Domenica - Zovi - translation of the lyrics into English

Zovi - Domenicatranslation in English

Možeš sada bos na staklo
You can now be barefoot on the glass
I trudit se jako, jako
And try really hard, really hard
Al neću na to ni trepnuti
But I won't even blink
Haljinu joj možeš dati
You can give her my dress
Ovu moju nek' ne vrati
Don't give this one back
U njoj da te na me podsjeti
To remind you of me in it
Jedna sam ja, jedna jedina
There's only one of me, the only one
You're forgetting
Kad bi mogla vrijeme kupit
If I could buy time
Na tebe se ne naljutit
To not be angry at you
Tvojoj zimi biti prvi mraz
To be the first frost of your winter
Pa da sve je na početku
So everything is at the beginning
Plavo čisto u začetku
Pure blue in the beginning
Ne postoji ništa osim nas
There's nothing but us
Jedna sam ja
There's only one of me
Jedna jedina
The only one
You're forgetting
A znaš to i sam
And you know it yourself
A sad
And now
Samo zovi
Just call
Signal lovi
Catch the signal
Stoti put
The hundredth time
Al me nećeš čut
But you won't hear me
Ti samo zovi
You just call
Samo zovi
Just call
Signal lovi
Catch the signal
Stoti put
The hundredth time
Ja nemam ništa s tim
I have nothing to do with it
Ja kroz život tvoj
I'm just passing through your life
Samo prolazim
Just passing through
Trebat će ti i stoljeća
You'll need centuries
Dobra volja malo veća
A little more goodwill
Da skineš mi zimu s proljeća
To take away my winter from spring
Trebat će ti jaka kava
You'll need strong coffee
Da nabrojiš za sve hvala
To count all the thanks
Što sam za tebe učinila
That I did for you

Writer(s): Tonci Huljic, Vjekoslava Huljic, Leo Skaro

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