Els Amics De Les Arts - Suïssa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Els Amics De Les Arts - Suïssa

Tu, que trencant l'alto el foc va i li tires la copa a la cara
You, who breaking the heat from up high went and threw a glass in her face
Tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, el museu al·lucina, ningú no respira
You, you, you, you, you, the museum hallucinates, no one breathes
Que l'has llançat, que no has mirat
That you threw it, that you didn't look
Que vola i que impacta contra un Modigliani
That it flies and crashes against a Modigliani
Ell, que ara perd els estreps, encadena un renec amb un altre
He, who now loses his stirrups, links a curse with another
Hi ha una taca en el quadre, empentes, alarmes
There's a stain on the painting, you push, alarms
Seguretat, seguretat, escena italiana
Security, security, Italian scene
Potser ja esteu sobreactuant
Maybe you're overacting now
Potser en feu un gra massa
Maybe you're making a big deal out of it
Potser és millor dir prou i mirar endavant
Maybe it's better to say enough and look ahead
Potser hi esteu tots dos posant molt més pa que formatge
Maybe you're both putting a lot more bread than cheese
Potser al final tampoc us estimàveu tant
Maybe in the end you didn't love each other that much
Ai, ha arribat el moment que m'obligues a fer espionatge
Oh, the moment has come when you force me to spy
Però en el fons el que vols és sentir que t'enyora
But deep down what you want is to hear that he misses you
Que està fatal, que està fatal
That he's in a bad way, that he's in a bad way
Vejam, com t'ho explico, sense que te m'enfonsis
Let's see, how do I explain this to you, without you sinking me
Ell, sembla estar en un període expansiu, diu que totes li ponen
He seems to be in an expansive period, he says that they all put on makeup for him
Però com sempre, dos dies i et truca fet caldo
But as always, two days and he calls you hot
Elisabet, Elisabet
Elizabeth, Elizabeth
No cal ni que ho ploris
No need to cry
Potser ja esteu sobreactuant
Maybe you're overacting now
Potser en feu un gra massa
Maybe you're making a big deal out of it
Potser és millor dir prou i mirar endavant
Maybe it's better to say enough and look ahead
Potser hi esteu tots dos posant molt més pa que formatge
Maybe you're both putting a lot more bread than cheese
Potser al final tampoc us estimàveu tant
Maybe in the end you didn't love each other that much
Solemnement ho dic, això no cura
I solemnly say that this has no cure
Jo, des d'aquest moment, em declaro amic neutral
I, from this moment on, declare myself a neutral friend
No es pot dir que tingueu el do de la mesura
You can't say that you have the gift of moderation
I un doble agent segur que acabaria prenent mal
And a double agent would surely end up getting hurt
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa, jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland, I want to be in Switzerland
Jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland
Cadascú que es mengi, nena, els seus propis merders
Let everyone eat, baby, their own shit
Els seus propis merders
Their own shit
Jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland
Cadascú que es mengi, nena, els seus propis merders
Let everyone eat, baby, their own shit
Els seus propis merders
Their own shit
Jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland
Cadascú que es mengi, nena, els seus propis merders
Let everyone eat, baby, their own shit
Els seus propis merders
Their own shit
Jo vull ser a Suïssa
I want to be in Switzerland
Cadascú que es mengi, nena, els seus propis merders
Let everyone eat, baby, their own shit
Els seus propis merders
Their own shit

Writer(s): Els Amics De Les Arts

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