El Joker - TOTLOB AMA TOTLOB - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation El Joker - TOTLOB AMA TOTLOB

أنا وأحمد والجوكر لينا الشرف
Ahmed, Joker, and I have the honor,
شخصياتنا ليها معنى وليها غرض
Our characters have meaning and purpose.
مش بنرايم اسم وكلمة، ده مش فرح
We don't just rhyme words and names, this isn't a wedding.
شخصياتك زي بعض زي الخرا
Your characters are all the same, like crap.
وإن جيت ع الجد و ع الجدون، ف انت عملت الهبد لون
And if you come at me seriously, you've made stupidity a trend.
إفضل قدم حاجة واقعة تغفل يوسف في الشابوة
Keep presenting something real, make Yousef sleep in the shack.
زميلي بالحي أرميكوا من فوق
My friends from the hood will throw you from above,
أرض الحي بتاعنا شوك
The ground of our neighborhood is thorny.
بنطق حي يجيلي فوج
I utter "hood" and a crowd appears,
هل منكوا حي ضد الموت
Is there anyone among you who is against death?
متمسكش زي الهوا
Don't cling like the wind,
فوق ده إحنا دافنينه سوا
On top of that, we buried it together.
إنت شوفت ناس بتعمل عوء، مش بتعمل عوء
You've seen people who do evil, not good,
تزيف التاريخ، ويجيك العوج، أنا أديك الدوا
Falsifying history, and the crookedness comes to you, I'll give you the cure.
لما الراب وراكوا الورق الأخضر كان في جيبي استوى
When green paper was behind your rap, it was already in my pocket.
الخط بعيد أما أرجع أشوف يكونوا عطلوا
The line is far, when I return, I hope they've stopped.
لو بتنافس كان كتير من جيلي فضلوا
If there was competition, many of my generation would have stayed.
ييجي يشوط أصفر يسأل ليه باصيتله
He comes to kick, gets a yellow card, and asks why I'm staring at him.
تطلب أما تطلب أغيب وأقوم ناطتله
You ask and you shall receive, I disappear and then I appear before him.
بين الواقع والخيال في خط شده
Between reality and imagination, there's a thin line.
لو في وعيه كان لعب مع اللي قده
If he was conscious, he would have played with his equals.
صعب تفهم العبيط يقف ده حده
It's hard to understand, the idiot stops, that's his limit.
لو نضيف كانوا العيال خدوه أما عدوا
If he was clean, the guys would have taken him when they passed by.
زميلي الدار أمان ولو بيكم متحاطة
My homeboys are safe, even if it's surrounded by you.
لينا نظرة وإنتوا مش عيال حطاطة
We have a vision, and you're not potato-head kids.
دلوقتي بيس! إنتوا فاكريننا بتوع بطاطا
Peace out! You think we're the potato guys?
منتراضاش لو جبتوا مين عشان نتراضى
We won't be satisfied even if you bring anyone to please us.
كل دول من وحي الفركة
All of this is from the inspiration of the rub,
أقزام مفيش عمالقة
Dwarfs, no giants.
الأفرنجي مسمعوش، ومش شايف عرب وأفارقة
The foreigner doesn't listen, and doesn't see Arabs and Africans.
لو للراب نوبل أرفضها زي سارتر
If there was a Nobel for rap, I'd refuse it like Sartre.
كلام كبير كإنه على بفرة بماركر
Big words, like written on a blackboard with a marker.
تقول إعلان وشركة، شكلك إيه أما ده يتنفي
You talk about advertising and companies, what will you look like when this is denied?
تجيبلي شركة وإنت تحت لوجو محطهوش لو حفي
Bring me a company, and you're under their logo, I won't stop even if I'm tired.
أنا لو مقلق كان الـ Pause يكون موقفي
If I was worried, the Pause button would be my stance.
إنت دخان أسيبك تطلع فتختفي
You're smoke, I'll let you rise and then disappear.
وإنت عارف سعر إسائتي
And you know the price of my insult,
لما أحب باخده نقدي
When I love, I take it in cash.
واحدة من بتوع زمان على بيتات دلوقتي
One of the old-school guys on today's beats,
عقلك مهوي بتاع محتوى لا يحتوي
Your mind is empty, like content that contains nothing.
إنت حاطط سقف ضحك عالي أوي
You've set the laughter ceiling too high.
بين الواقع والخيال في خط شده
Between reality and imagination, there's a thin line.
لو في وعيه كان لعب مع اللي قده
If he was conscious, he would have played with his equals.
صعب تفهم العبيط يقف ده حده
It's hard to understand, the idiot stops, that's his limit.
لو نضيف كانوا العيال خدوه أما عدوا
If he was clean, the guys would have taken him when they passed by.
خوفت تخلص الأسامي منه يعيط
He was afraid the names would run out and he would cry,
حفرت في قورة الكاريير رقم وإتسيط
He dug a number and a receipt in the grave of his career.
معادتش إيد القنصل ثابتة عشان تخيط
The consul's hand is no longer steady enough to sew,
كل اللي على الحيطان ده زفت بيض
All that's on the walls is whitewash.
وإنزل من المكانة؛ عشان الأرض مش شايلانا
And come down from your high horse, because the earth can't hold us.
إركب رمسيس هناك هتلاقي العيب عدانا
Go to Ramses, there you'll find the flaws are abundant.
محدش شايف حد زي ما نكون في حانة
No one sees anyone, as if we were in a tavern,
على الناهية ولا أشخاص ولا تراكات عاجبانا
At the end, neither people nor tracks please us.
متقوليش مين اللي إتعرف
Don't tell me who got to know,
متجيليش إلا من طرف
Don't come to me except through someone.
لعبي لوحده معاكوا شرف
My game alone with you is an honor,
زي أبو مكة لما إحترف
Like Abu Mecca when he went pro.
منتساواش مدير أعمالك نفسه إعترف
Don't forget your manager himself confessed,
قال على الأوديو قرف، بس الفيديو صرف
He said the audio was crap, but the video paid off.
سين في غيبتي شم نفسه، جيت في منتصف كاريره
Sin smelled himself in my absence, I came in the middle of his career.
رجعوا كل Shortcut خدوها رجعوا زيرو
They went back to every shortcut, they returned to zero.
إفتكرني زيه بقول هجيله ومش هجيله
Remember me like him, saying I'll come to him and I won't.
أما باشا نزلت باشا بل سريره
When Pasha came down, Pasha was in his bed.
بين الواقع والخيال في خط شده
Between reality and imagination, there's a thin line.
لو في وعيه كان لعب مع اللي قده
If he was conscious, he would have played with his equals.
صعب تفهم العبيط يقف ده حده
It's hard to understand, the idiot stops, that's his limit.
لو نضيف كانوا العيال خدوه أما عدوا
If he was clean, the guys would have taken him when they passed by.
مهما تعلوا بنبقى فوقكوا زي الغطا
No matter how high you rise, we'll still be above you like a blanket.
تولعوها تستهلككوا زي الحطب
You'll light it up and consume yourselves like firewood.
كل الهد ده في كاريركوا وقت الفضا
All this calm in your career is during free time.
مهما بمشي باجي تاني زي المطر
No matter how much I walk, I come back again like the rain.
ده لا إنت كين، ولا إنت دون
You're neither Kane nor Don,
كاشف كله بالدرون
Revealing everything with a drone.
متمثلوش علينا إحنا مش مسرح البالون
Don't act on us, we're not the balloon theater.
مينفعش من المكسيك تكون
You can't be from Mexico,
تكسف الزمالك! قول
Shame on Zamalek! Speak up.
بشركة ياسطى زي بدون
With a company, boss, like without,
عدد ملكش بووم
Your number doesn't have a boom.
وسط إرباع النص برم
In the midst of quarters, the text spins,
كلها حساباتها فرم
All its calculations are minced.
الحفلة لما تخلص اللي هيفضل الدكره
When the party is over, what will remain is the memory.
زميلي إنتوا نايمين في حقل الدرة، والأشباح في طرة
My friend, you're sleeping in the Durra field, and the ghosts are in Tora.
بالخميرة وجاي على المكسيك أحط كاش في طرح
With yeast, coming to Mexico to put cash in طرح (unknown reference).
أبطال شتموه أما كان في ضهري إتأسفتله
Heroes cursed him when he was behind my back, I apologized to him.
نطط عليا في غيبتي عيال، وقدما بطلوا
They jumped on me in my absence, kids, and their feet stopped.
تشوفني نازل دب دب تقول فضيتله
You see me coming down like a bear, you say I emptied it for him.
تطلب أما تطلب، أغيب وأقوم حاطتله
You ask and you shall receive, I disappear and then I put it on him.

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