Dražen Zečić - Svatovi - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Dražen Zečić - Svatovi

The Wedding Guests
Primio sam pismo jutros
I received your letter this morning
Sve od cvijeća ukrašeno
All decorated with flowers
A u srcu dva imena
And in the heart two names
Zlatnom niti izvezena
Embroidered with golden thread
U njem zoveš dobre ljude
In it you call good people
Da ispune tvoju želju
To fulfill your wish
I nazdrave s tobom skupa
And to toast with you together
Kad ćeš prsten dati njemu
When you will give the ring to him
Ne traži da ti dođem u svatove
Don't ask me to come to your wedding
Došao bih vjeruj zbog tebe
I would come believe me for you
Al izdat će me jedna suza
But one tear will betray me
Jedna suza duše iskrene
One tear of a sincere soul
Znat će ljudi da ne plačem ja
People will know that I'm not weeping
Što je moja duša radosna
That my soul is joyful
Već što nikad neću moći znam
But that I will never be able to
Zorom gledat tvoja oka dva
Watch your two eyes at dawn

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Eduard Botriä†, Draå½en ZeäŒiä†

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