When I am not used to the silence, and it becomes so quiet that I can actually hear my heartbeat as it beats faster
未信自在在於天生天養 難以弱勝強 殺入戰場
I don't believe that you can be carefree just because you are naturally born and raised, for it is difficult for the weak to overcome the strong, to charge into the battlefield
最終 習慣為著獵取一身盔甲竟不怕損傷
In the end, I get used to wearing an armor on the outside, so that I am not afraid of being damaged
為了夢幻日子得到保障 用惡夢結賬
In order to secure my dream life, I pay with nightmares
烏托邦 販賣血汗變棟樑 (誰被誰越抬越上)
Utopia, selling of blood and sweat to become the foundation (Who is raising each other higher?)
烏托邦 那獵物也是獵人 踏破了樹林
Utopia, the hunter is also the prey, trampling the forest
Floating in the air, the parasite cargo containers
Who understands this strange scene?
六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
Snow in June, everyone laughs with sorrow
誰又會鑑定誰正常 不知替哪個著想
Who can tell who is normal? Not knowing what to think for
欲求未滿 剩下砒霜 當菜汁分享
Desires unmet, leaving behind the arsenic, to be shared as a vegetable dish
猶如吞仙丹上月亮 誰有膽設想這世間下場
Like swallowing an elixir and flying to the moon, who would dare to imagine such a worldly destination
當 習慣附和大家講的真理都得到獎賞
When I am used to agreeing with the truth that everyone tells me, I get rewarded
未慣十字路口挑選方向 離隊要膽量 拒絕跳牆
I am not used to choosing a direction at a crossroad, it takes courage to leave the team, to refuse to jump over the wall
一輩子 血汗注入拍賣場 (誰被誰越抬越上)
For a lifetime, I pour my blood and sweat into the auction (Who is raising each other higher?)
一輩子 價值像泡沫上揚 誓與天較量
For a lifetime, my worth rises like a bubble, vowing to compete with the heavens
Bury the ideals and plant the fantasies
Who understands this strange scene?
六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
Snow in June, everyone laughs with sorrow
誰又會鑑定誰正常 不知替哪個著想
Who can tell who is normal? Not knowing what to think for
欲求未滿 剩下砒霜 當菜汁分享
Desires unmet, leaving behind the arsenic, to be shared as a vegetable dish
猶如吞仙丹上月亮 誰有膽設想這世間下場
Like swallowing an elixir and flying to the moon, who would dare to imagine such a worldly destination
Even if fighting with me has become ordinary to you
囂張得敢與天格鬥 才是榜樣
Arrogance to fight with the heavens, that is the example to follow
開天闢地之歌 轟轟烈烈 大合唱
The song of the beginning of the world, grand and magnificent, a chorus of voices
How can human strength tie up a single sunset?
如何憑財力去扭轉天亮 請拍掌
How can financial strength turn back the dawn? Please applaud
習慣了這異象 誰又在叫嚷
Used to this strange scene, who is shouting again?
六月飛霜 世界怪得誇張
Snow in June, the world is strangely exaggerated
誰又去決定誰正常 不知哪個有異想
Who can decide who is normal, not knowing who has strange ideas
未曾盡興 剩下砒霜 當配方分享
Never satisfied, leaving behind the arsenic, to be shared as a recipe
誰來斗膽講仙丹會斷腸 誰有膽去相信過激立場
Who dares to say that the elixir will kill you, who dares to believe in extreme positions
人人一把口一百種真相 誰說得漂亮
Everyone has a mouth, a hundred different truths, who can speak the most beautifully?