Dino Merlin - Ako Me Ikada Srenes - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dino Merlin - Ako Me Ikada Srenes

Ako Me Ikada Srenes
If You Ever Meet Me
Ako me ikada sretneš
If you ever meet me
U ovom ukletom gradu
In this cursed city
Ostani mirno
Stay calm
Na istoj strani pločnika
On the same side of the sidewalk
Ne stavljaj ruke na lice
Don't put your hands on your face
Nemaš što od mene kriti
You have nothing to hide from me
Glavu gore
Head up
Nama je ljubav lozinka
Love is our password
Ne pitaj je li pravedno
Don't ask if it's fair
Što nas je prekrio mrak
That darkness has covered us
Ni to što nismo zajedno
It's not that we're not together
Pusti suzu, daj mi znak
Drop a tear, give me a sign
Da još nije prestalo
That it's not over yet
Da nikad neće prestati
That it will never end
Mogu proći stoljeća
Centuries may pass
Mogu ti i umrijeti
I may even die
A ti me nisi prestala
But you have not stopped
I nikad nećeš prestati
And will never stop
Ljeta, zime, proljeća
Summers, winters, springs
Za tebe ću živjeti
For you, I will live
I pjevati
And sing
Ljubav je slijepa i luda
Love is blind and crazy
Ne zna za boga ni suda
Doesn't know about God or judgment
Al′ lijepo pjeva
But sings beautifully
I lijepo dušu odjeva
And dresses the soul beautifully
Ako me ikada sretneš
If you ever meet me
Ne stavljaj ruke na lice
Don't put your hands on your face
Stavi smijeh
Put a smile
I stare razglednice
And old postcards
Ne pitaj je li pravedno
Don't ask if it's fair
Što nas je prekrio mrak
That darkness has covered us
Ni to što nismo zajedno
It's not that we're not together
Pusti suzu, daj mi znak
Drop a tear, give me a sign
Da još nije prestalo
That it's not over yet
Da nikad neće prestati
That it will never end
Mogu proći stoljeća
Centuries may pass
Mogu ti i umrijeti
I may even die
A ti me nisi prestala
But you have not stopped
I nikad nećeš prestati
And will never stop
Ljeta, zime, proljeća
Summers, winters, springs
Za tebe ću živjeti
For you, I will live
I pjevati
And sing

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