Ektor feat. Strapo - Néé - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ektor feat. Strapo - Néé

Ne, ani trochu se mi nelíbí tvůj rap,
No, I don't like your rap, not one bit,
Né, neposlechnu si tvůj první dobrej track.
No, I won't listen to your first good track.
Né, nechci od tebe ten hodně tvrdej beat,
No, I don't want that hard beat from you,
Víš, je hrozně pozdě, budu muset jít.
You know, it's getting late, I have to go.
Né, ani trochu se mi nelíbí tvůj styl,
No, I don't like your style, not at all,
Né, neřeknu ti, proč jsi pro Benny Hill.
No, I won't tell you why you're Benny Hill to me.
Né, nevím, jak to na těch bednách bude znít,
No, I don't know how it will sound on the speakers,
Víš, ňák bolí hlava, budu muset jít.
You know, I have a headache, I have to go.
Prosím tě, neposílej další věci, nech bejt,
Please, don't send any more stuff, leave me alone,
Kdy ti dojde, že tvůj rap je pro bezcennej.
When will you get it, your rap is worthless to me.
Kdy ti dojde, že to poznám podle první věty,
When will you get it, I can tell from the first sentence,
Je mi fuk, jestli jde o teplý nebo tvrdý rapy.
I don't give a damn if it's soft or hard raps.
Českej rap je na dně, potřebuje první pomoc,
Czech rap is at the bottom, it needs first aid,
Všude samej zvadlej kokot, nikde žádnej dorost.
Everywhere withered dicks, no young talent anywhere.
Psalo mi stovky lidí, všichni chtěli kolabo,
Hundreds of people wrote to me, they all wanted a collab,
Jeden horší toy než druhej, žádnej talent, škoda slov.
One worse toy than the other, no talent, waste of words.
Vy blázni, dyť tohle snad nemůžete myslet vážně,
You fools, you can't be serious,
Tolik rapu, samý zamindrákovaný básně.
So much rap, all insecure poems.
Tolik rapu, přitom ani jedna dobrá věc,
So much rap, yet not one good thing,
Tohleto chceš, aby poslouchala tvoje rodná zem?
You want your homeland to listen to this?
Ukaž mi lidi, který za tím hovnem budou stát,
Show me the people who will stand behind this shit,
ti je vzbudím, ale jak to pustíš, půjdou spát.
I'll wake them up, but when you play it, they'll fall asleep.
Ukaž mi lidi, který pro tvý tracky budou žít,
Show me the people who will live for your tracks,
Ne ne ne, neprežijem ďalší trápny rap,
No no no, we won't survive another embarrassing rap,
Ne ne ne, je mi jedno, že si bratranec.
No no no, I don't care that you're my cousin.
né, ani kebyže si prezident,
No no, not even if you were the president,
Ne, ani keby bol tvoj foter sám Eminem.
No, not even if your father was Eminem himself.
Ne, nemôžem to svojim fanúšikom urobiť,
No, I can't do this to my fans,
Ne, nemôžem sa takou spoluprácou potupiť.
No, I can't humiliate myself with such a collaboration.
né, nikdy sa pod to nepodpíšem,
No no, I will never sign my name to this,
Ne ne ne, do piče, kedy to prestane.
No no no, fuck, when will it stop.
Vymažem Facebook a urobím si nový email,
I'll delete Facebook and make a new email,
Potom mi možno prestanú písať tie tupé svině.
Then maybe those stupid pigs will stop writing to me.
Nedám ti spoluprácu, nemám, nedám,
I won't give you a collab, I don't have, I won't give,
Počul som tvoj rap, rapuješ jak znásilnená žena.
I heard your rap, you rap like a raped woman.
Stále fňukáš a plačeš do lacného samplu,
You keep whining and crying into a cheap sample,
A pritom nemáš v sebe ani miligram talentu.
And you don't even have a milligram of talent in you.
Kľudne buď pre mňa za mňa kečup, ale rapper nebuď,
Be ketchup for all I care, but don't be a rapper,
A nebuď labuť a hlavne sa už, kokot, zobuď.
And don't be a swan, and most of all, wake up, you dick.
To vážne veríš tomu, že napíšeš dobrú slohu,
Do you really believe that you'll write a good verse,
Očul si ty niekedy vlastne hudbu svoju, čo?
Have you ever actually listened to your own music, huh?
Ukáž mi jedného človeka, ktorého si získal,
Show me one person you've won over,
Na základe toho, čo si ty do beatu vysral, poď.
Based on what you shit into the beat, come on.
Kedy pochopíš, kokot, že toto nemá význam,
When will you understand, dickhead, that this is pointless,
že ja ti na to tvoje demo nedám ani freestyle.
That I won't even give you a freestyle on your demo.
A viem, že není ľahké počúvať aká si sračka,
And I know it's not easy to hear what a piece of shit you are,
Ale funguje to a volá sa to že tvrdá láska.
But it works, and it's called tough love.
Né, ani trochu se mi nelíbí tvůj rap,
No, I don't like your rap, not one bit,
Né, neposlechnu si tvůj první dobrej track.
No, I won't listen to your first good track.
Né, nechci od tebe ten hodně tvrdej beat,
No, I don't want that hard beat from you,
Víš, je hrozně pozdě, budu muset jít.
You know, it's getting late, I have to go.
Né, ani trochu se mi nelíbí tvůj styl,
No, I don't like your style, not at all,
Né, neřeknu ti, proč jsi pro Benny Hill.
No, I won't tell you why you're Benny Hill to me.
Né, nevím, jak to na těch bednách bude znít,
No, I don't know how it will sound on the speakers,
Víš, ňák bolí hlava, budu muset jít.
You know, I have a headache, I have to go.
Ne ne ne, neprežijem ďalší trápny rap,
No no no, we won't survive another embarrassing rap,
Ne ne ne, je mi jedno, že si bratranec.
No no no, I don't care that you're my cousin.
né, ani kebyže si prezident,
No no, not even if you were the president,
Ne, ani keby bol tvoj foter sám Eminem.
No, not even if your father was Eminem himself.
Ne, nemôžem to svojim fanúšikom urobiť,
No, I can't do this to my fans,
Ne, nemôžem sa takou spoluprácou potupiť.
No, I can't humiliate myself with such a collaboration.
né, nikdy sa pod to nepodpíšem,
No no, I will never sign my name to this,
Ne ne ne, do piče, kedy to prestane.
No no no, fuck, when will it stop.

Writer(s): Ektor

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