El Nino feat. DJ Wicked - Torpila - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation El Nino feat. DJ Wicked - Torpila

Când vin la microfon competiţia dispare
When I step up to the mic, the competition disappears
Ce pu*a mea te uiţi aşa ca pi*dele după BMW
What the f*ck are you staring like a d*ckhead after a BMW
Nu vezi pe la TV nu-mi plac mie cur*ele
You don't see me on TV because I don't like b*tches
O viaţă-ntreagă gălăgie vreau puţină linişte
A lifetime of noise, I want some peace
Scuip adevărat bro zi-mi ce vorbesc poate de asta-m nimerit-o
I spit real sh*t, bro, tell me what I'm talking about, maybe I nailed it
Capul mare ca un vito, vitamina-m energie
Big head like a Vito, vitamin my energy
Cad de sus pe tobe lecţii de cascadorie
I fall from above on drums, stuntman lessons
Dau, cel mai bun flow vin cuvinte de lux
I give the best flow, I come with luxury words
Apar acolo unde ochii tăi văd un apus
I appear where your eyes see a sunset
Am tunu încărcat pregăteşte caşcavalul
I have the cannon loaded, get the cash ready
Vezi vorbesc serios, vin facem monetaru
Look, I'm serious, I'm coming to make the money
Banii mei pe masă 95 de kilograme de platină
My money on the table, 95 kilos of platinum
Şti cât îmi face pielea barosane
You know what my skin does, big boy
Să-ţi zic o vorbă OLTEANCLAN
Let me tell you something, OLTEANCLAN
Arată-mi ceasu ca să-ţi zic dacă-i geam sau cristal
Show me your watch so I can tell you if it's glass or crystal
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man! Nu
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man! I'm not
Vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
Selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Trece prin peniţă mugurele din foiţă
The bud from the foil passes through the pen
Dau rap de viţă nobilă adică mare fiţă
I give noble vine rap which is big fit
Am cască de titan pe cap de golan
I have a titanium helmet on a hooligan's head
Conduc un batalion tu tre să-mi zici căpitan
I lead a battalion you have to call me captain
Am un colt încărcat urc pe scenă să-l descarc
I have a loaded colt I go on stage to unload it
Am un flow accelerat zi-mi El Dorado, Caddilac
I have an accelerated flow call me El Dorado, Cadillac
Am bombe vină anti-tero
I have bombs let the anti-terror come
Oltean-vero vedetă ca Del Piero
Oltean-vero celebrity like Del Piero
Caalm, pi*do, îs rege la mic mic
Calm down, d*ckhead, I'm king at the mic mic
Mai dă-te în colo, înainte de dislike
Move over, before you dislike
Tanc în stradă, trag, d
Tank on the street, I shoot,
Obor în industria muzicală sunt robot terminator
I break into the music industry, I'm a terminator robot
TOR-PILA adică m-ajută bila
TOR-PEDO means the ball helps me
Dacă nu-nţelegi mesajul poţi rămâi la tranquila
If you don't understand the message you can stay tranquila
TRRRRRAAA-TRA-Trag tare bag pu*a-n comerţul vostru
BAAAM-BAM- I shoot hard, I put the d*ck in your business
Capul meu nu-i de vânzare!
My head is not for sale!
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Bani, bani, bani vreau fac bani, bani
Money, money, money I want to make money, money
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!
Nu vând, nu vând, nu vând man!
I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, I'm not selling out, man!

Writer(s): Alin Emil Ghita, Feenom

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