Ego - Je Nám To Úplne Jedno - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ego - Je Nám To Úplne Jedno

Je Nám To Úplne Jedno
We Don't Give a Damn
Zdravím všetkých frajerov, fejbukerov,
Greetings to all the cool guys, Facebookers,
hejterov, skejterov, šupákov, nezávislých
haters, skaters, show-offs, independent,
bezďákov, zdravím decká z decákov,
homeless folks, greetings to kids from the youth centers,
emákov, zdravím Poliakov, Čechov, Slovákov.
emos, greetings to Poles, Czechs, Slovaks.
Teraz tady Miko Floso nabíha.
Now Miko Floso is running in here.
Ako keby nemalo byt zajtra áá.
As if there's no tomorrow, ah ah.
Hneď ako povyskakujú z auta tak.
As soon as they jump out of the car like that.
Nabieha do klubu celá banda wild.
The whole wild gang is running into the club.
Žijeme tak, lebo vtedy prúdi tu
We live like this because then that
vibrácia. Aj keď je to len placebo, cháp.
vibration flows here. Even if it's just a placebo, understand.
Nežerem, ale jem, tancujem a pijem,
I don't eat, but I feast, I dance and I drink,
neolizujem s a ráno sa preberem.
I don't lick with a... and I wake up in the morning.
My sme s tým začali ako sopláci.
We started this as brats.
Rapovali sme ako prváci.
We were already rapping as first graders.
Mali ste celý rap na pekáči.
You had the whole rap scene on a silver platter.
Pozri sa on žije tri dekády.
Look, he's been living for three decades.
Je nám to úplne jedno...
We don't give a damn...
Za mnou celý gang, hudba, random.
The whole gang behind me, music, random.
Darmo, je to na príbeh pre Barrandov.
No use, it's a story for Barrandov.
Gate nízko a kapuca, ten, kdo tam bol.
Low-riding pants and a hood, whoever was there.
Vie, čo je to party bangin, karambol.
Knows what party banging is, a car crash.
Sám doma prenásledovaný ako Rambo.
Home alone, hunted like Rambo.
Stále na rap namotaný, dal by Pán Boh.
Still hooked on rap, God willing.
Aby sme to nerobili pre slávu nás dvoch.
So we don't do it for the fame of the two of us.
Bombing na steny šedivé marnosť.
Bombing on gray walls, futility.
Stále s Anisom, Gyzom a Balnom.
Still with Anisa, Gyzo and Balna.
Stále neprijatý hovor od pándlov.
Still unanswered calls from the cops.
Stále slanging, gambling, rošambo.
Still slanging, gambling, chaos.
Sweat pants, gucci, luivi komando.
Sweatpants, Gucci, Luivi commando.
Všetky pohľady, keď prídeme my, pardón.
All eyes on us when we arrive, pardon.
Pre ich mozgy nepochopiteľný žargón. Stá
Jargon incomprehensible to their brains. Still
le sa nerobím chutný, aj tak som. Neprijatý je akurát tak tvoj tatko.
not making myself tasty, I am anyway. The only one not accepted is your daddy.
My sme s tým začali jak sopláci.
We started with this as brats.
Rapovali sme ako prváci.
We were already rapping as first graders.
Mali ste celý rap na pekáči.
You had the whole rap scene on a silver platter.
Pozri sa, on žije tri dekády.
Look, he's been living for three decades.
Je nám to úplne jedno...
We don't give a damn...
Je nám to úplne jedno.
We don't give a damn.
Je nám to úplne, fakt!
We really don't, for real!
Je nám to úplne jedno.
We don't give a damn.
Lebo každý z nás je prach.
Because each of us is dust.
Je nám to úplne jedno.
We don't give a damn.
Letíme s vervou bez nervov.
We fly with zeal, without nerves.
Vesmírom za nekonečno.
Through the universe to infinity.
Na zemi meníme priestor.
On Earth, we change space.
Je jedno všetko.
Everything doesn't matter.
Je nám to úplne jedno...
We don't give a damn...
Wild man wild!
Wild man wild!
Tento beat je besný,
This beat is wild,
Tato hudba je bez chýb.
This music is flawless.
Tento štýl nebezpečný.
This style is dangerous.
Tato párty je vesmír.
This party is the universe.
Tento beat je besný,
This beat is wild,
Tato hudba je bez chýb.
This music is flawless.
Tento štýl nebezpečný.
This style is dangerous.
Tato párty je vesmír.
This party is the universe.

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