Doctor Prats - Rockamboleska - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Doctor Prats - Rockamboleska

I és que n'han passat tants anys
And it's been so many years
Que ni el més vell recorda
That not even the oldest remembers
Els carrers engalanats
The streets decked out
I a la Plaça Vella sona
And in the Plaça Vella rings
Aquell ritme tan nostrat que ballava tot el poble
That rhythm so familiar that the whole town danced to
I en Francisco treia el vi
And Francisco brought out the wine
La Carmeta pastes dolces
Carmeta, sweet pastries
I la Remei de cal Carter
And Remei from cal Carter
S'espolsava les vergonyes
Dusted off her shame
Per mirar al masover
To look at the overseer
Que cantava a totes hores
Who sang at all hours
Rockamboleska, batucada de llum i color
Rockamboleska, batucada of light and color
Rockamboleska, per encendre tota passió
Rockamboleska, to ignite every passion
Rockamboleska, ja sona la nostra cançó
Rockamboleska, our song is now playing
Rockamboleska, la traca de festa major
Rockamboleska, the firecracker of the town festival
Més amunt del campanar
Higher than the bell tower
Van deixar les partitures
They left the scores
Que els de dalt van amagar
That those above hid
Per callar la xerinola
To silence the nonsense
Però ben dins dels nostres cors
But deep within our hearts
És ben que encara sona
It still plays quite clearly
Aquesta nit invocarem
Tonight we will invoke
Ball del que tant presumíem
The dance we used to boast about
Despertem als avorrits
We will awaken the bored
I avisem a les padrines
And notify the old ladies
Perquè avui ens tornaran
Because today they will return to us
De bon grat les alegries
With great pleasure
Rockamboleska, batucada de llum i color
Rockamboleska, batucada of light and color
Rockamboleska, per encendre tota passió
Rockamboleska, to ignite every passion
Rockamboleska, ja sona la nostra cançó
Rockamboleska, our song is now playing
Rockamboleska, la traca de festa major
Rockamboleska, the firecracker of the town festival
Les llargues nits
The long nights
Que entre tots fèiem tan curtes
That between us all we made so short
Són tants records
There are so many memories
Amagats dins un trist plor
Hidden in a sad cry
Que se n'ha fet del salero
What has become of the charm
Que dúiem ben dintre
That we carried deep within
Que soni als carrers i a les places
May it sound in the streets and squares
Des d'ara i fins que surti el sol
From now until the sun rises
Rockamboleska, batucada de llum i color
Rockamboleska, batucada of light and color
Rockamboleska, per encendre tota passió
Rockamboleska, to ignite every passion
Rockamboleska, ja sona la nostra cançó
Rockamboleska, our song is now playing
Rockamboleska, la traca de festa major
Rockamboleska, the firecracker of the town festival

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