Drive - Karena Kita - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Drive - Karena Kita

Karena Kita
What We've Got
Sinar matamu masih seperti dulu
The light in your eyes is still the same
Saat engkau tinggalkan diriku
As when you left me alone
Ditempat ini malam seperti ini
On a night like this, in this place
Kita lepaskan tangan dan menangis
We let go of each other's hands and cried
Kau datang menggali kenangan
You've come to dig up memories
Menghidupkan rasa yang pernah ada
To rekindle feelings we once shared
Karena aku masih mengingatmu
Because I still remember you
Masih menunggumu
I'm still waiting for you
Takkan berubah
That will never change
Semua perbedaaan membuat kita jauh
All the differences that separate us
Jadikan malam semakin tak berarti
Make this night seem meaningless
Aku ingin selalu berharap
I want to always have hope
Walaupun kau selalu tak ada disini
Even though you're never here
Karena aku masih mengingatmu
Because I still remember you
Masih menunggumu takkan berubah
I'm still waiting for you, it will never change
Karena kita masih terus berharap
Because we still hold on to hope
Walau takkan mudah untuk bersama
Even though it won't be easy to be together
Karena aku masih mengingatmu
Because I still remember you
Masih menunggumu takkan berubah
I'm still waiting for you, that will never change
Karena kita masih terus berharap
Because we still hold on to hope
Walau takkan mudah untuk bersama
Even though it won't be easy to be together
Karena aku masih mengingatmu
Because I still remember you
Masih menunggumu takkan berubah
I'm still waiting for you, that will never change
Karena kita masih terus berharap
Because we still hold on to hope
Walau takkan mudah untuk bersama
Even though it won't be easy to be together
(Karena aku masih mengingatmu)
(Because I still remember you)
Masih menunggumu takkan berubah
I'm still waiting for you, it will never change
Karena kita masih terus berharap
Because we still hold on to hope
Walau takkan mudah untuk bersama
Even though it won't be easy to be together
Karena aku, masih mengingatmu
Because I still remember you
Karena aku, masih menunggu
Because I still wait

Writer(s): Saleh Budi Rahardjo

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