Eddy de Pretto - Mamere - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Eddy de Pretto - Mamere

Sais-tu ce que tu as fait?
Do you know what you've done?
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Tu m'as rendu fort avare
You made me so miserly
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mes émotions sont en pack
My emotions are all packed up
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Et tu les castres sans que tu saches
And you castrate them unknowingly
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
À force de rien laisser paraître
By never showing anything
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Bah tu les as même mis en cage
Well, you even caged them
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
À coups de clés bien trop discrètes
With keys far too discreet
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Qui n'enferment que ta forte face
That only lock away your strong face
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Dis-moi ce que tu as fait
Tell me what you've done
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
De ce que je ne sais défaire
With what I can't undo
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
De tous ces petits nœuds trop graves
With all these little knots, too serious
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Qui me pèsent le cœur kilogramme
That weigh my heart down by the kilogram
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Promis un jour je serai moins laid
I promise one day I'll be less ugly
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Si seulement j'avais bu ton lait
If only I had drunk your milk
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Peut-être m'aurait-il fait des lacs
Maybe it would have made me lakes
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
De larmes et de baisers en vrac
Of tears and kisses in bulk
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Dis-moi ce que tu as fait
Tell me what you've done
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Tu m'as rendu moins bavard
You made me less talkative
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
T'as fait de mes élans des impasses
You turned my impulses into dead ends
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Devant l'amour je suis ignare
In front of love, I am ignorant
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Cette sensation d'être tout bizarre
This feeling of being so strange
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Face à ces gens aux bras ouverts
Facing these people with open arms
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Qui me foutent le ventre en tache
Who make my stomach churn
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Et qui me sèment un grand bazar
And who sow a great mess within me
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Dis-moi ce que tu as fait
Tell me what you've done
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Pour que je reste dur comme fer
To make me stay hard as iron
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Avec ce cœur figé de laque
With this heart frozen with lacquer
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mais est-ce à cause de tes impacts?
But is it because of your impacts?
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Ou peut-être de tes défaites?
Or maybe your defeats?
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Dont t'as perdu le mot de passe
Whose password you've lost
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Avec tes restes de colère
With your leftover anger
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Que tu m'as posé dans mon sac
That you put in my bag
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Je garde tout près du thorax
I keep it close to my chest
Mamerde Mamerde
Damn it, Damn it
Et je me guinde comme un gang
And I strut like a gang
Mamerde Mamerde
Damn it, Damn it
Pour me protéger de tes crasses
To protect myself from your filth
Mamerde Mamerde
Damn it, Damn it
Qui me reviennent comme des boomerangs
That comes back to me like boomerangs
Mamerde Mamerde
Damn it, Damn it
Promis un jour je saurai le faire
I promise one day I'll know how to do it
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Te dire ô combien, sans se taire
Tell you how much, without being silent
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mais pour l'instant je fais le fier
But for now, I act proud
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Imperméable comme ton grand air
Impenetrable like your great air
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Promis un jour je saurai le faire
I promise one day I'll know how to do it
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Te dire ô combien, sans se taire
Tell you how much, without being silent
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mais pour l'instant je fais le fier
But for now, I act proud
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Imperméable comme ton grand air
Impenetrable like your great air
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Non, non
No, no
Relève-toi et attends
Get up and wait
Ta relève est
Your relief is here
Console la peine que tu gardes en toi
Console the pain you keep inside
T'es plus trop belle quand t'es au plus bas
You're not so beautiful when you're at your lowest
Non, non
No, no
Oublions tout et attends
Let's forget everything and wait
Tu ne tiens plus debout
You can't stand anymore
Retrouve ta fougue et tous tes bijoux
Find your fire and all your jewels
Tu brilles de mille feux quand t'es pas à genoux
You shine brightly when you're not on your knees
Mabelle Mabelle
Beautiful, Beautiful
Mabelle Mabelle
Beautiful, Beautiful
Mabelle Mabelle
Beautiful, Beautiful
Mabelle Mabelle
Beautiful, Beautiful
Mabelle Mabelle
Beautiful, Beautiful
Mabelle Mabelle
Beautiful, Beautiful
Promis un jour j'y arriverai
I promise one day I'll get there
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Promis un jour j'y arriverai
I promise one day I'll get there
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
À te regarder tout simplement
To simply look at you
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Sans en vouloir à terre entière
Without blaming the whole world
Mamere Mamere
Mother, Mother
Un jour je t'appellerai Maman
One day I'll call you Mom

Writer(s): Eddy De Pretto

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