Efrain Colombo - La Esperada - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Efrain Colombo - La Esperada

La Esperada
The Expected One
Si tu eres la esperada
If you are the expected one
Que a nadie puedo contar
That I can't tell anyone about
Porque te quedas pensando
Why do you keep thinking
Si el amar es nuestro mal
If love is our evil
Hoy ya nada imagino.
Today I imagine nothing.
Hoy besarte es el placer,
Today kissing you is the pleasure,
Es tu llanto el que me ata
It is your crying that binds me
Al recuerdo de tu ayer.
To the memory of your yesterday.
Nadie dijo la mentira
No one said the lie
Que atrapó a mi corazón,
That trapped my heart,
Al rescate de tu abismo
To the rescue of your abyss
No se llega sin amor.
You can't get there without love.
Tu eres mi adolescencia
You are my adolescence
Yo puedo ser tu niñez;
I can be your childhood;
Las heridas de tu vida,
The wounds of your life,
No si las curaré.
I don't know if I'll cure them.
Nadie dijo que sea cierto
Nobody said it was true
Lo que dice esta canción,
What this song says,
La mentira supo un día
The lie knew one day
Comprender a la razón.
To understand reason.
La Esperada, hoy te llamo,
The Expected One, today I call you,
Y espero comprender,
And I hope to understand,
El porque de hoy estar junto,
The why of being together today,
Poco lo van a entender.
Few will understand.
Quizás yo no tengo nada...
Maybe I have nothing...
Solo sueño por soñar
I only dream to dream
Que si eres La Esperada
That if you are The Expected One
El amor sabrá esperar
Love will know how to wait
Santa Fe te vio nacer
Santa Fe saw you born
Tu cuna la de un cantor,
Your cradle is that of a singer,
El nudo que hoy se desata,
The knot that is now untied,
Me deja escribirle al amor.
Lets me write to love.

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