Ernesto de Curtis, Luciano Pavarotti, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna & Giancarlo Chiaramello - Voce 'e notte - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ernesto de Curtis, Luciano Pavarotti, Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna & Giancarlo Chiaramello - Voce 'e notte

Voce 'e notte
Voice of the Night
Si 'sta voce te scéta 'int' 'a nuttata
If this voice awakens you in the night
Mentre t'astrigne 'o sposo tujo vicino
While your husband holds you close
Statte scetata, si vuó' stá scetata
Stay awake, if you want to be awake
Ma fa' vedé ca duorme a suonno chino
But pretend to be sound asleep
Nun ghí vicino ê llastre pe' 'a spia
Don't go to the window to peek out
Pecché nun puó' sbagliá 'sta voce è 'a mia
Because you cannot mistake this voice, it is mine
E' 'a stessa voce 'e quanno tutt'e duje
It is the same voice that when we were both
Scurnuse, nce parlávamo cu 'o "vvuje"
Alone, we spoke to each other with 'the familiar you'
Si 'sta voce te canta dint"o core
If this voice sings to you in your heart
Chello ca nun te cerco e nun te dico
What I don't ask of you and don't tell you
Tutt"o turmiento 'e nu luntano ammore
All the torment of a distant love
Tutto ll'ammore 'e nu turmiento antico
All the love of an ancient torment
Si te vène na smania 'e vulé bene
If a desire comes over you to love
Na smania 'e vase córrere p' 'e vvéne
A desire to run to him and kiss him
Nu fuoco che t'abbrucia comm'a che
A fire that burns you like that
Vásate a chillo, che te 'mporta 'e me?
Kiss him, what do you care about me?
Si 'sta voce, che chiagne 'int' 'a nuttata
If this voice, which cries in the night
Te sceta 'o sposo, nun avé paura
Awakens your husband, do not be afraid
Vide ch'è senza nomme 'a serenata
See that the serenade is nameless
Dille ca dorme e che se rassicura
Tell him he is sleeping and that he can rest assured
Dille accussí: "Chi canta 'int'a 'sta via
Tell him like this: "He who sings in this street
O sarrá pazzo o more 'e gelusia
Either he is crazy or he is dying of jealousy
Starrá chiagnenno quacche 'nfamitá
He must be weeping some vileness
Canta isso sulo ma che canta a fá"
Let him sing alone, but why does he sing?"


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