Dr. P - Doña Avaricia - translation of the lyrics into English

Doña Avaricia - Dr. Ptranslation in English

Doña Avaricia
Miss Greed
Doña Avaricia
Miss Greed
Es la avaricia que acecha sin descansar
It’s greed that lurks without rest
La malicia que busca lo suyo para aprovechar
Malice that seeks its own to take advantage
Con la intención de acaparar y desplazar
With the intention of hoarding and displacing
Hasta lograr su objetivo alcanzar
Until achieving its objective
A avaricia es malvada, malintencionada
Greed is evil, malicious
Emociones desequilibradas
Unbalanced emotions
Vestida de favor y de amistad maquillada
Dressed in favour and make-up friendship
Ella arrebata la vida del que la posee
It snatches the life of the one who possesses it
El avaro se molesta cuando tu lo lees
The greedy one gets annoyed when you read him
Tu succiona, nada bueno te provee
You suck, it does you no good
Búscalo en Proverbios si tu no me crees
Look it up in Proverbs if you don't believe me
Programado de maldad como I Robot
Programmed for evil like I Robot
Usando el refrán: "que viva el listo del bobo"
Using the saying: "long live the smart one of the fool"
Con la intención de pegarte el diente como el lobo
With the intention of biting you like the wolf
Y si no accedes a ella murmuras como pobo
And if you don't agree with her, you murmur like a turkey
Si tu la vieras, se disfraza de amistad
If you saw her, she disguises herself as friendship
Cuídate de ella, porque no tiene verdad -
Beware of her, because she has no truth -
Es traicionera, no vive la realidad
She is treacherous, she does not live reality
Y si te duermes te atropella
And if you fall asleep she runs you over
Es vanidosa, su actitud es peligrosa
She is vain, her attitude is dangerous
Es caprichosa, tiene una voz hermosa
She is capricious, she has a beautiful voice
Es codiciosa, labios dulces y mentirosa
She is greedy, sweet lips and a liar
Y si te duermes te destroza
And if you fall asleep she destroys you
Pisa a su favor porque esta cauterizada
She steps in her favor because she is cauterized
Su actitud es malvada y reprobada
Her attitude is evil and reproved
El avaro la envidia esconde
The greedy one hides envy
Y un consejo: no dejes que tu territorio ronde
And a word of advice: don't let her roam your territory
Con sutileza entra y no se sabe ni por donde
She enters subtly and nobody knows where
Y te das cuenta, cuando estás en la hecatombe
And you realize it, when you are in the hecatomb
El avaro no confía en nadie, solamente en el -
The greedy man trusts no one, only himself -
Su amiga la envidia que el mejor es el
His friend envy that the best is him
Codicia le dice que tome lo que no es de el
Greed tells him to take what is not his
Con intención de obtener poder
With the intention of gaining power
Corre presurosamente hacia la maldad
Run swiftly towards evil
Cree en la ganancia gusta no el igualdad
He believes in profit, he does not like equality
Escasea de nobleza y de bondad
It lacks nobility and kindness
Manteniendo una falsa sinceridad.
Maintaining a false sincerity.
Si tu la vieras, se disfraza de amistad
If you saw her, she disguises herself as friendship
Cuídate de ella, porque no tiene verdad -
Beware of her, because she has no truth -
Es traicionera, no vive la realidad
She is treacherous, she does not live reality
Y si te duermes te atropella
And if you fall asleep she runs you over
Es vanidosa, su actitud es peligrosa
She is vain, her attitude is dangerous
Es caprichosa, tiene una voz hermosa
She is capricious, she has a beautiful voice
Es codiciosa, labios dulces y mentirosa
She is greedy, sweet lips and a liar
Y si te duermes te destroza
And if you fall asleep she destroys you
Mientras el justo siempre por la estrecha
While the righteous always by the narrow
Enciende su mecha
Lights his wick
Y seguro en su cosecha
And sure in his harvest
Recibe lo bueno, lo malo lo desecha
He receives the good, he discards the bad
Y es fiel, y del débil no se aprovecha
And he is faithful, and does not take advantage of the weak
Anda entre ellos, pero no revolcao
He walks among them, but not wallowing
Con paso lento, pero en Cristo acelerao
Slow step, but in Christ accelerated
Y con cuidado, velando el lobo vestio de oveja
And carefully, watching the wolf dressed as a sheep
Saca su espada, raja el traje y le nota la oreja
He takes out his sword, splits the suit and notices his ear
Y los manga
And the sleeves
Porque pasa por el lodo pero no se enfanga
Because he goes through the mud but does not get bogged down
Porque anda con Cristo en su langa
Because he walks with Christ in his langa
No dice lo que conviene dice lo que el manda
He does not say what is convenient, he says what he commands
Y siempre ve lo que el malo trae bajo la manga
And he always sees what the bad guy has up his sleeve
Como la luz de la aurora va en aumento
As the light of dawn is increasing
Quiere la bendición pero primero es lo de adentro
He wants the blessing, but first it is what is inside
No es rencoroso tiene un corazón dispuesto
He is not resentful, he has a willing heart
Mirando lo eterno y no el momento.
Looking at the eternal and not the moment.
Si tu la vieras, se disfraza de amistad
If you saw her, she disguises herself as friendship
Cuídate de ella, porque no tiene verdad -
Beware of her, because she has no truth -
Es traicionera, no vive la realidad
She is treacherous, she does not live reality
Y si te duermes te atropella
And if you fall asleep she runs you over
Es vanidosa, su actitud es peligrosa
She is vain, her attitude is dangerous
Es caprichosa, tiene una voz hermosa
She is capricious, she has a beautiful voice
Es codiciosa, labios dulces y mentirosa
She is greedy, sweet lips and a liar
Y si te duermes te destroza.
And if you fall asleep she destroys you.

Writer(s): Luis Pellot

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