Delik - Rútim Sa K Zemi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Delik - Rútim Sa K Zemi

Rútim Sa K Zemi
I'm Falling to the Ground
Rútim sa k zemi a robím chyby v páde,
I'm falling to the ground and making mistakes in the fall,
V ruke whisky v lade a moje city v lade,
Whiskey in my hand, ice cold, and my emotions are cool,
Zmrznuté srdce puká pri dopade,
My frozen heart breaks on impact,
Pri orgazme horí celý svet, neni cesty späť!
The whole world burns during an orgasm, there's no turning back!
Rútim sa k zemi a robím chyby v páde,
I'm falling to the ground and making mistakes in the fall,
V ruke whisky v lade a moje city v lade,
Whiskey in my hand, ice cold, and my emotions are cool,
Zmrznuté srdce puká pri dopade,
My frozen heart breaks on impact,
Pri orgazme horí celý svet!
The whole world burns during an orgasm!
Bejby, povedz mi prečo to robíš.
Baby, tell me why you're doing this.
Povedz mi prečo za ním chodíš.
Tell me why you're going after him.
Nie, nechcem vedieť prečo to robíš. Pravda je to, čoho sa bojím.
No, I don't want to know why you're doing this. The truth is what I'm afraid of.
Som v nejakom klube v cudzom meste,
I'm in some club in a strange city,
Moje aj tvoje myšlienky hriešne. Na
My thoughts and yours are sinful. It
Jlepšie chutí to čo sa nesmie, ako z toho von, asi MAHAAA.
Tastes better what shouldn't be, how to get out of this, probably MAHAAA.
Život je krátky a my chceme žiť, noc je mladá a my budeme piť.
Life is short and we want to live, the night is young and we'll drink.
Nechceme byť tu chceme uletieť preč. DJ toč ten shit, kým bude deň.
We don't want to be here, we want to fly away. DJ play that shit until it's daytime.
Panáky do dna nech zabudneme, dvere za tým bullshitom zabuchneme.
Shots to the bottom, let's forget, slam the door on that bullshit.
A nemyslím na to čo bude potom a nie, nechce sa mi domov.
And I'm not thinking about what will be later, and no, I don't want to go home.
Rútim sa k zemi a robím chyby v páde,
I'm falling to the ground and making mistakes in the fall,
V ruke whisky v lade a moje city v lade,
Whiskey in my hand, ice cold, and my emotions are cool,
Zmrznuté srdce puká pri dopade,
My frozen heart breaks on impact,
Pri orgazme horí celý svet, neni cesty späť!
The whole world burns during an orgasm, there's no turning back!
Rútim sa k zemi a robím chyby v páde,
I'm falling to the ground and making mistakes in the fall,
V ruke whisky v lade a moje city v lade,
Whiskey in my hand, ice cold, and my emotions are cool,
Zmrznuté srdce puká pri dopade,
My frozen heart breaks on impact,
Pri orgazme horí celý svet!
The whole world burns during an orgasm!
Rozdala si sa tomu zmrdovi, v noci sme živí, divokí, cez deň mŕtvoly.
You gave yourself to that asshole, we're alive, wild at night, corpses during the day.
Ešte raz to sprav a zakrútim ti krkom bitch, p
Do it again and I'll twist your neck, bitch, p
Olícia nájde na zemi dve mŕtvoly. To
olice will find two corpses on the ground. That
Nikdy nespravím, prečo to vravím, to nikdy nespálim, prečo to balím.
I'll never do, why am I saying this, I'll never burn this, why am I packing it.
Vo vnútri seba hľadám seba, ale vlastne hľadám teba, neviem kde si.
Inside myself I'm searching for myself, but actually I'm looking for you, I don't know where you are.
Som v tom po krk,
I'm in it up to my neck,
Neviem sa vyhrabať a dosť mocne sa obávam dňa keď príde výplata.
I can't dig myself out, and I'm very afraid of the day when payday comes.
Keď ma vyplatia, budú to červené čísla, budím
When they pay me, it will be red numbers, I wake
Sa vedla teba v noci, neviem kedy si prišla.
Up next to you at night, I don't know when you came.
A to ma tak trochu trápi,
And that kinda bothers me,
Ale poriadny hlod z flašky mi pohladí moje jazvy.
But a good swig from the bottle soothes my scars.
A moje rany niesú vidieť, pomaly umieram, kým ty spíš pri mne.
And my wounds are not visible, I'm slowly dying while you sleep next to me.
Rútim sa k zemi a robím chyby v páde,
I'm falling to the ground and making mistakes in the fall,
V ruke whisky v lade a moje city v lade,
Whiskey in my hand, ice cold, and my emotions are cool,
Zmrznuté srdce puká pri dopade,
My frozen heart breaks on impact,
Pri orgazme horí celý svet, neni cesty späť!
The whole world burns during an orgasm, there's no turning back!
Rútim sa k zemi a robím chyby v páde,
I'm falling to the ground and making mistakes in the fall,
V ruke whisky v lade a moje city v lade,
Whiskey in my hand, ice cold, and my emotions are cool,
Zmrznuté srdce puká pri dopade,
My frozen heart breaks on impact,
Pri orgazme horí celý svet!
The whole world burns during an orgasm!
A ja som s ňou, no ona nieje moja, patrí inému, čaká ju niekde doma.
And I'm with her, but she's not mine, she belongs to another, she's waiting for him at home somewhere.
A ja ju držím v náručí je mokrá, chorá, dobrá, naše pe
And I hold her in my arms, she's wet, sick, good, our pe
Ry sa stretnú a elektrina prejde po nás.
ry meet and electricity runs through us.
Domorodé tance, šelmy v džungly štýl, nízk
Native dances, beasts in the jungle style, low
Y oblek, vosk na koži v ruke krucifix.
Suit, wax on the skin, crucifix in hand.
Okej možno som blázon no tohto musím ísť, čo d
Okay, maybe I'm crazy, but I have to go, what d
O hajzlu mi dali do kolísky tie sudičky.
id the fates put in my cradle.
Som sám vo vlaku, netuším kam sa veziem, po
I'm alone on the train, I don't know where I'm going, af
Maly blednem a graffity na stene,
ter all I fade and graffiti on the wall,
Posledný vzdušný bozk pošlem tebe, chy
I'll send you my last air kiss, ca
ť ho a zahoď ho, ja viem že som bol dement.
tch it and throw it away, I know I was an idiot.
Viem že som bol v tebe a bolo to fresh, teraz je všetko preč, ty
I know I was in you and it was fresh, now everything is gone, you
Máš niekde sex, j
're having sex somewhere, j
A mám niekde sex no všetko čo chcem si ty, po
ust like I'm having sex somewhere, but all I want is you, I'm
Chybujem že ma niekto spokladá, som rozbitý!
Mistaken that someone will put me together, I'm broken!

Writer(s): Michal Pastorok

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