Edo Maajka feat. Burky & General Woo - Volim Te - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Edo Maajka feat. Burky & General Woo - Volim Te

Volim Te
I Love You
Kažeš mi volim te, ali ja sam čuo te priče
You tell me you love me, but I've heard these stories before
Svaka druga to kaže kad joj platim piće
Every other girl says that when I buy her a drink
Ljubav dobije kad skupi koktel popije
She gets love when she collects and drinks cocktails
Al ko čopi je, jer ko da je iz Etiopije
But who picks her up, as if she was from Ethiopia
Mršavica, dala bi i glavu živu
Skinny girl, would give her head alive
Da je vide kako sjedi s ekipom u VIP-u
To be seen sitting with the crew in the VIP
Kako chilla, ne jebe nikog u separeu
How she chills, doesn't fuck anyone in the booth
Vidjela je cure kako rade u Carpe Diemu
She saw girls working in Carpe Diem
Na Hvaru, samo ga ufati za karu
In Hvar, just grab him by the wallet
On ti plati ljetovanje i obleku u ormaru
He'll pay for your vacation and clothes in your closet
I ovdje ima velikih kara al' daleko smo od Hvara
We have big wallets here too, but we're far from Hvar
Reperi nemaju para, svaki je baraba
Rappers don't have money, every one's a scoundrel
Od sponzora su auti i nemamo lance
Cars are from sponsors and we don't have chains
U "Aquariusu" pijemo pivo, glumimo face
In "Aquarius" we drink beer, pretending to be important
Dobro, imam nešto, ne bih bio u VIP-u
Okay, I have some money, otherwise I wouldn't be in VIP
Al' svaki zarađen dinar, pičko, trošim na ekipu
But every earned dinar, bitch, I spend on the crew
Hoćeš Gucci, e ja ti nemam pare
You want Gucci, I don't have money for that
Hoćeš Bling Bling, da ti u mraku sjaje
You want Bling Bling, to shine in the dark
Hoćeš Manolo, ja hoću nove starke
You want Manolo, I want new sneakers
Hoćeš pun kurac toga, ja ti nemam ni marke
You want a lot of that, I don't even have a dime
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, isto)
I love you (aha, same)
Ona bi htjela uživat u nakitu
She wants to enjoy jewelry
A ja mogu ju samo nabit na kitu
And all I can do is put her on my dick
Otfurat u fast food, ponekad u klub
Take her to fast food, sometimes to a club
I platit joj pivo ako svira "Belast Food"
And buy her a beer if "Belast Food" is playing
Al ona želi ući u Pradu il Gucci
But she wants to go into Prada or Gucci
Pa sa pol dućana vratit se kući
And come back home with half the store
Pravi se da ne kuži da sam ja samo Srećko Tužni
She pretends she doesn't understand that I'm just Sad Srećko
Da ju mogu samo keksima poslužit'
That all I can do is serve her cookies
Ona voli ružit bilo kuda, želi svuda ići
She likes to travel everywhere, wants to go everywhere
Do Londona, Pariza pa na Fiji
To London, Paris, then to Fiji
A ja bi za to trebo 100 kredita dići
And I would have to take out 100 loans for that
Pa ju mogu samo odvest na Bundek u Fići
So I can only take her to Bundek in my Yugo
Ona sanja lisicu oko vrata
She dreams of a fox fur around her neck
Cipele od krokodila sa Nila iza tog grada
Crocodile shoes from the Nile beyond that city
Mustanga al još je musava pa ne shvaća
Mustangs, but she's still a naive girl, she doesn't understand
Da ne mogu bit majmun koji sve to plaća
That I can't be the monkey who pays for all that
Hoćeš Gucci, e ja ti nemam pare
You want Gucci, I don't have money for that
Hoćeš Bling Bling, da ti u mraku sjaje
You want Bling Bling, to shine in the dark
Hoćeš Manolo, ja hoću nove starke
You want Manolo, I want new sneakers
Hoćeš pun kurac toga, ja ti nemam ni marke
You want a lot of that, I don't even have a dime
Hoćeš Ferrari, e ja ti nemam pare
You want a Ferrari, I don't have money for that
Hoćeš Damjani, da ti u mraku sjaje
You want Damjani, to shine in the dark
Hoćeš J-Lo guzicu, ja hoću nove starke
You want a J-Lo ass, I want new sneakers
Hoćeš pun kurac toga, ja ti nemam ni marke
You want a lot of that, I don't even have a dime
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, jest)
I love you (aha, yeah, right)
Krivog gledaš, nemam ti ja kartice za peglanje (ne)
You're looking at the wrong guy, I don't have credit cards for swiping (no)
Jer nisam jedan od onih što ti plaćaju skijanje
Because I'm not one of those who pays for your skiing trips
Jebi ga, ovdje nema crvenih tepiha
Fuck it, there are no red carpets here
I nema tog glamura, nema slikanja i uzdaha
And there's no glamour, no photoshoots and gasps
Nema viškova, žao mi je da je tako
No screaming, I'm sorry it's like that
Ovdje puno se radi a novac dolazi polako
Here we work a lot and money comes slowly
Ma ne kužiš ti to i gad mi je kad se fixa
But you don't understand that, and it disgusts me when you fixate
Samo kažeš da me volliš jer ulozila bi kviska
You only say you love me because you'd invest your pussy
Al zaboravi, takve nikoga ne jebu
But forget it, girls like that don't fuck anyone
Kažeš ima se za shopping ali nema se za bebu
You say there's money for shopping but not for a baby
Ja nisam budućnost u tvojoj divnoj viziji
I'm not the future in your wonderful vision
I nisu svi bogati što ih gledaš na televiziji
And not everyone you see on TV is rich
Ti bogati te srede, stara, dok si rekla keks
Those rich guys fuck you, honey, before you can say cookie
O, pa i poznate manekenke naplaćuju im seks
Oh, and even famous models charge them for sex
Da je ljubav barem predmet pa da može da se kupi
If only love was an object, so it could be bought
I da izgled dobro vara i da svi smo tako glupi
And that appearances are deceiving and we're all so stupid
I da na to imam para ti me ne bi ostavila
And if I had money for all that, you wouldn't leave me
Ali vjeruj, ja bih tebe, srce, čim bi ostarila
But believe me, darling, I would leave you the moment you got old
Jer jedino što znaš je ganjat velike plaće
Because the only thing you know is chasing big paychecks
A ja nisam dobrostojeći osim kad popunim gaće
And I'm not well-off, except when I fill my pants
Hoćeš Damjani, e ja ti nemam keša
You want Damjani, I don't have the cash
Hoćeš J-Lo guzicu da se bolje miješa
You want a J-Lo ass for better mixing
Hoćeš Ferrari, a ja bi samo nove gume
You want a Ferrari, and I just want new tires
Ti bi pun kurac toga, ja ti nemam ni kune
You want a lot of that, I don't even have a penny
Volim te (hm da, i ja tebe)
I love you (hm yeah, me too)
Volim te (da, da, da, i ja tebe)
I love you (yes, yes, yes, me too)
Volim te (aha, i ja tebe)
I love you (aha, me too)
Volim te (aha, ko te jebe, hu)
I love you (aha, who gives a fuck, hoo)

Writer(s): Edo Majka, Matko Sasek, Srđan ćuk

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