Aspoň kúsok seba na zemi zanechať niečo navždy niečo navždy
At least a piece of myself leave on earth something forever something forever
Malý kúsok seba stopu v čase mať to chce každý to chce každý
A small piece of myself a trace in time everyone wants it everyone wants it
Áno viem príde deň bude treba isť nechcem ľutovať každý deň ďakujem zato že ta mám a môžem milovať
Yes I know the day will come I will have to go I don't want to regret every day I thank you for that that I have you and I can love
Tu sme boli tento svet bol náš každý jeden z nás boli sme tu raz
We were here this world was ours each and every one of us we were here once
Tu sme boli aj keď padal dážď každý jeden z nás boli sme tu raz
We were here even when it rained each and every one of us we were here once
Mať ten pocit že som mohla meniť svet dokončiť to čo som chcela cely život vedieť kde je srdca stred prísť do cieľa nechcieť veľa Áno viem príde deň bude treba isť nechcem ľutovať každý deň ďakujem zato že ta mam za šancu milovať
To have that feeling that I could change the world finish what I wanted to my whole life to know where the heart is centered to reach the goal to not want much Yes I know the day will come I will have to go I don't want to regret every day I thank you for that that I have you for the chance to love
Tu sme boli tento svet bol náš každý jeden z nás boli sme tu raz
We were here this world was ours each and every one of us we were here once
Tu sme boli aj keď padal dážď každý jeden z nás boli sme tu raz
We were here even when it rained each and every one of us we were here once