Essay - These Sinful Hands - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Essay - These Sinful Hands

These Sinful Hands
These Sinful Hands
Strofa I
Verse I
Imi aduc si acum aminte, de primele tale cuvinte
I still remember your first words to me
Cand mi-ai jurat ca n-o sa pleci niciodata
When you swore you'd never leave
Ca nu esti ca alta fata, credeam ca esti unicata
That you weren't like other girls, I thought you were unique
Dar nu! Se pare ca m-am inselat
But no! It seems I was wrong
Multumesc ca mi-ai aratat cine esti cu adevarat
Thank you for showing me who you really are
Am fost prea incapatanat, cand prietenii mi-au zis
I was too stubborn when my friends told me
Ca tu esti defapt un demon alungat din paradis
That you are actually a demon banished from paradise
Si acum doare, doare al dracu de tare
And now it hurts, it hurts like hell
Ca inocenta ce o iubeam s-a transformat in nepasare
That the innocence I loved has turned into indifference
Opreste-te! Haide iesi din mintea mea
Stop it! Come out of my mind
Ca sincer m-am saturat sa nu pot dormii noaptea
Because honestly, I'm tired of not being able to sleep at night
Bantui strazile in noptile in care nu ma somn
I roam the streets on sleepless nights
Sunt doar eu si o tigara timpul trece monoton
It's just me and a cigarette, time passes monotonously
M-am saturat sa-mi fie dor satul de lume si de tot
I'm tired of missing you, tired of the world and everything
Asa se intampla cand arati e simti, esti luat de idiot
That's what happens when you show you feel, you're taken for a fool
Am fost mereu langa tine, atunci cand toti au plecat
I was always by your side, when everyone left
Niciodata ocupat, eu mereu te-am ascultat
Never busy, I always listened to you
Io-s ala ce te-a iubit indiferent de ce au zis altii
I'm the one who loved you no matter what others said
Io-s ala ce pentru tine am lasat prietenii si fratii
I'm the one who left friends and brothers for you
Cand ai vrut sa fii singura eu am ramas langa tine
When you wanted to be alone, I stayed by your side
Cand altii si-au batut joc eu te-am tinut langa mine
When others made fun of you, I held you close to me
Atunci cand te-am cunoscut parca te stiam de mult
When I met you, it felt like I knew you for a long time
Si deja visam o viata cu tine in necunoscut
And I was already dreaming of a life with you in the unknown
Strofa II
Verse II
Simt ca te vad in orice femeie care
I feel like I see you in every woman who
Trece pe langa mine si crede-ma doare
Passes by me, and believe me, it hurts
Sunt intr-un labirint din care n-am scapare
I'm in a labyrinth with no escape
As vrea sa pot iesii dar nu gasesc o cale
I wish I could get out, but I can't find a way
Singura stare de bine o gasesc in muzica
The only well-being I find is in music
Si multi zic ca sa ma opresc fiindca nu se merita
And many say to stop because it's not worth it
Da' nu nu Gandu-mi zboara tot la tine
But no, no, my thoughts still fly to you
Toata lumea imi da sfaturi dar ce simt nimeni nu stie
Everyone gives me advice, but no one knows what I feel
D-aia pun pe hartie ce nu pot sa-ti spun tie
That's why I put on paper what I can't tell you
Daca nu m-asculti pe mine poate asculti o melodie
If you don't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to a song
Si ti-am zis ca totul o sa fie bine
And I told you everything would be fine
Atata timp cat o sa ai incredere in mine
As long as you trust me
Lumea asta de c***t iti baga doar prostii in cap
This shitty world only puts nonsense in your head
Crede-ma ca nimeni nu te ajuta cu adevarat
Believe me, no one truly helps you
Io am fost ala care te-a sustinut in tot ce faci
I was the one who supported you in everything you do
Credeam ca doar tu esti inger in lumea asta plina de draci
I thought you were the only angel in this world full of demons
Am fost mereu langa tine, atunci cand toti au plecat
I was always by your side, when everyone left
Niciodata ocupat, eu mereu te-am ascultat
Never busy, I always listened to you
Io-s ala ce te-a iubit indiferent de ce au zis altii
I'm the one who loved you no matter what others said
Io-s ala ce pentru tine am lasat prietenii si fratii
I'm the one who left friends and brothers for you
Cand ai vrut sa fii singura eu am ramas langa tine
When you wanted to be alone, I stayed by your side
Cand altii si-au batut joc eu te-am tinut langa mine
When others made fun of you, I held you close to me
Atunci cand te-am cunoscut parca te stiam de mult
When I met you, it felt like I knew you for a long time
Si deja visam o viata cu tine in necunoscut
And I was already dreaming of a life with you in the unknown

Writer(s): simon stockdale

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