Edo Maajka - Trpaj - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Edo Maajka - Trpaj

Pack 'Em Up
Hajmo svi u maricu, vozi nas u stanicu
C'mon everyone, into the paddy wagon, take us to the station
Tamo znaju da nas tuku, prošli su obuku (x2)
They know how to beat us there, they've been trained (x2)
Čujem toki-voki, njih dvojica idu do mene
I hear the walkie-talkie, two of them are coming my way
Kažu dokumenta!, šta nas gledaš tako majmune
They say "Documents!", why are you looking at us like that, monkey?
Isprazni džepove, zašto su ti oči crvene?
Empty your pockets, why are your eyes red?
Vidim capove, mora da mi šaraš vozove
I see the cops, you must be tagging trains
šta ti je čovječe, rekoh
What's wrong with you, man, I said
Nisam bolan ja nego neko drugi
I'm not sick, it's someone else
Nije bitno ja uživo sam u pljugi
It doesn't matter, I'm high as a kite
đe je trava? đe je šit? đe je skank? đe je spid?
Where's the weed? Where's the shit? Where's the skunk? Where's the speed?
Govori đe je, osjetio sam jedan...
Tell me where it is, I smelled one...
Ahaaaaaaa tamo našo sam mu rizle
Ahaaaaaaa there I found his rolling papers
Ahaaaaaaa mora imat haša ako ima papire
Ahaaaaaaa he must have hash if he has papers
Edo cire, dao ti je Mire onaj iz Holland
Edo's getting high, Mire from Holland gave it to you
Mirišu nam vrhovi, govori đe je bolan
Our buds smell, tell me where it is, man
Skini patike, čarape, skini majice
Take off your shoes, socks, take off your shirts
Imal' šta? nema ništa? da prorade palice
Is there anything? There's nothing? Let the batons do the talking
Bacio je garant blizu ove klupice
He must have thrown it near this bench
Pravi mi se pametan, hajmo s njim do stanice
He's acting smart, let's take him to the station
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Ne furam gun, pa zašto me tuku?
I don't carry a gun, so why are they beating me?
Ne kradem lovu, pa zašto me tuku?
I don't steal money, so why are they beating me?
Ne uzimam mito, pa zašto me tuku?
I don't take bribes, so why are they beating me?
Neka me za kitu povuku!
Let them pull me by the dick!
Ovaj garant ima baklju, ovaj ne može
This one definitely has a torch, this one can't get in
Ima šal i transparente, zato hajmo ga tuć, čekaj!
He has a scarf and banners, that's why let's beat him, wait!
Tu su novinari, reporteri možemo najebat
There are journalists, reporters, we can get in trouble
Neka međusobno zakuhaju a onda ih razjebat
Let them fight each other and then we'll break them up
Baš mi se mlate, ionako nam ne daju plate
I really enjoy beating them, they don't give us our salaries anyway
Davno je prošo prvi, biće krvi!
The first of the month is long gone, there will be blood!
Ko u Samoboru, za vrijeme HDZ-a
Like in Samobor, during the HDZ rule
đe su tad bile kamere od HTV-a? đe?
Where were the HTV cameras then? Where?
Trpaj, kad za njihove nisi htio glasat!
Pack 'em up, when you didn't want to vote for them!
Trpaj... šššššš e to nisi smio kazat!
Pack 'em up... shhhhh you shouldn't have said that!
Trpaj, kad na ulicu izađe nas puno
Pack 'em up, when there are many of us on the street
Trpaj, trpaj, jer ne znaju šta bi drugo
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up, because they don't know what else to do
Dobro veče, reče, veče
Good evening, he said, evening
Daj vozačku, dokumenta
Give me your license, documents
Lijevi, desni žmigavac i duga, kratka svijetla
Left, right turn signal and high, low beams
Imo si 5 na sat iznad ograničenja
You were 5 kilometers per hour over the limit
10 ojra i care doviđenja!
10 euros and goodbye, sir!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Trpaj, trpaj u maricu sve nas trpaj!
Pack 'em up, pack 'em up in the paddy wagon, pack us all up!
Ne furam gun, pa zašto me tuku?
I don't carry a gun, so why are they beating me?
Ne kradem lovu, pa zašto me tuku?
I don't steal money, so why are they beating me?
Ne uzimam mito, pa zašto me tuku?
I don't take bribes, so why are they beating me?
Neka me za kitu povuku!
Let them pull me by the dick!
Like this:
Hooooo-ruk, nek vuku
Hooooo-ruk, let them pull
Hooooo-ruk, neka me vuku
Hooooo-ruk, let them pull me
Hooooo-ruk, neka me vuku
Hooooo-ruk, let them pull me
Hooooo-ruk, za kitu
Hooooo-ruk, by the dick
Hooooo-ruk, vuci bolan
Hooooo-ruk, pull, man
Hooooo-ruk, vuci bolan
Hooooo-ruk, pull, man
Hooooo-ruk, vuci bolan
Hooooo-ruk, pull, man
Zovi pojačanje, malo vas je
Call for backup, there aren't enough of you
Malo vas je, malo vas je
There aren't enough of you, there aren't enough of you
Zovite pojačanje jebote!
Call for backup, damn it!

Writer(s): Drazen Kvocic, Edin Osmic

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