Feliton - Siempre Fiel (feat. Omy Alka) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Feliton - Siempre Fiel (feat. Omy Alka)

Siempre Fiel (feat. Omy Alka)
Always Faithful (feat. Omy Alka)
O-(O), Uoh-(Uoh), Uo-(Uoh)
O-(O), Uoh-(Uoh), Uo-(Uoh)
O-(O), Uoh-(Uoh), Uo-(Uoh)
O-(O), Uoh-(Uoh), Uoh-(Uoh)
Y yo que quieres que yo te devore (que yo te devore)
And I know you want me to devour you (devour you)
Pero sabes bien que yo soy hombre de una mujer
But you know well that I am a one-woman man
que a ti no te importa, que no le para'
I know you don't care, that you don't stop
Soy de una no de dos
I'm of one, not two
El Señor me ha apartó pa' ella y ella pa' mi
The Lord has set me apart for her and her for me
Yo siempre le pedí a Dios una mujer buena pa' mi
I always asked God for a good woman for me
Yo que me quiere' come', pero a mi Dio' no voy a ofender
I know you want me to eat, but I will not offend my God
Mucha' rodilla' di yo por ella y no le voy a se' infiel.
Many knees I gave for her and I will not be unfaithful to her.
No soy eso' tipo' de hombre que tiene mil numero' de contraseña
I'm not that type of man who has a thousand password numbers
Vivo tranquilo en paz, ya que mi corazón solamente tiene una dueña.
I live peacefully in peace, since my heart only has one owner.
dices que no es pa' casarno', que conmigo quiere pasa' un buen rato
You say it's not for marrying, that you want to have a good time with me
Que rato ni rato, en el nombre de Jesús reprendo todo ese agato.
What time or time, in the name of Jesus I rebuke all that agate.
'Toy seguro que un par de año' atrás
I'm sure a couple of years ago
tenía' un novio que te fue infiel
You had a boyfriend who was unfaithful to you
te portaba' bien
You behaved well
Pero de ahí pa' 'lante del amor ya tu no quiere saber.
But from there on you don't want to know about love anymore.
Tampoco quiere una relación formal
Nor do you want a formal relationship
Ya que teme que eso vuelva a pasar
Since you fear that will happen again
Un consejo te vo' a dar
I'm going to give you some advice
Pon a Dio' de primero en tu vida y verá' lo que va a pasar.
Put God first in your life and you'll see what will happen.
Él nunca va fallar
He will never fail
Para ti Él tiene un hombre ideal
For you He has an ideal man
El que de verdad a ti te va a amar
The one who will truly love you
Y con tu corazón no va jugar.
And he won't play with your heart.
(Eh) Porque sabe lo que tiene
(Eh) Because he knows what he has
Valorarte le conviene, y tiene que respetarte
Valuing you is convenient for him, and he has to respect you
Esa' bendiciones no se dan siempre
Those blessings are not always given
Oye, es que tu ere' una obra de arte.
Hey, it's that you are a work of art.
Y no solo por eso
And not only for that
Y lo que pasa e' que con Dio' el agoto su proceso
And what happens is that with God he exhausts his process
Él quiere algo serio, no quiere un "expresso"
He wants something serious, he doesn't want an "espresso"
Contigo construir un futuro en progreso.
Build a progressive future with you.
Y solo así existirá felicidad
And only then will there be happiness
Cuando en tu vida Dios sea la prioridad
When God is the priority in your life
tienes que entender que el amor si existe
You have to understand that love does exist
Pero sin Él se vuelve todo una gran falsedad
But without Him it all becomes a great falsehood
Soy de una no de dos
I'm of one, not two
El Señor me ha apartó pa' ella y ella pa' mi
The Lord has set me apart for her and her for me
Yo siempre le pedí a Dios una mujer buena pa' mi
I always asked God for a good woman for me
Yo que me quiere' come', pero a mi Dio' no voy a ofender
I know you want to eat me, but I will not offend my God
Mucha' rodilla' di yo por ella y no le voy a se' infiel.
Many knees I gave for her and I will not be unfaithful to her.
El Señor me ha apartó pa' ella y ella pa' mi
The Lord has set me apart for her and her for me
Yo siempre le pedí a Dios una mujer buena pa' mi
I always asked God for a good woman for me
Yo que me quiere' come', pero a mi Dio' no voy a ofender
I know you want to eat me, but I will not offend my God
Mucha' rodilla' di yo por ella y no le voy a se' infiel.
Many knees I gave for her and I will not be unfaithful to her.
(The O) lo tiene' que entender
(The O) You have to understand
Que por ella yo tuve que esperar
That for her I had to wait
Que nuestro amor no es superficial
That our love is not superficial
Que para ella es la ideal.
That for me she is the ideal one.
Que aquella ve' me frustré, cuando me enteré
That that time I was frustrated, when I found out
Que su papá le dijo que a los 23
That her dad told her that at 23
Era que me podía ver
It was that I could see her
Y yo al viejo me lo gané.
And I won the old man over.
Y lo de nosotros sin fuerzas a Dios
And what about us without strength to God
Nadie derrumba lo que Dios paró
No one tears down what God stopped
No caben 3 donde van 2
There is no room for 3 where 2 go
Así de simple es nuestra relación.
That's how simple our relationship is.
(Uoh) Así que dale pa' la Uni'
(Uoh) So give it to the Uni'
Pa' que siga' estudiando que te va ir bien, bien, bien
So that you keep studying, you're going to do well, well, well
Yo la meto Curry
I put her Curry
Cuando me quieren chapear no me ven, ven, ven, ven.
When they want to skip me they don't see me, see, see, see.
El Amor de Dios es real
God's Love is real
El amor que Él nos dio es real
The love He gave us is real
Él quiere amarte porque Él es real
He wants to love you because He is real
Su poder y salvación es real
His power and salvation is real
(Yeh) Tu sabe' que yo a mi mujer no le vo' a ser infiel (no-no-no-no)
(Yeh) You know that I'm not going to be unfaithful to my wife (no-no-no-no)
Mala mía que tan fuerte la deje caer.
My bad that I let her fall so hard.
Y yo que quieres que yo te devore
And I know you want me to devour you
Pero sabes bien que yo hombre de una mujer
But you know well that I am a one-woman man
que a ti no te importa, que no le para'...
I know you don't care, that you don't stop...
Soy de una no de dos
I'm of one, not two
El Señor me ha guardado pa' ella y ella pa' mi
The Lord has kept me for her and her for me
Yo siempre le pedí a Dios una mujer buena pa' mi
I always asked God for a good woman for me
Yo que me quiere' envolve', pero en tu trampa no vo' a caer
I know you want to wrap me up, but I'm not going to fall into your trap
Mucha' rodilla' di yo por ella y no le voy a se' infiel.
Many knees I gave for her and I will not be unfaithful to her.
El Señor me ha guardado pa' ella y ella pa' mi
The Lord has kept me for her and her for me
Yo siempre le pedí a Dios una mujer buena pa' mi
I always asked God for a good woman for me
Yo que me quiere' envolve', pero en tu trampa no vo' a caer
I know you want to wrap me up, but I'm not going to fall into your trap
Mucha' rodilla' di yo por ella y no le voy a se' infiel.
Many knees I gave for her and I will not be unfaithful to her.
Fe-Fe-Feliton Music, junto a mi hermanito Omy Alka
Fe-Fe-Feliton Music, together with my little brother Omy Alka
Yeh-Yeh "Madiel Lara on the beat"
Yeh-Yeh "Madiel Lara on the beat"
El enemigo trata, pero no puede
The enemy tries, but he can't
Nosotros vemo' su' artimañas desde lejos
We see his tricks from afar
Y estamos preparados (Relación Directa)
And we are prepared (Direct Relationship)

Writer(s): feliton

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