key, passed by quickly
Eu vi pelo retrovisor de ladrão
I saw through the thief's rearview mirror
Onde liga a lanterna, Luis Fernando nossa amizade é eterna
Where you turn on the flashlight, Luis Fernando, our friendship is eternal
Os dias tavam sombrios eu não aguentava minhas próprias pernas
The days were already dark, I couldn't stand my own legs
No flipe sem lei isso é a única coisa que eu sei
In the lawless flip, that's the only thing I know
Que também perdi a lata de linha ali então nunca mosquei
That I also lost the line can there so I never mosqueed
De bike sem lei loucão de corote com Dolly
Crazy lawless bike of corote with Dolly
A receita do demo a bebida dos reis
The devil's recipe, the kings' drink
Futebol de xadrez, briga na rua marcava na quadra
Chess football, street fight, marked there on the court
Por que por onde fugir eu sei
Because I know where to run away
Por que eu nunca mandei meu padrasto tomar no cu?
Why didn't I ever tell my stepfather to go fuck himself?
Porra mosquei
Damn mosqueed
Era eu e Diego quando não tinha ego
It was me and Diego when there was no ego
Nós pousava nas minas, chinelo com prego
We landed on the girls, slippers with nails
O bairro mais traiçoeiro eu nem sabia que seria o primeiro
The most treacherous neighborhood, I didn't even know it would be the first
A mete o louco e voltar de carro importado bolso cheio de dinheiro
To go crazy and come back in an imported car with pockets full of money
Foda saber que ainda hoje posso contar com você
Fuck knowing that even today I can count on you
Se realizar é sorrir relembrar é viver
To realize is to smile, to remember is to live
Procurem saber quem era nós na quadra
Find out who we were on the court
Sala 7ºB eu liguei o lado B não era mais BBB
Room 7ºB I turned on side B it was no longer BBB
Eu tava na B primeiro a ter arma de fogo e maconha pra vender
I was already in B, the first to have a firearm and marijuana to sell

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