Djecaci - H323 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Djecaci - H323

MC Vojko Vrućina
MC Vojko Vrućina
Jedan takav Vojko čući u svima
A Vojko like this lurks in everyone
Vlakom do knina, busom u perković
By train to Knin, by bus to Perković
Svezanih očiju pješke do sinja
Blindfolded, on foot to Sinj
Dila sam doga, donnia sam darka
I dealt Doga, I dealt Darko
Patka sam ponija, ponia sam patka
I'm a duck to a pony, a pony to a duck
Krema se sprema, skačem iz drače
The cream is getting ready, I jump out of the bramble
Sa mačem toliko oštrim da ga nema
With a sword so sharp it doesn't exist
Mušice u glavi, mačići u savi
Flies in my head, kittens in the bend
Svlačim te u hipu, gaćice u travi
I undress you in a flash, panties in the grass
Svačime se bavim, nađi me u menzi
I do everything, find me in the cafeteria
Hrana nije fensi, ali začine joj stavim
The food isn't fancy, but I spice it up
Loš je duši, ali dobar je šahu
He's bad at soul, but good at chess
Beba je u kući, soba je u mraku
The baby is in the house, the room is dark
Film na ekranu, dim je u zraku
Movie on the screen, smoke in the air
Dodirnem ti ruku, žvačem žvaku
I touch your hand, chewing gum
Mali vazali nazalnih vokala
Small vassals of nasal vocals
Slomljeni bokali na podu lokala
Broken jugs on the floor of the bar
Letim kroz vrijeme, sjajim ka fenjer
I fly through time, shining like a lantern
U 2007. MC turgenjev
In 2007, MC Turgenev
Sadim sumnju u srcu scene
Planting doubt in the heart of the scene
Tvornički beatovi i stihovi od pjene
Factory beats and verses of foam
Sklizavi likovi izlaze iz sjene
Slippery characters emerge from the shadows
Sklizavi likovi izlaze iz sjene
Slippery characters emerge from the shadows
Sherlock i watson, zagor i čiko
Sherlock and Watson, Zagor and Chico
Batman i robin, thompson i tiho
Batman and Robin, Thompson and Tiho
Riječ majci, dječaci u stanu
Word to mother, boys in the apartment
Stavim low gravity i bacim bananu
I put on low gravity and throw a banana
Tupak, tripak, tetrapak vina
Tupac, tripack, tetrapak of wine
Runda rakije, bunda od dupina
Round of brandy, dolphin fur coat
Palimo trube, palimo bine
We light trumpets, we light stages
Stanemo u opuzen krast mandarine
We stop in Opuzen to steal tangerines
Bekend, forhend, skinhed igra
Backend, forehand, skinhead game
Radimo torbe od albino tigra
We make bags from albino tiger
Big up! Big up! Bigamija bejbe
Big up! Big up! Bigamy baby
Zakrvavim sve ša stavim na sebe
I bloody everything I put on myself
Rime krvavice, sirovi pjesnici
Rhymes blood sausages, raw poets
Pjesme ti dilam na kilo u mesnici
I deal you songs by the kilo in the butcher shop
Jebem ti mamu, mamu ti jebem
Fuck your mom, I fuck your mom
Mamojebena glazba za bebe!
Motherfucking music for babies!
Sidim u mazdi isprid gazdinog stana
I'm sitting in the Mazda in front of the boss's apartment
Gori vatra, vrag iza volana
Fire is burning, devil behind the wheel
U očima odsjaj s plazma ekrana
In the eyes, the reflection from the plasma screen
Pod noktima plaze tragovi oktana
Traces of octane crawl under the nails
Noćima gaze ceste balkana
At night, the roads of the Balkans are trampled
Nijanse crne boje su hrana
Shades of black are food
Crne navike za crne ratnike
Black habits for black warriors
Crvi panike za crne jadnike
Worms of panic for black wretches
Ivanova livada, ivanova trava
Ivan's meadow, Ivan's grass
Vojkova giljotina, ivanova glava
Vojko's guillotine, Ivan's head
Strava i užas, užas i strava
Horror and terror, terror and horror
U posljednji čas vadim as iz rukava
At the last moment, I pull an ace out of my sleeve
As kupa, trica špadi
Ace of cups, three of spades
četvorka dinara, pica se hladi
Four of diamonds, pizza is getting cold
žlica je vruća, kuća bez vrata
The spoon is hot, the house without a door
Tata, tata, šta ta kmica radi?
Dad, dad, what is that kmica doing?
Ovaj vikend će bit sjeban
This weekend will be fucked up
Još nije ni počea
It hasn't even started yet
Al kad počne
But when it starts
Biće već vikend
It will already be the weekend
Ovaj vikend će bit sjeban
This weekend will be fucked up
Još nije ni počea
It hasn't even started yet
Al kad počne
But when it starts
Biće već vikend
It will already be the weekend
Ovaj vikend će bit sjeban
This weekend will be fucked up
Još nije ni počea
It hasn't even started yet
Al kad počne
But when it starts
Biće već vikend
It will already be the weekend
(Psh, trsh tsh tsh, pew pew)
(Psh, trsh tsh tsh, pew pew)

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