Doddy feat. Nicole Cherry - Rezervat - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Doddy feat. Nicole Cherry - Rezervat

E rezervat
It's reserved
E rezervat
It's reserved
Si sunt pe drum cu un buchet de flori si o ciocolata
And I'm on my way with a bouquet of flowers and a chocolate
Bun, nu raspunzi te sun inca odata
Okay, you're not answering, I'll call you again
Sun dar acum linia-i ocupata
I call, but now the line is busy
Ceva nu e bine tu sigur esti suparata
Something's not right, you're definitely upset
Nu, iubito nu e nici o cealalta
No, baby, there's no other
Tu, esti singura din lumea intreaga
You, you are the only one in the whole world
Cu, tine ma simt ca niciodata
With, you I feel like never before
Eu vad ca nu tine dar tot insist sa-ti treaca
I see that it doesn't, but I still insist on it
Credeam ca vorba dulce mult aduce
I thought that sweet talk would go a long way
Dar dupa fata ta cred c-ar fi bine sa-mi fac cruce
But from your face, I think it would be good to cross myself
Te-am mai vazut asa cand te plangeai ca nu-ti ajunge
I've seen you like this before when you were crying about not having enough
E timpul sa te plimbi pe acolo pe unde mintea ta fuge
It's time for you to take a walk over there where your mind goes
Dar din cate-am auzit
But from what I've heard
Hotul neprins
An uncaught thief
E negustor cinstit
Is an honest merchant
Inca nu te-ai prins
You haven't figured it out yet
Eu n-am facut nimic
I didn't do anything
Si deja te-ai aprins
And you're already mad
Ca un incendiu
Like a fire
Ce ar trebui stins
That should be put out
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
Locul tau in inima mea
Your place in my heart
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
N-are cum sa intre altcineva
No one else can come in
Tu poti pleca, dar nu uita
You can leave, but don't forget
Cine-s eu si cine-i ea
Who I am and who she is
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
Locul tau in inima mea
Your place in my heart
Sherlock, Sherlock ca un detectiv
Sherlock, Sherlock like a detective
Pui tot, pui tot la interogativ
You put everything, everything under interrogation
Nu pot, nu pot sa mai misc nimic
I can't, I can't move anything anymore
Esti sticky, sticky, icky, adeziv
You're sticky, sticky, icky, adhesive
Si vine iar un val
And another wave is coming
Reprosuri si dezamagiri
Reproaches and disappointments
Toate vin spre mine
They all come to me
In zadar incerc
In vain, I try
Sa stau la mal
To stay on the shore
Chiar daca nu inot prea bine
Even if I'm not a very good swimmer
Tot pentru tine o sa sar
I'll still jump in the water for you
Ca locul tau e rezervat in inima mea
Because your place is reserved in my heart
Si oricat ar incerca
And no matter how hard you try
Nu l-ar putea ocupa
She could never take it
Nimic si niciodata orice s-ar intampla
Nothing and ever whatever happens
Nu o sa ne faca sa ne spunem pa-pa!
Will not make us say bye-bye!
Dar din cate-am auzit
But from what I've heard
Hotul neprins
An uncaught thief
E negustor cinstit
Is an honest merchant
Inca nu te-ai prins
You haven't figured it out yet
Eu n-am facut nimic
I didn't do anything
Si deja te-ai aprins
And you're already mad
Ca un incendiu
Like a fire
Ce ar trebui stins
That should be put out
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
Locul tau in inima mea
Your place in my heart
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
N-are cum sa intre altcineva
No one else can come in
Tu poti pleca, dar nu uita
You can leave, but don't forget
Cine-s eu si cine-i ea
Who I am and who she is
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
Locul tau in inima mea
Your place in my heart
Si fiecare drum chiar daca el pare ca-i gresit
And every road, even if it seems like it's wrong
Te ajuta sa ajungi inapoi pe drumul stabilit
Helps you get back on the right road
Lumea te va judeca fiindca tu te-ai ratacit
The world will judge you because you got lost
Cine a gresit
Who was wrong
Ala sigur nu a iubit
He surely didn't love
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
Locul tau in inima mea
Your place in my heart
Tu poti pleca, dar nu uita
You can leave, but don't forget
Cine-s eu si cine-i ea
Who I am and who she is
E rezervat, e rezervat
It's reserved, it's reserved
Locul tau in inima mea
Your place in my heart

Doddy feat. Nicole Cherry - Rezervat
date of release

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