Ektor feat. Strapo - 21g - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ektor feat. Strapo - 21g

2: Strapo]
2: Strapo]
21 gramov na každej veci čo dám von
21 grams on every piece of what I give out
Pre jedného Pán Boh pre druhého blázon
For one, God, for another, a madman
Áno, áno, pozor lecí Jáno
Yes, yes, watch out for John
Hudba tak tlstá, že z nej môžeš robiť sádlo
Music so thick you can make lard out of it
Nechaj to ležať a bež, skáčem jak Crash one, jump
Leave it lying and run, I'm jumping like a crash one, jump
A som preč tam, kam ty nemôžeš ja sám dám
And I'm already gone there, where you can't go, I'll give it myself
Ty môžeš heš, ty môžeš držať ten joystick
You can hash, you can hold that joystick
Zatiaľ čo ja budem motať ten svôj stick
While I'll be winding my own stick
Všetci sa stratili v dyme zo sativy
Everybody got lost in the smoke of sativas
Neboj vyvediem vás jak Mojžiš
Don't worry, I'll lead you out like Moses
Chcela by skákať na hríbik jak Mário
She wanted to jump on a mushroom like Mario
Že sa jej páčilo, chcela fellatio
That she liked it, she wanted fellatio
Na každom koncerte srdce ju pálilo
At every concert, her heart burned
Žere to aj keď nehrá to rádio
She eats it even if the radio doesn't play
Porazím všetkých ktorí ma hecli
I will defeat all who incite me
Uhnite z cesty, dajte mi cecky
Get out of the way, give me the tits
Jebať na depky, idú na blacklist
Fuck the depressions, they're going on the blacklist
Pripíjam do kamery ako Gatsby
I toast to the camera like Gatsby
Skoro 30 rokov poctivo rastiem do krásy
Almost 30 years, I have been growing into beauty
Polievaj ma koňakom a jebni ma do vázy
Water me with cognac and put me in a vase
Moje svedomie je čisté, nerobme si vrásky
My conscience is clear, let's not get wrinkles
Ego 9999, hádaj kto sa vrátil
Ego 9999, guess who's back

Writer(s): ektor

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