Doctor Prats - Botifarra De Pagès - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Doctor Prats - Botifarra De Pagès

Botifarra De Pagès
Farmer's Sausage
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage.
Aquesta nit s'han reunit, s'han tancat per decidir
Tonight they met, they locked themselves in to decide
Un passatemps tan divertit d'uns que tiben i mouen els fils.
A pastime so funny of some who pull and move the threads.
No fugiu, no crideu, no caldrà que us hi esforceu.
Don't run, don't shout, no need to strain yourselves.
Lentament, van baixant, tot a punt i llest per començar.
Slowly, they're coming down, all set and ready to start.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès, al qui no es quedi quiet li fotrem un tret.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage, whoever doesn't stay still will get a shot.
Un, deux, trois, je ne comprends pas, tira el dau i torna a començar.
One, two, three, I don't understand, roll the dice and start again.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès, qui no es quedi quiet es quedarà distret.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage, whoever doesn't stay still will be distracted.
Un, deux, trois, je ne comprends pas, tira el dau i torna a començar.
One, two, three, I don't understand, roll the dice and start again.
Fent camí, vigilant, ara és l'hora d'anar avançant.
Making our way, watching, now is the time to move forward.
Hem caigut al parany, obre els ulls i ja t'han enxampat.
We've fallen into the trap, open your eyes and they've already caught you.
No et capfiquis, no hi ha sort, ni un bri d'aire, tot és poc. Ho tenen
Don't get hung up, there's no luck, not a breath of air, it's all useless. They have
Tot al sac, i ben lligat. Un pas enrere i torna a començar.
Everything in the bag and well tied up. One step back and start over.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès, al qui no es quedi quiet li cardarem un tret.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage, whoever doesn't stay still will get a shot.
Un, deux, trois, je ne comprends pas, tira el dau i torna a començar.
One, two, three, I don't understand, roll the dice and start again.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès, qui no es quedi quiet es quedarà distret.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage, whoever doesn't stay still will be distracted.
Un, deux, trois, je ne comprends pas, tira el dau i torna a començar.
One, two, three, I don't understand, roll the dice and start again.
Diuen els que els han vist que els ha matat el temps d'indiferència,
Those who have seen them say that the time of indifference has killed them,
Diuen que és massa tard per començar.
They say it's too late to start again.
Diuen que fa tan temps que van callar la nostra resistència,
They say that it's been so long since they shut down our resistance,
Diuen que va esclatar en un sol clamp.
They say it went off in one single clamp.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès, qui no es quedi quiet es quedarà distret.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage, whoever doesn't stay still will be distracted.
Un, deux, trois, je ne comprends pas, tira el dau i torna a començar.
One, two, three, I don't understand, roll the dice and start again.
Un, dos, tres, botifarra de pagès, al qui no es quedi quiet li cardarem un tret.
One, two, three, farmer's sausage, whoever doesn't stay still will get a shot.
Un, deux, trois, je ne comprends pas, tira el dau i torna a començar.
One, two, three, I don't understand, roll the dice and start again.

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