Elton John - Ticking (Remastered 2017) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Elton John - Ticking (Remastered 2017)

"An extremely quiet child" they called you in your school reports
"Чрезвычайно тихий ребенок" - так называли тебя в школьных отчетах.
"He's always taken interest in the subjects that he's taught"
"Он всегда проявлял интерес к предметам, которые ему преподавали".
So what was it that brought the squad car screaming up your drive
Так что же заставило патрульную машину кричать У тебя на подъездной дорожке
To notify your parents of the manner in which you died
Известить твоих родителей о том, как ты умер.
At St. Patrick's every Sunday, Father Fletcher heard your sins
Каждое воскресенье в церкви Святого Патрика отец Флетчер выслушивал твои грехи.
"Oh, he's unconcerned with competition he never cares to win"
"О, он равнодушен к соревнованиям, он никогда не стремится победить".
But blood stained a young hand that never held a gun
Но кровь запятнала молодую руку, которая никогда не держала ружья.
And his parents never thought of him as their troubled son
И его родители никогда не считали его своим проблемным сыном.
"Now you'll never get to Heaven" Mama said
"Теперь ты никогда не попадешь в рай", - сказала Мама.
Remember Mama said
Помнишь мама говорила
Ticking, ticking
Тикает, тикает ...
"Grow up straight and true blue
"Вырастите прямыми и настоящими голубыми
Run along to bed"
Беги в постель".
Hear it, hear it, ticking, ticking
Слышишь, слышишь, тикает, тикает ...
They had you holed up in a downtown bar screaming for a priest
Они заставили тебя отсиживаться в баре в центре города и звать священника.
Some gook said "His brain's just snapped" then someone called the police
Какой-то придурок сказал: него просто лопнули мозги", а потом кто-то позвонил в полицию.
You'd knifed a Negro waiter who had tried to calm you down
Ты ударил ножом официанта-негра, который пытался тебя успокоить.
Oh you'd pulled a gun and told them all to lay still on the ground
О, ты вытащил пистолет и приказал Всем лежать на земле.
Promising to hurt no one, providing they were still
Обещая никому не причинять вреда, при условии, что они будут спокойны.
A young man tried to make a break, with tear-filled eyes you killed
Молодой человек пытался вырваться, со слезами на глазах ты убил его.
That gun butt felt so smooth and warm cradled in your palm
Приклад ружья был таким гладким и теплым в твоей ладони.
Oh your childhood cried out in your head "they mean to do you harm"
О, твое детство кричало в твоей голове: "они хотят причинить тебе вред".
"Don't ever ride on the devil's knee" Mama said
"Никогда не садись на колени дьявола", - сказала Мама.
Remember mama said
Помнишь мама говорила
Ticking, ticking
Тикает, тикает ...
"Pay your penance well, my child
"Хорошо заплати свою епитимью, дитя мое.
Fear where angels tread"
Бойся там, где ступают Ангелы".
Hear it, hear it, ticking, ticking
Слышишь, слышишь, тикает, тикает ...
Within an hour the news had reached the media machine
Не прошло и часа, как новость дошла до СМИ.
A male caucasian with a gun had gone berserk in Queens
Белый мужчина с пистолетом взбесился в Куинсе.
The area had been sealed off, the kids sent home from school
Район был оцеплен, детей отправили домой из школы.
Fourteen people lying dead in a bar they called the Kicking Mule
Четырнадцать человек лежали мертвыми в баре, который они называли "брыкающийся мул".
Oh they pleaded to your sanity for the sake of those inside
О они взывали к твоему здравомыслию ради тех кто внутри
"Throw out your gun, walk out slow just keep your hands held high"
"Брось свой пистолет, выходи медленно, просто держи руки высоко поднятыми".
But they pumped you full of rifle shells as you stepped out the door
Но они накачали тебя патронами, как только ты вышел за дверь.
Oh you danced in death like a marionette on the vengeance of the law
О, ты танцевала в смерти, как марионетка, жаждущая мести закона.
"You've slept too long in silence" Mama said
"Ты слишком долго спал в тишине", - сказала Мама.
Remember Mama said
Помнишь мама говорила
Ticking, ticking
Тикает, тикает ...
"Crazy boy, you'll only wind up with strange notions in your head"
"Сумасшедший мальчик, ты закончишь со странными мыслями в голове".
Hear it, hear it, ticking, ticking
Слышишь, слышишь, тикает, тикает ...

Elton John - Jewel Box
Jewel Box
date of release

1 Sing Me No Sad Songs (Band Demo)
2 (I'm Gonna) Love Me Again (From "Rocketman")
3 American Triangle (Remastered 2016)
4 The Last Song
5 Amazes Me (Remastered 2017)
6 I Fall Apart
7 Cold as Christmas (In the Middle of the Year) [Remastered 2016]
8 Elton's Song (Remastered 2003)
9 Sartorial Eloquence
10 Song for Guy (Single Edit / Remastered 2017)
11 Philadelphia Freedom (Remastered 2017)
12 I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself (Remastered 2017)
13 All the Nasties (Remastered 2016)
14 My Father's Gun (Remastered 2017)
15 Border Song (Remastered 2016)
16 Lady Samantha
17 Empty Sky (Remastered 2017)
18 Things Only Get Better with Love
19 Peter's Song
20 How's Tomorrow
21 Keep It a Mystery
22 A Little Peace
23 Big Man in a Little Suit
24 God Never Came Here
25 Did Anybody Sleep with Joan of Arc?
26 So Sad the Renegade
27 The North Star
28 I Know Why I'm in Love
29 Medicine Man
30 Rope Around a Fool
31 Lord of the Flies
32 Billy and the Kids
33 Highlander
34 Lonely Boy
35 A Simple Man
36 Choc Ice Goes Mental
37 The Retreat
38 Where Have All the Good Times Gone? (Alternate Mix)
39 Take Me Down to the Ocean
40 Hey Papa Legba
41 Tortured
42 Can't Get Over Getting Over Losing You
43 Fools in Fashion
44 J'veux D'la Tendresse
45 Donner Pour Donner
46 Les Aveux
47 Love So Cold
48 Cartier
49 White Man Danger
50 Steal Away Child
51 Tactics
52 Conquer the Sun
53 Snow Queen
54 All the Nasties (Piano Demo)
55 Holiday Inn (Piano Demo)
56 Madman Across the Water (Piano Demo)
57 Razor Face (Piano Demo)
58 Burn Down the Mission (Piano Demo)
59 Amoreena (Piano Demo)
60 My Father's Gun (Piano Demo)
61 Rolling Western Union (Piano Demo)
62 One Time, Sometime or Never (Band Demo)
63 Open Your Eyes to the Sun (Piano/Tambourine Demo)
64 In the Morning (Band Demo)
65 Slow Fade to Blue (Piano/Guitar Demo)
66 The Flowers Will Never Die (Piano Demo)
67 It's Me That You Need (Band Demo)
68 Taking the Sun from My Eyes (Arranged Band Version)
69 Breakdown Blues
70 Bonnie's Gone Away (Piano/Guitar Demo)
71 Just an Ordinary Man (Piano Demo)
72 There's Still Time for Me (Piano/Guitar/Tambourine Demo)
73 Dick Barton Theme (The Devil's Gallop)
74 The Tide Will Turn for Rebecca (Piano Demo)
75 Baby I Miss You (Band Demo)
76 Smokestack Children (Arranged Band Version)
77 The Girl on Angel Pavement (Arranged Band Version)
78 Two of a Kind (Arranged Band Version)
79 All Across the Havens (Piano/Guitar Demo)
80 Skyline Pigeon (Piano Demo)
81 If I Asked You (Band Demo)
82 There Is Still a Little Love (Band Demo)
83 Cry Willow Cry (Band Demo)
84 Regimental Sgt. Zippo (Band Version)
85 Sitting Doing Nothing (Band Version)
86 Trying to Hold on to a Love That's Dying (Piano Demo)
87 I'll Stop Living When You Stop Loving Me (Piano Demo)
88 When I Was Tealby Abbey (Piano Demo)
89 And the Clock Goes Round (Piano Demo)
90 I Can't Go On Living Without You (Arranged Band Version)
91 Reminds Me of You (Piano Demo)
92 Turn to Me (Arranged Band Version)
93 71-75 New Oxford Street (Band Demo)
94 Hourglass (Band Version)
95 Tartan Coloured Lady (Arranged Band Version)
96 When the First Tear Shows (Arranged Band Version)
97 Watching the Planes Go By (Band Version)
98 Thank You for All Your Loving (Band Version)
99 Angel Tree (Piano/Guitar/Tambourine Demo)
100 Here's to the Next Time (Piano/Tambourine Demo)
101 Nina (Band Version)
102 Who's Gonna Love You (Piano/Percussion Demo)
103 Where It's At (Piano/Percussion Demo)
104 Year of the Teddy Bear (Piano Demo)
105 Get Out Of This Town (Piano/Tambourine Demo)
106 The Witch's House (Piano Demo)
107 I Get a Little Bit Lonely (Piano Demo)
108 I Could Never Fall in Love with Anybody Else (Piano Demo)
109 Countryside Love Affair (Piano Demo)
110 Mr. Lightning Strikerman (Piano Demo)
111 If You Could See Me Now (Piano Demo)
112 Velvet Fountain (Piano Demo)
113 A Dandelion Dies in the Wind (Piano Demo)
114 Scarecrow (Piano/Tambourine Demo)
115 A Little Love Goes a Long Way (Piano Demo)
116 Mr. Frantic
117 Come Back Baby
118 Street Kids (Remastered 2017)
119 My Quicksand
120 Blues for My Baby and Me (Remastered 2017)
121 House
122 (Gotta Get A) Meal Ticket (Remastered 2016)
123 Understanding Women
124 Have Mercy on the Criminal (Remastered 2017)
125 Shoot Down the Moon
126 Never Too Old (To Hold Somebody)
127 Freaks in Love
128 Tell Me When the Whistle Blows (Remastered 2016)
129 All Quiet on the Western Front (Remastered 2003)
130 The Emperor's New Clothes (Remastered 2016)
131 Crystal (Remastered 2016)
132 Ticking (Remastered 2017)
133 Boogie Pilgrim (Remastered 2017)
134 Hoop of Fire
135 The North
136 Stone's Throw from Hurtin' (Remastered 2017)
137 The New Fever Waltz
138 The Bridge
139 All That I'm Allowed (I'm Thankful)
140 The Power
141 Too Low for Zero (Remastered 2016)
142 We All Fall in Love Sometimes (Remastered 2016)
143 Gone to Shiloh
144 Chameleon (Remastered 2017)
145 Monkey Suit
146 The Ballad of Danny Bailey (1909-1934) [Remastered 2014]
147 Mellow (Remastered 2017)
148 Where to Now St. Peter? (Remastered 2017)

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