Dbo feat. B-Free & Jeremy Quest - New World - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dbo feat. B-Free & Jeremy Quest - New World

New World
New World
구름을 타고 나갈게
I'll fly away on a cloud
그래 하려다 말았대
Yeah, I was about to do it
그래 했어 나약해
Yeah, I said I was weak
살아남았어 감사해
I'm alive, thank you
바다보다 산만해
I'm more distracted than the ocean
위로 올라 가야해
I have to go up
올라가야 호흡곤란
I have to go up, breathing difficulties
오다가다 오락가락
Coming and going, up and down
북극성 쳐다봐 뻥끗
Look at the North Star and gape
잘못하면 방아쇠 산타처럼 빨간색
If I make a mistake, the trigger is red like Santa
이해 이해 이해 시계위에 비행
Understand, understand, understand, fly above the clock
원숭이 엉덩이는 빨개
Monkey's butt is red
손오공사오정저팔계 심장을 따라가
Follow Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, and Pigsy's heart
내가어딨냐고 여자
Where am I? Your girl's mouth
양보할게 양보다
I'll concede defeat
엄마 찾아 어린 양이
A lost lamb looking for his mother
필요한건 마음의 양식
What I need is spiritual nourishment
수준 높은 가사가
Your high-level lyrics are food
차원이 다른
I'm a god from another dimension
나있어 꺼야
With me, you'll live
Imma buy that shit dash
Imma buy that shit dash
구름을 타고 나갈게
I'll fly away on a cloud
그래 하려다 말았대
Yeah, I was about to do it
그래 했어 나약해
Yeah, I said I was weak
살아남았어 감사해
I'm alive, thank you
바다보다 산만해
I'm more distracted than the ocean
위로 올라 가야해
I have to go up
파도를 타지 사막에
I don't ride the waves, I'm in the desert
미안해 먼저 갈께
I'm sorry, I'll go first
Ain't no way that you can stop me
Ain't no way that you can stop me
Hit it, then pass it like stockton
Hit it, then pass it like Stockton
Out in Shanghai, what's happenin'
Out in Shanghai, what's happening
필요해 녹색 와사비
I need green wasabi
양탄자 타고 날어
I fly on an African elephant
Feel like aladdin 모든 열려라 참께
Feel like Aladdin, open all the doors together
눈을 깜빡하니까 바닥이 말라
I blinked again and the floor is dry
하다가 말다가 다시 말아
I do it, I don't do it, I do it again
숨을 참지 바다 싱싱해 팔딱팔딱
Hold my breath, the ocean is fresh, splash
깨끗한 이와 너무나 차가워
Clean eyes and teeth, so cold
주변에 눈빛이 너무나 차가워
The eyes around me are so cold
주변에 모두다 상어
All around me are sharks
하지만 걱정 한손에 잡어
But don't worry, I'll catch them with one hand
언제나 반가운 소식
It's always good news
일어나 먹어 조식
Wake up and eat breakfast again
Blowing on killah like John Wick
Blowing on killah like John Wick
신선한 salad fresh cook salman
Fresh salad, fresh cook, Salman
먹어 절대로 shit
I never eat cheap shit
통해 그들의 상식 통해 그들의 방식
I don't get their common sense, I don't get their ways
I don't know, shit, don't call me
I don't know, shit, don't call me
몰라 몰라 no comment
I don't know, no comment
하루 종일 태워 비워버린 휴지통
All day long, burning, emptying the trash
BlBlow on my 휴지두
BlBlow on my tissue
먹은 것들은 도로 뱉어
I spit out what I eat
But I'm wasted as fuck
But I'm wasted as fuck
Empty head
선을 긋고 돌아와서 in my zone
Draw a line, come back, in my zone
모르는 번호는 ringing the phone
Unknown numbers are ringing the phone
Hang up the call, then tell him I'm gone
Hang up the call, then tell him I'm gone
Rest in peace too cbs in my lungs
Rest in peace too cbs in my lungs
바보 멍청이
Why are you so stupid, idiot?
Why you tryin' to fuckin preach
Why you tryin' to fuckin' preach?
Ding dong ditch fuck the snitch
Ding dong ditch fuck the snitch
Lifes a bitch yeah I know
Life's a bitch yeah I know
어디든 man I'm gone
Wherever you are, man I'm gone
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Gotta go, gotta go now, I gotta leave
Gotta go, gotta go now, I gotta leave
디보형 구름타고 let me free
Dbohyung rides the clouds, let me free
수상스키 수상해
Water skiing, you're suspicious
유통기간 지나 상해
Sales period over, Shanghai
입힐 있어
Can wear it
하늘위로 비상해
Flying up to the sky
개념이 없어 진상해
No concept, reality
그녀의 기분 이상해
Her mood is weird
글자 한자 상상해
Imagine one character, one character
어머나 어머나 세상에
Oh my, oh my, the world
구름을 타고 나갈게
I'll fly away on a cloud
그래 하려다 말았대
Yeah, I was about to do it
그래 했어 나약해
Yeah, I said I was weak
살아남았어 감사해
I'm alive, thank you
바다보다 산만해
I'm more distracted than the ocean
위로 올라 가야해
I have to go up
Let it hit 우산을 준비해
Let it hit, get the umbrella ready
머리 위에서 비가 내리니
It's raining over my head
김치 붉은색 피를 부어
Kimchi, red, pour blood
Green cabbage
Green cabbage
I hop on it, she ask my girl out bitch
I hop on it, she ask my girl out bitch
Take it easy, take care
Take it easy, take care

Dbo feat. B-Free & Jeremy Quest - 세상에
date of release

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