El Oss - Fantasmas - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation El Oss - Fantasmas

El odio agita los fantasmas internos
Hate stirs the ghosts within,
Es estupido vivir a base de recuerdos
Living on memories is a foolish sin.
Como despertar los versos ya muertos
Like awakening verses long dead,
Quemando nuves lanzando almas del infierno
Burning clouds, casting souls from hell instead.
Existe un orisonte entre sol y cielo
There's a horizon between sun and sky,
Un donde entre desvelo y anelo
A place between wakefulness and a sigh.
Un continente entre amor y te quiero
A continent between love and "I love you",
Un mar de penas en un voy y no vuelvo
A sea of sorrows in a "gone and won't come back to you".
Hay vidas que no son vidas son solo fantasmas
Some lives aren't lives, they're just ghosts you see,
De iluciones y heridas
Of illusions and wounds, a painful spree.
Hay vidas que no son vidas creeme
Some lives aren't lives, believe me, it's true,
Son estigmas de iluciones perdidas
They're stigmas of lost illusions, me and you.
Siguen apariciones donde quiera que mire
Apparitions follow wherever I gaze,
Espiritus rondan preguntando por que mueren
Spirits wander, asking why life fazes.
Una respusta es lo unico que los retiene
One answer is all that keeps them here,
El amor nutre muere y vuelve a hacer que respire
Love nourishes, dies, and makes breath reappear.
No te combiertas en un fantasma del pasado
Don't become a ghost of the past,
Lucha por ser sobreviviente del presente
Fight to be a survivor, make it last.
No tienes metas solo busca bien al fondo
You have no goals, just search deep inside,
Aqui vivir es sufrir pero nada es para siempre
Here, living is suffering, but nothing will forever abide.
Fijo la mirada en su flujo sanguineo
I fix my gaze on your blood's flow,
De lujo cierro los ojos y suena espontaneo
Luxuriously, I close my eyes, and music starts to grow.
Lo dijo un brujo señalando el designio
A sorcerer said, pointing to destiny's sign,
El dolor envia amor pero eso tarda siglos
Pain sends love, but it takes time.
Entre volver y volver desmiente el torpe
Between returning and returning, deny the clumsy fool,
Hice un gesto de fe lanzandome desde el borde
I made a leap of faith, jumping from the pool.
Mirame no me fui estoy aqui aun siendo pobre
Look at me, I didn't leave, I'm still here, even though I'm poor,
Se que un dia olvidara mi voz mi cara y mi nombre
I know one day you'll forget my voice, my face, and what I stand for.
Escribirendo me siento transparente
As I write, I feel transparent and thin,
Luce entre la gente un fantasma blando a regañadientes
A soft ghost shines reluctantly within the din.
No puedes verme ni tu a mi el castigo de el devil
You can't see me, nor I you, the devil's cruel play,
La vida nos pone asi tensos frios y tristes
Life makes us tense, cold, and sad this way.
No dejo de verte en todas partes
I keep seeing you everywhere,
Sera tarde cuando el dolor se aparte
It'll be too late when the pain departs from where.
Tambien diria qu paris arde
I'd also say that Paris burns with desire,
Se vuelve repulsivo el contarte
Telling you becomes repulsive, setting my soul on fire.
He estado noches enteras en vigilia deseando besarte
I've spent whole nights awake, longing to kiss your lips,
Todo lo que vale la pena no es no facil ni gratis
Everything worthwhile isn't easy, it takes effort and trips.
Vale rapear tu pena pero no es facil hacerlo asi
It's worth rapping your pain, but it's not easy to do it like this,
Si todo lo que ago es un problema para ti
If everything I do is a problem, a painful abyss.
Quieres mori algun dia seguiras viviendo en mi
If you die someday, you'll keep living in me,
Si algun dia muere el rencor te espero donde siempre
If resentment dies one day, I'll wait for you where we used to be.
Alli en la nube 21 en un junio 27
There on cloud 21, on a June 27th day,
Sin nada que recordar solo este momento
With nothing to remember, just this moment to play.
Olvidando que no es cierto ignorando al resto
Forgetting that it's not real, ignoring all the rest,
Y solo dicto mi dolor escrito hojas quemadas
And I just dictate my pain, written on burnt pages, a painful quest.
Con la mirada en la nada y nada que discutir
With my gaze on nothing, and nothing to discuss,
Alli estas la ultima corazonada recostada sobre en tu almuada
There you are, the last hunch, lying on your pillow, a gentle hush.
Y que no se sabe rendir
And what doesn't know how to surrender,
Las alegrias parecen flores que la llubia mancha
Joys seem like flowers that the rain will render.
El tiempo envejese y el viento desoja
Time ages and the wind strips bare,
En el jardin de amores donde el desamor aloja
In the garden of love where heartbreak takes its share.
Y se retuerce deseando ponerce en marcha
And it writhes, wanting to set itself in motion,
Al final el camino solo descansar en un parque
In the end, the path is just to rest in a park's devotion.
Para hablar con los fantasmas de pasado
To talk to the ghosts of the past that still remain,
Y sanar besar tus labios ficticios
And heal, to kiss your fictional lips again.
Mirar tus ojos de cristal
To look into your eyes of crystal and glass,
Volver a acariciar el viento frio de tu falta aca
To caress the cold wind of your absence, which came to pass.
El viento frio de tu falta aca
The cold wind of your absence here,
El viento frio de tu falta...
The cold wind of your absence so clear...

Writer(s): Oscar Duran

El Oss - Fantasmas
date of release

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