Djogani - Dva drugara [ft. Mile Kitic] - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Djogani - Dva drugara [ft. Mile Kitic]

Dva drugara [ft. Mile Kitic]
Dva drugara [ft. Mile Kitic]
Gde si, brate, što te nema
Where are you, bro, where are you
Da u provod idemo
Let's go out and have some fun
Tu sam, druze, tebe nema
I'm right here, dude, you're the one who's missing
Borim se sa sto problema
Fighting a hundred problems
Vikend tamo, vikend 'vamo
Weekend here, weekend there
Bas je kriza, svi to znamo
It's a real crisis, as everyone knows
A mozda ti zena brani
Or maybe your wifey's keeping you in line
Sa mnom da se provodiš
From partying with me
'Alo, ne cujem te, losa veza
Hello, I can't hear you, bad connection
Koja telepatija
What telepathy
Ponovo imam super pesmu
Once again, I've got a great song
Glavni glumci ti i ja
You and me are the main actors
Opet te je uhvatilo
It's got you all riled up again
Opet bi u provod s njim
You want to party with him again
Ma, samo kad mi pukne film
Well, as soon as I lose my mind
Haos cu da napravim
I'll cause some chaos
Praticu te kao senka
I'll follow you like a shadow
K'o Interpol i sateliti
Like Interpol and satellites
Od zene koja ludo voli
From a woman who loves you madly
Ne mozes se sakriti
You can't hide
Bombonice, lepotice
Sweetie, gorgeous
Kuco, duso, srce, mace
Babe, honey, sweetheart, hottie
Znam da sve to vec smo prosli
I know we've been through all this before
I da ne volis ponavljace
And that you don't like repeats
Ali pogledaj - Terminator
But look - Terminator
Superman, Rocky i Rambo
Superman, Rocky and Rambo
Prvi, drugi, treci deo
First, second, third part
Hitovi su ultra jumbo
Hits are ultra jumbo
Kada mogu to da rade
When they can do it
Holivud i Ameri
Hollywood and America
Pa mozemo i nas dvoje
Well, the two of us can do it too
Ko ce da nam zameri
Who's gonna blame us
Da snimimo ovu pesmu
For recording this song
Budjav lebac ja bi jeo
I'd eat a free donut
Narod hoce da napravimo
People want us to make
'Cile Mile 2. deo'
'Mile Cile Part 2'
Dva drugara, dobra stara
Two buddies, good old times
I s parama i bez para
With money and without money
Ceo svet nam k'o na dlanu
The whole world is in the palm of our hands
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
I sa vizom i bez vize
With and without a visa
I sa krizom i bez krize
With and without a crisis
Ceo svet nam k'o na dlanu
The whole world is in the palm of our hands
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
Lepa si i kad se ljutis
You're beautiful even when you're angry
Ali prave ti se bore
But you're starting to get wrinkles
Realno nam treba lova
Realistically, we need money
'Ajde pusti glupe fore
Come on, cut the silly jokes
E, a mogli bi da se razvedemo
Hey, we could get a divorce
Bar na mesec dana
At least for a month
Raskidi su in
Breakups are in
Satro, izbaci me ti iz stana
Honey, you throw me out of the house
A ti onda pusti suzu
And then you shed a tear
U gostima kod Amidze
On a talk show
I raskopcaj malo bluzu
And spill the beans a little
Sve ce da ti oproste
They'll forgive you for everything
Kakva crna turska, spanska
Some Turkish, Spanish,
I brazilska serija
And Brazilian soap opera
Svi ce samo da pricaju
Everyone will just talk
Sta radimo ti i ja
About what you and I are doing
Znam ti fore i fazone
I know your tricks and your ways
Kao strogo poslovno
Like strictly business
Lude zurke sve do zore
Crazy parties until dawn
Ruke gore, svi na sto
Hands up, everybody on the table
Otkad se to nocni zivot
Since when did nightlife
Zove tajna misija
Become a secret mission
Da vam nije i Chuck Norris
If not even Chuck Norris
Sad predsednik zirija
Is now president of the jury
Pravicemo casting za najduze noge
We'll do a casting for the longest legs
Imacemo drafting za najlepse grudi
We'll have a draft for the most beautiful breasts
Putem SMS-a glasajte ljudi
Vote by SMS, people
Namesteno nece biti, a najlepsa bices
It won't be rigged, and you'll be the best
Ti, ti, ti, ti i ti
You, you, you, you and you
Ti, ti, ti, ti i ti
You, you, you, you and you
Dva drugara, dobra stara
Two buddies, good old times
I s parama i bez para
With money and without money
Ceo svet nam k'o na dlanu
The whole world is in the palm of our hands
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
I sa vizom i bez vize
With and without a visa
I sa krizom i bez krize
With and without a crisis
Ceo svet nam k'o na dlanu
The whole world is in the palm of our hands
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
Dva drugara, dobra stara
Two buddies, good old times
I s parama i bez para
With money and without money
Ceo svet nam k'o na dlanu
The whole world is in the palm of our hands
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
I sa vizom i bez vize
With and without a visa
I sa krizom i bez krize
With and without a crisis
Ceo svet nam k'o na dlanu
The whole world is in the palm of our hands
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans
U ludnici na Balkanu
In the madhouse of the Balkans

Writer(s): Aleksandar Kobac, Petar Stokanovic

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