Edo Maajka - Dzigera Beat - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Edo Maajka - Dzigera Beat

Dzigera Beat
Dzigera Beat
Nemoj se bojat care, ja sam samo drukciji
Don't be afraid, honey, I'm just different
Nemam nista protiv tebe, mada ti se ucini
I have nothing against you, though it may seem that way
Znam da su te ucili da drukciji su tudjini
I know you were taught that different means foreign
Svi koji su drukciji krivi su i ruzniji
That all who are different are wrong and uglier
Krivi su u okolini koja voli krivit
They are wrong in the eyes of those who love to blame
Koju nemos zadovoljiti ni same sa sobom mirit
Those who can't be satisfied or find peace within themselves
Njih su vazda kaznjavali
They were always punished
I znaju sad samo kaznit
And now they only know how to punish
Krivi su im objasnjavali, nisu znali objasnit
The wrong ones explained to them, they didn't know how to explain
Nemoj se bojat care toga sto si drukciji
Don't be afraid, honey, of being different
Samo su lijeni da bi drukcije naucili
They are just too lazy to learn differently
Zele biti drukciji al se ne smiju izdvajat
They want to be different, but they are afraid to stand out
Bjesni su na sebe care grize se kad idu spavat
They are furious at themselves, honey, they bite themselves when they go to sleep
Garant, garant ce te mrzit
Guaranteed, guaranteed they will hate you
Ako ponasas se drukcije
If you act differently
Njegovi okovi su teski ali on to ne razumije
His shackles are heavy, but he doesn't understand that
Ne vidi terete, sablone sto mu pritiscu genome
He doesn't see the burdens, the templates that press upon his genes
Onda vidi tebe sretnog a nema ni diplome
Then he sees you happy, even without a diploma
Puno informacija, al' premalo RAM-a
Lots of information, but not enough RAM
Premalo RAM-a, premalo RAM-a
Not enough RAM, not enough RAM
Dzabe objasnjavat kad je premalo RAM-a
It's pointless to explain when there's not enough RAM
Premalo RAM-a, premalo RAM-a
Not enough RAM, not enough RAM
Sedam milijardi, sedam milijardi drukciji
Seven billion, seven billion different
Sedam milijardi, sedam, a jos nismo naucili
Seven billion, seven, and we still haven't learned
Tek sedam milijardi, sedam
Just seven billion, seven
A svi bi kontrolirat
And everyone wants to control
Zemlja strpljivo ceka kad ce se asimilirat
The Earth patiently waits for when we will assimilate
Ozonske rupe ce nas jebat u dupe
Ozone holes will fuck us in the ass
Ozonske rupe u dupe
Ozone holes in the ass
Drukciji ce uciti da, ucini da hoda po pucini
The different ones will learn to, make it seem like he walks on water
Dok ga sa palube Titanika gadja harpunima
While from the deck of the Titanic they shoot him with harpoons
Tudjini, udji im u oko
Foreigners, get in their eyes
Videces da kriv si, gresnice
You'll see that you're guilty, sinner
Dok onoj poroti sto svakom recju spaljuje vestice
While that jury that burns witches with every word
Dok pije kafu, dok cita stampu
While drinking coffee, while reading the newspaper
Cak i dok spava, mrmlja kako nekom jebe majku
Even while sleeping, mumbles how he fucks someone's mother
Onom drugom, Krivom, nakaznom, sivom
That other one, the wrong one, the deformed one, the gray one
Onom sto se nije merio tim njihovim lenjirom
The one who didn't measure up to their lazy ruler
Misljenje je otrov, od toga boli glava, kazu mnogo informacija, a premalo rama
Opinion is poison, it gives you a headache, they say too much information, and not enough RAM
I premalo srama da im bude u vidiku
And not enough shame to be in their sight
Da time tvore RAM za jednu vrlo ruznu sliku
To create RAM for a very ugly picture
Savremeni pagani, ti na zrtveniku
Modern pagans, you on the altar
Jos veruju u Boga koji sisa krv i limfu
Still believe in a God who sucks blood and lymph
Ne moze da ucita drugo jer mu RAM
He can't load anything else because his RAM
To ne da, to je k'o da guras Laru Kroft u Pentium jedan
Won't let him, it's like pushing Lara Croft into a Pentium one
Sedam milijardi, sedam milijardi drukciji
Seven billion, seven billion different
Sedam milijardi, sedam, a jos nismo naucili
Seven billion, seven, and we still haven't learned
Tek sedam milijardi, sedam
Just seven billion, seven
A svi bi kontrolirat
And everyone wants to control
Zemlja strpljivo ceka kad ce se asimilirat
The Earth patiently waits for when we will assimilate
Sam malo di je Frenki
Just a bit, where's Frenkie
Je l' ovo oni krem de la krem
Is this the crème de la crème?
Nije, nego Kandzija, pa sad je eurokrem
No, it's Kandzija, so now it's Eurocrem
Mozda sad sam seljak, mozda ovo treba mijenjat
Maybe I'm a peasant now, maybe this needs to change
'Ej Koolade brate 'ajmo bolje ispocetka
'Hey Koolade bro, let's start over'
Od ovih sedam milijardi svi su u nekoj bandi svi se boje drugih, pola debeli, pola gladni
Of these seven billion, everyone's in some gang, everyone's afraid of others, half are fat, half are hungry
Ismisljotine su stvarnost ocito je
Fabrications are reality, obviously
Prepuna je tajni
It's full of secrets
Ustvari sve je u glavi, inace kako bi znali
Actually, it's all in your head, otherwise how would we know
Ko su lijepo, ko gladni
Who are beautiful, who are hungry
Ko napada, ko se brani
Who attacks, who defends
Ko su lazni ko su pravi, ko glavni
Who are fake, who are real, who's in charge
Ko jadni, ko prvi, ko zadnji
Who are miserable, who's first, who's last
Ko su na ovoj traci Srbi
Who are Serbs on this track
Ko su Hrvati, ko su Bosanci
Who are Croats, who are Bosnians
Sve je to meni ani, fani, fani, fani Kerum
It's all ani, fani, fani, fani Kerum to me
Svi ko i ja seru, na sve smo stavili cijenu
Everyone like me shits, we put a price on everything
II njih sedam vec ih svake sekunde stize
And there are seven of them, more are coming every second
I brise tisuce vise
And erasing thousands more
Nisu tu da misle vec da dijele patike frizure i misli iste
They're not here to think, but to share sneakers, hairstyles, and the same thoughts
I da budem iskren, svi se boje sebe
And to be honest, everyone is afraid of themselves
Svi jednako vrijede al' mi vrijedimo vise
Everyone is equal, but we are worth more

Writer(s): Arsen Dedić, Edo Maajka, Lili Ivanova

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