Edavārdi - Caur Līkumiem - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Edavārdi - Caur Līkumiem

Caur Līkumiem
Through the Curves
Daudzi nesaprot, kaut šitais nav igauņu reps
Many don't get it, although this isn’t Estonian rap,
Bet vairs necepos, kaut par to jau bij′ daudzi teksti
But I don't sweat it no more, already wrote about it in many texts.
Naida izpausme? Nezinu, vai izsauks man besi
An expression of hate? Don't know if it will summon demons on me,
Kamēr izkaujas citi, es laikam izaudzis esu
While others are battling it out, I think I've grown up already.
Pazūd tas, kas tev bija līdzās, gadi nesās
What was by your side is lost, years are fleeting.
"Tu nespēj," to tev visdrīzāk saka vecāki
"You can't," that's what your parents will most likely tell you.
Es biju mazs, dzēru naktis, šī bij' traka dekāde
I was young, drank the nights away, this was a crazy decade.
Piedod, bļaģ, neatceros visus datus detāli
Sorry, damn, I don't remember all the dates in detail.
vadu dienas, daru sūdus, radu dziesmas nelaikā
This is how I spend my days, doing shit, creating songs at the wrong time.
Tās pašas kļūdas, jā, dažas lietas nemainās
The same mistakes, yeah, some things never change.
Ir bažas, prieks, redzi mana iela nelaistās
There are worries, joy, see, my street won't let up.
Lietus? Pagalms ir sala liela negaisā
Rain? The courtyard is like a big island in a storm.
Klīdu viens, bītu liec tik′ garu
I wander alone, cast a long shadow.
Tas ir brīnums, ka tagad Rīga šķiet tik maza
It's a wonder that Riga now seems so small.
Tad bij' Britnija, bet tagad hītu dzied Rihanna
Back then it was Britney, now Rihanna's singing the hits.
Brīži skrien, dzīve, caur līkumiem tik' vada
Moments fly by, life, it only leads you through the curves.
Ļauj man apsēsties, atgūt elpu
Let me sit down, catch my breath.
Kad uzlieku mūziku pazūd telpa
When I put on music, the space disappears.
Es sev noticu, un pajūk velni
I believe in myself, and the devils crumble.
Audz, tikai bērnam visu gribās dabūt par velti
Growing up, only a child wants to get everything for free.
Gribi paradīzi dabū Elli
Want paradise you get Hell.
Meklē sevī slīcināsies alū velti
Search within yourself you'll drown yourself in beer in vain.
Es sev noticu, un pajūk velni
I believe in myself, and the devils crumble.
Audz, tikai bērnam visu gribās dabūt par velti
Growing up, only a child wants to get everything for free.
Tagad plāni izsisties ar firmu, vai patentu
Now the plans are to break through with a company or a patent.
Vecās dziesmas? Tikai tagad dzirdu to akcentu
Old songs? Only now I hear that accent.
Big Pun, Biggijs mani uz to pielauza viņi
Big Pun, Biggie they let me into that.
Tagad sevi ieraugu, esmu nedaudz pieaudzis, zini
Now I see myself, I've grown up a little, you know.
Mani maina laiks, bet ne par grasi tās finanses
Time changes me, but not my finances one bit.
Viss ir būtībā ogleklis ir grafīts un dimants
Everything is essentially carbon is graphite and diamond.
Moš′ esmu radīts mūzikai tai te radīts ir "Winamp′s"
Maybe I'm made for music like "Winamp" was made for it.
Laiks rādīs, to nepateiks man rabīns vai imams
Time will tell, a rabbi or an imam won't tell me that.
Mūsu izbrīns šeit pazūd visiem piķis
Our wonder here disappears like everyone's money.
Ja mēs lidotu arī tas kļūtu ikdienišķi
If we flew, even that would become mundane.
Nu, vismaz dod te sulūtus, citiem miķus
Well, at least give me juices, others mics.
Ziniet, likšu šajā gaumes karā visiem niču
You know, I'll niche everyone in this taste war.
Es kļūdos, bet to prakse labos
I make mistakes, but practice will fix it.
Ar laiku būšu cits, pretrunas, tu saki, sarodas?
With time, I'll be different, contradictions, you say, arise?
Bet nāks pieredze, ko tu iesaki? Es prasu padomu
But experience will come, what do you suggest? I'm asking for advice.
Sekot idejām, kas radās 30 vai padsmit gados
Follow ideas that were born 30 or 15 years ago?
Ļauj man apsēsties, atgūt elpu
Let me sit down, catch my breath.
Kad uzlieku mūziku pazūd telpa
When I put on music, the space disappears.
Es sev noticu, un pajūk velni
I believe in myself, and the devils crumble.
Audz, tikai bērnam visu gribās dabūt par velti
Growing up, only a child wants to get everything for free.
Gribi paradīzi dabū Elli
Want paradise you get Hell.
Meklē sevī slīcināsies alū velti
Search within yourself you'll drown yourself in beer in vain.
Es sev noticu, un pajūk velni
I believe in myself, and the devils crumble.
Audz, tikai bērnam visu gribās dabūt par velti
Growing up, only a child wants to get everything for free.
Došu trakāk, pats es agrāk nedarīju
I'll go harder, like I didn't before.
To pierādu sev, es tevi pat blakām nemanīju
I'm proving that to myself, I didn't even notice you next to me.
Un kāpēc? Moš' to kādreiz atklās terapija
And why? Maybe therapy will reveal it someday.
Visas pakāpes kamolu man kaklā neradīja
All the stages didn't create a lump in my throat.
Dzīve ir matemātika, kur visi fakti jāzin
Life is mathematics, where you need to know all the facts.
Man uz takts ir jābilst pat, ja visur līdzi klade jānes
I have to stay on beat even if I have to carry a notepad everywhere.
Uz skatuves ir jālec pat, ja bīda mani pālis
I have to jump on stage even if my fear is overwhelming me.
Laikam vēl nav pazudis tas labais tīņu maksimālisms
Maybe that good teenage maximalism hasn't disappeared yet.
Ja besī, mani diskutēt nesauc
If it annoys you, don't call me to discuss it.
Tavas domas mani netraumē es ticu sev nedaudz
Your thoughts don't traumatize me I believe in myself a little.
Uz bīta visu spēju, tu to vari izturēt, nekauc
I can do anything on the beat, you can handle it, don't whine.
Kaut esi tik sīks, ka taisi man te diss′u vēl nejauku
Even though you're so small that you're making a nasty diss track about me.
Neesmu drūms, kaut reizēm tendēts uz klusumu
I'm not gloomy, although sometimes I tend to be silent.
Es pasmaidu, kaut vai tik', lai trenētu muskuļus
I smile, even if just a little, to train my muscles.
Zini, pat sirmā vecumā, kad beigas mani skars
You know, even in old age, when the end touches me,
Būšu pietiekami bērnišķīgs, lai teiktu man ir garš
I'll be childish enough to say I've had fun.
Ļauj man apsēsties, atgūt elpu
Let me sit down, catch my breath.
Kad uzlieku mūziku pazūd telpa
When I put on music, the space disappears.
Es sev noticu, un pajūk velni
I believe in myself, and the devils crumble.
Audz, tikai bērnam visu gribās dabūt par velti
Growing up, only a child wants to get everything for free.
Gribi paradīzi dabū Elli
Want paradise you get Hell.
Meklē sevī slīcināsies alū velti
Search within yourself you'll drown yourself in beer in vain.
Es sev noticu, un pajūk velni
I believe in myself, and the devils crumble.
Audz, tikai bērnam visu gribās dabūt par velti
Growing up, only a child wants to get everything for free.

Writer(s): Eduards Gorbunovs, Kaspars Kubeckis

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