Dragana Mirkovic - Milo moje, sto te nema - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dragana Mirkovic - Milo moje, sto te nema

Milo moje, sto te nema
My Dearest, Why Are You Not Here?
Milo moje sto te nema
My dearest, why are you not here?
Trebas mi
I need you
Ove noci gde si
On this night where are you
Moja radosti
My happiness
Ostala sam kao
I've become like
Ruza slomljena
A rose that's been snapped
Kao zora bez svog sunca
Like a dawn without its sun
Kao ptica ranjena
Like a wounded bird
Milo moje sto te nema
My dearest, why are you not here?
Cujes li
Can you hear
Ovaj jecaj gde si
This cry of mine, where are you
Moja mladosti
My youth
Milo moje sto te nema
My dearest, why are you not here?
Moji sni
My dreams
Svi su tuzni gde si
They are all sad where are you
Moja ljubavi
My love

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