F.Charm feat. Aris - Ochii din intuneric - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation F.Charm feat. Aris - Ochii din intuneric

Ochii din intuneric
Eyes in the Dark
Ochii mi-au secat
My eyes have dried
De cand ingerii au plecat
Since the angels left
Demonii se aseza
Demons settle down
Sa-mi tina locul cald in pat
To keep my place warm in bed
O balta-n noapte, pe asfaltul rece-n care ma reflect cu greu
A puddle in the night, on the cold asphalt where I reflect with difficulty
Imi spune trista-n soapte, n-are ce s-arate, ce se vede nu sunt eu
It tells me sadly in whispers, it has nothing to show, what is seen is not me
Ca odata iubeam lumea si acum vreau sa o evit
That once I loved the world and now I want to avoid it
Si c-aprind in mine ura, cand e unul fericit
And I ignite hatred within me, when someone is happy
Iubesc de doare, ca durerea trece cand ajunge-n apogeu
I love to the point of pain, as the pain passes when it reaches its peak
Multi demoni ma vaneaza, ma vizeaza sa ma prinda pe traseu
Many demons hunt me, they aim to catch me on the route
Multe ganduri necurate greu ma-ncearca sa ma mint
Many unclean thoughts try hard to deceive me
Da' eu nu-s facut sa tac, ci sa spun ceea ce simt
But I'm not made to be silent, but to say what I feel
Adun praful pe ghete, am pacate, regrete
I gather dust on my boots, I have sins, regrets
Crucifix pe perete, demonii ma vor cu-antecedente
Crucifix on the wall, demons want me with a history
Ingeri suna-n trompete, urechile-s absente
Angels sound trumpets, ears are absent
Pploaia plange de sete, demonii lovesc in sentimente
The rain cries from thirst, demons strike feelings
Miros de alcool se ridica dintr-o sticla sparta
The smell of alcohol rises from a broken bottle
Pictez undeva departe-n noapte scene de natura moarta
I paint somewhere far away in the night scenes of still life
Si acolo e un inger cu credinta lui de fier
And there is an angel with his iron faith
Ce-a tradat, acum e demon si il cheama Lucifer
Who betrayed, is now a demon and his name is Lucifer
Ochii mi-au secat
My eyes have dried
De cand ingerii au plecat
Since the angels left
Demonii se aseza
Demons settle down
Sa-mi tina locul cald in pat
To keep my place warm in bed
Ochii mi-au secat
My eyes have dried
De cand ingerii au plecat
Since the angels left
Demonii se aseza
Demons settle down
Sa-mi tina locul cald in pat
To keep my place warm in bed
La dracu cu toti demonii astia, ii simt adanc in oase
To hell with all these demons, I feel them deep in my bones
De cand ingerii si-au vazut de drum, isi fac porti in case
Since the angels went their way, they make gates in houses
Iubesc tot ce ma doare, deja ma simt veteran
I love everything that hurts me, I already feel like a veteran
C-am spart suflete de sticla de care ma-ndragosteam
Because I broke glass souls that I fell in love with
E rautate pura, mi-au lingura de la gura
It's pure malice, they took the spoon from my mouth
Si printre dinti ma-njura, cand ma-mping spre geamandura
And through their teeth they curse me, when they push me towards the buoy
Si n-am sa strig mama, si n-am sa strig tata
And I won't cry out for mom, and I won't cry out for dad
Eu am credinta, nu am arme, astia-s o armata
I have faith, I don't have weapons, these are an army
Ura, frica, viciu, arma, ochii mint se-toarce karma
Hatred, fear, vice, weapon, eyes lie, karma returns
Suna alarma si-anunta drama, se-aprinde flama si nu-ti dai seama
The alarm sounds and announces the drama, the flame ignites and you don't realize it
Rece, gheata in pistol, eu cu mine-n dormitor
Cold, ice in the gun, I'm with myself in the bedroom
Ochii la demoni cum intra in rol, lovesc in suflete, fac carambol
Eyes on the demons as they enter the role, they strike souls, they make a mess
Un cosmar ce ma trezeste-n bezna inutil
A nightmare that wakes me up in the darkness in vain
C-am devenit de ce ma temeam cand eram copil
Because I became what I feared when I was a child
Oglinzile s-au spart, c-au vazut prea mult gunoi
The mirrors broke, because they saw too much garbage
Caci demonii sunt oameni, iar oamenii suntem noi
Because demons are people, and people are us
Ochii mi-au secat
My eyes have dried
De cand ingerii au plecat
Since the angels left
Demonii se aseza
Demons settle down
Sa-mi tina locul cald in pat
To keep my place warm in bed
Ochii mi-au secat
My eyes have dried
De cand ingerii au plecat
Since the angels left
Demonii se aseza
Demons settle down
Sa-mi tina locul cald in pat
To keep my place warm in bed

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