Daniel Hare - Animal - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Daniel Hare - Animal

Este es mi animal
This is my animal
Dice lo que yo no quiero
It says what I don't want
O no puedo o quiero pero no me atrevo
Or I can't or want but I don't dare
No te va a gustar, no te va a gustar
You won't like it, you won't like it
Este es mi animal
This is my animal
A un centímetro de mi perímetro
An inch from my perimeter
Celos y odio a quien invade
Jealousy and hatred of anyone who invades
Su territorio
His territory
Y anda en libertad
And he walks free
Lo debería matar, lo debería matar
I should kill him, I should kill him
Cómo matarle si cree en más que nadie
How to kill him if he believes in me more than anyone
Incansable en el oleaje del rechazo salvaje
Tireless in the waves of wild rejection
Si hace imposibles porque no sabe que no es posible
If he does the impossible because he doesn't know it's not possible
Ante la lógica de que mi vida no es sostenible
Given the logic that my life is not sustainable
Este es mi animal
This is my animal
Dentro del laberinto de mi instinto
Inside the labyrinth of my instinct
Se cree distinto aunque sospecho
He thinks he's different, although I suspect
Que sólo es uno más
That he's just one more
Y que hay muchos más
That there are many more
Este es mi animal
This is my animal
Insaciable, insociable
Insatiable, unsociable
No es fiable no le hables
Don't trust him, don't talk to him
Es que aún no sabes
It's just that you don't know yet,
Le das brutalmente igual
He brutally doesn't care about you
Lo debería matar, lo debería matar
I should kill him, I should kill him
Cómo matarle si cree en más que nadie
How to kill him if he believes in me more than anyone
Incansable en el oleaje del rechazo salvaje
Tireless in the waves of wild rejection
Si hace imposibles porque no sabe que no es posible
If he does the impossible because he doesn't know it's not possible
Ante la lógica de que mi vida no es sostenible
Given the logic that my life is not sustainable
Este es mi animal
This is my animal
Crees que me conoces
You think you know me
Hay en más voces
There are more voices in me
Esconden feroces
Hide the ferocious ones
Secretos atroces
Atrocious secrets
Entre mi bondad
Amidst my kindness
Entre mi bondad
Amidst my kindness
No lo dejes entrar
Don't let him in
No lo dejes entrar
Don't let him in
No lo dejes entrar
Don't let him in
No lo dejes entrar
Don't let him in
Este es mi animal
This is my animal
Este es mi animal
This is my animal
No me deja cantar más
He won't let me sing anymore

Writer(s): Jeffrey Allen Ament, Stone C. Gossard, Eddie Jerome Vedder, David Abbruzzese, Michael David Mccready

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