Doctor Prats - El Raïm Es Fa Pansa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Doctor Prats - El Raïm Es Fa Pansa

El Raïm Es Fa Pansa
El Raïm Es Fa Pansa
Somiar no costa res, el que costa es despertar-se.
Dreaming costs nothing, what costs is waking up.
Anem amb els ulls tancats, i així és fàcil matar-se.
We go with our eyes closed, and that way it's easy to kill ourselves.
Abraça'm molt més fort, no vull tenir encongit el cor.
Embrace me much tighter, I don't want my heart to feel small.
Si t'enamores de les flors, a la tardor tot seran plors!
If you fall in love with the flowers, in autumn it will all be tears!
A vegades no passa el que ha de passar,
Sometimes what needs to happen doesn't happen,
A vegades ho deixes passar, o s'avança.
Sometimes you let it happen, or it gets ahead of you.
Fins que l'aigua arriba al mar no descansa
The water doesn't rest until it reaches the sea
I no està recta la balança!
And the scale is not straight!
Per por a perdre ens perdem,
For fear of losing we lose ourselves,
I l'aigua s'estanca, el raïm es fa pansa i s'arronsa.
And the water stagnates, the grapes turn into raisins and shrivel.
Que no quedi només l'últim que es perd.
May only the last one to get lost not remain.
La revolució no es fa només amb esperança!
The revolution is not only made with hope!
La por ens fa estar desperts, no vull un mar de llàgrimes.
Fear keeps us awake, I don't want a sea of tears.
Vull estar la mar de bé,
I want to feel so good,
però no puc saltar-me aquestes pàgines, perquè
But I can't skip these pages, because
Somiar no costa res, el que costa és despertar-se.
Dreaming costs nothing, what costs is waking up.
Anem de braços lligats, però ens fa més forts el que no ens mata.
We go arm in arm, but what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
A vegades...
Per por a perdre ens perdem...
For fear of losing we lose ourselves...
Jo crec que no m'entens, no què pretens.
I don't think you understand me, I don't know what you want.
Vas amb els ulls tancats, i així et trencaràs les dents.
You're going with your eyes closed, and that way you're going to break your teeth.
I creiem que som omnipotents,
And we believe we are omnipotent,
Però no sabem qui som i ni tan sols en som conscients.
But we don't know who we are and we're not even aware of it.
Jo crec que no m'entens, no se que pretens.
I don't think you understand me, I don't know what you want.
Vas amb els ulls tancats, i així et trencaràs les dents.
You're going with your eyes closed, and that way you're going to break your teeth.
I creiem que som omnipotents,
And we believe we are omnipotent,
Innocents, ens deixem endur per la corrent,
Innocent, we let ourselves be carried away by the current,
Per por a perdre ens perdem.
For fear of losing we lose ourselves.

Writer(s): guillem boltó, josep jaume rey, marc riera, miquel santamaria, oriol cors, ramon figueras, victor martinez

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