Elán - Ninja - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Elán - Ninja

Mám taký plán
My plan?
A stanem sa Ninjom
I'll become a Ninja
Rozprášim klan
I'll crush that gang
Smradľavých strýcov
Of stinking uncles
Vytrielim do ulíc
Shoot them out into the streets
po mne Schraeder páli
Schraeder's after me now
V závoji dymovníc
In a haze of smoke
To radšej zatiaľ zbalím
I'll take the bag and go
Zvlášť tajný krám
Top secret hideout
Tu prachy sa točia
Where the money flows
Som na to sám
I'm on my own
Proti mne je kšeft storočia
Up against the deal of the century
Cez deň aj po nociach
Day and night
Fantomas pasce stavia
The Phantom sets his traps
Násilie, crack a strach
Violence, crack and fear
V lóži sa dobre bavia
They're having fun at the Lodge
Obvolám, Fanfána Tulipána
I'm calling Fanfán La Tulipe
Sandokana, He-Mana a Supermana
Sandokan, He-Man and Superman
Statočných, haló tu Ninja, strácam dych
Heroes, hello, it's Ninja, I'm losing my breath
A naokolo plno zlých
And there's so many bad guys around
Mám taký plán
My plan?
Prídite všetci!
Come one, come all!
Z Astrálu k nám
From Astral to us
Hriešni aj svätci
Sinners and saints
Vtrhneme do ulíc
We'll storm into the streets
Nech po nás Schraeder páli
Let Schraeder fire away
S vagónom nábojníc
With a carload of bullets
na nás bude malý
He'll be too short for us
Obvolám, Fanfána Tulipána
I'm calling Fanfán La Tulipe
Sandokana, He-Mana a Supermana
Sandokan, He-Man and Superman
Statočných, haló tu Ninja, strácam dych
Heroes, hello, it's Ninja, I'm losing my breath
A naokolo plno zlých
And there's so many bad guys around
Obvolám kapitána Korkorána
I'm calling Captain Corcoran
Sandokana, Fanfána Tulipána
Sandokan, Fanfán La Tulipe
Statočných, haló tu Ninja, strácam dych
Heroes, hello, it's Ninja, I'm losing my breath
A naokolo plno zlých
And there's so many bad guys around
Obvolám, Fanfána Tulipána
I'm calling Fanfán La Tulipe
Sandokana, He-Mana a Supermana
Sandokan, He-Man and Superman
Statočných, haló tu Ninja, strácam dych
Heroes, hello, it's Ninja, I'm losing my breath
A naokolo plno zlých
And there's so many bad guys around

Writer(s): Deve, J. Balaz

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