Desire - Memoranda Luka - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Desire - Memoranda Luka

Memoranda Luka
Luka Remembrance
Dedaun berserakan
Scattered leaves
Di atas bumi basah
On the wet ground
Berlinang air mata
Soaked with tears
Si perindu yang malang
The wretched longing one
Dilihat sekelilingnya
Looks around her
Suria masih memancar
The sun still shines
Burung yang berkicauan
Birds sing
Seolah tak hiraukan
As if they don't care
Dia ...
About her ...
Harapan bertaburan
Hopes scattered
Di ruang tak bernisan
In the unmarked space
Hatinya memberontak
Her heart rebels
Yang berwajahkan retak
With a cracked face
Memoranda asmara
Love notes
Telah jemu dibaca
Have become tired of being read
Hanya menambah sebak
Only adding to the sorrow
Luka di dalam dada
The wound in her chest
Dia ...
Her ...
Termenung di atas bangku basah
Daydreaming on a wet bench
Walaupun hujan telah pun reda
Even though the rain has stopped
Tapi tidak di hatinya masih gelora
But not in her heart, still turbulent
Yang terbentang sukma
That spans her soul
Dia ...
Her ...
Gelombang pantai berombak hatinya
The waves of the beach crash like her heart
Ingin rasanya dikabarkan pada dunia
She wishes the world knew
Walau ia sedar itu hanya mimpi
Even though she knows it's just a dream
Yang 'kan menyerang
That will attack
Seandainya terus begini
If this continues
Sebuah sketsa rindu
A sketch of longing
Yang berirama pilu
With a rhythm of sorrow
Di ruang yang bergema
In a room that echoes
Bagaikan halilintar
Like thunder
Didongaknya ke langit
She looks up at the sky
Mendung bertandang lagi
The clouds are gathering again
Dengan hati yang pedih
With a heavy heart
Dia melangkah pergi
She walks away
Termenung di atas bangku basah
Daydreaming on a wet bench
Walaupun hujan telah pun reda
Even though the rain has stopped
Tapi tidak di hatinya
But not in her heart
Masih gelora yang menghantam sukma
Still a storm that's crashing her soul
Dia ...
Her ...
Berombak pantai, berombak hatinya
The beach, her heart, both breaking in waves
Ingin rasanya dikabarkan pada dunia
She wishes the world knew
Walau ia sedar itu hanya mimpi
Even though she knows it's just a dream
Yang' kan menyerang seandainya terus begini
That will attack if this continues

Writer(s): Zainol Ali

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