Fabrizio De André - Megu Megun - live tour 'Anime Salve' - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fabrizio De André - Megu Megun - live tour 'Anime Salve'

Megu Megun - live tour 'Anime Salve'
Megu Megun - live tour 'Anime Salve'
E mi e mi e mi
And I and I and I
Anà anà
Away away
E a l′aia sciurtì
And on the threshing floor
A suà suà
I sweat and sweat
E ou coèu ou coèu ou coèu
And my heart, my heart, my heart
Da rebellà
Fin a piggià piggià
To the point of taking and taking
Ou trèn ou trèn
The train, the train
E 'nta galleria
And in the tunnel
Gentè ′a l'intra au scùu
People who come in from the dark
Sciòrte amarutia
Harsh fate
Loèugu de 'n spesià
Like a pharmacist's
E ′ntu strèitu t′aguèitan
And in the alley they wait for you
Te dumàndan chi t'è
They ask you who you are
E ′nte l'àtra stànsia
And in the other room
è bagàsce a ou menù
There are prostitutes offering their menus
E ti cu′na quàe che nu ti voèu
And you're with one you don't want
A tià a bibbia 'nta miàgia
She reads the bible to me
Serrà a ciàve ànche ou barcùn
She even locks the balcony door with a key
E arensenite sùrvia ou coèu
And close to the heart
Uh mègu mègu mègu megùn
My dear megu megu megu me megùn
Uh chin-a chin-a da ou caregùn
My chin-a chin-a down from the cart
′Na carèga dùa
A heavy load
Nèsciu de ' n turtà
Coming out of a pie
'Na fainà ch′a sùa
A sweaty farinata
E a ghe manca′a sa
And it's missing this
Tùtti sùssa rèsca
All fried crisp
Da ou xàtta in
From the pussy upwards
Se ti gii 'a tèsta
If you go to your head
Ti te vèddi ou
You'll see your ass
E a stà foèa gh′è ou repentin
And outside there's the sudden
Ch'a te tùcche ′na pasciùn
That touches you with passion
Pe 'na faccia da madònna
For a Madonna face
Ch′a te sposta ou ghirindùn
That moves your bell tower
ùn amù mai in esclusiva
Never love exclusively
Sempre cun quarcòsa da pagà
Always with something to pay
Na scignurin-a che sùttu à cùa
A little lady who under her tail
A gh'a ou gàrbu da scignùa
Has the grace of a lady
Uh mègu mègu mègu megùn
My dear megu megu megu me megùn
Uh chin-a chin-a da ou caregùn
My chin-a chin-a down from the cart
Uh che belin de 'n nolu che ti me faièsci fa
Oh, what a nuisance you would make me do
Uh ch′a sùn de piggià de l′aia se va a l'uspià
Oh, that I have to take from the threshing floor if I go to the hospital
E mi e mi e mi
And I and I and I
Nu anà nu anà
Not away not away
Stà chi stà chi stà chi
Stay here stay here stay here
Durmì durmì
Sleep sleep
E mi e mi e mi
And I and I and I
Nu anà nu anà
Not away not away
Stà chi stà chi stà chi
Stay here stay here stay here
Make me fall asleep
Uh mègu mègu mègu megùn
My dear megu megu megu me megùn
Uh chin-a chin-a da ou caregùn
My chin-a chin-a down from the cart
Uh mègu mègu mègu megùn
My dear megu megu megu me megùn
Uh chin-a chin-a da ou caregùn
My chin-a chin-a down from the cart
Uh mègu mègu mègu megùn
My dear megu megu megu me megùn
Uh chin-a chin-a da ou caregùn
My chin-a chin-a down from the cart

Writer(s): Ivano Fossati, Mauro Pagani

Fabrizio De André - Anime salve - Il concerto 1997
Anime salve - Il concerto 1997
date of release

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