Ferman - İsyanım Var - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ferman - İsyanım Var

İsyanım Var
My Rebellion
Birakip gitselerde gitmez dediklerim
Those I said wouldn't leave, even if they left
Bilmedikleri birsey vardi
There was something they didn't know
Ben Imkansizdim... terkedenlerden degil!...
I was impossible... not one to abandon!...
Isyanim var yasamak zor gülemem Dünya bana dar
I have a rebellion, life is hard, I can't laugh, the world is narrow for me
Gel benim ol Yar dedigimde sunu bil cok canim aciyor
Become mine, when I say "love," know this, my soul hurts deeply
Sevmedi zaten beni Kaderim bana hep o zulmediyor
Fate never loved me, it always oppresses me
Can diye bildigim herkes birer birer simdi simdi kayboluyor...
Everyone I considered dear, one by one, is now disappearing...
Biktim inan yalan yalan Dünyadan
I'm tired, believe me, tired of the world's lies
Lan hersey bombos gectim su Canimdan
Damn, everything is empty, I gave up on my life
Sık son Kursunu sensiz yasayamam
Fire the last bullet, I can't live without you
Haram gülüm bana baska bir Can...
My forbidden love, another life is haram for me...
Yorgunum ben Yillarim cabuk gecti Dostlar anlamadim
I'm tired, my years passed quickly, friends, I don't understand
Birini sevmistim galiba evet simdi hatirladim
I think I loved someone, yes, I remember now
O cok cok öncedendi o beni tek incitendi
It was long ago, she was the only one who hurt me
Kaybetmekten korktugum tek askim
My only love that I was afraid of losing
O benim herseyimdi...
She was my everything...
Haa sahi Sözde en Kral Gardasim vardi
Oh right, I supposedly had the best brother
Unutmayalim onu nede olsa o en iyi Kankamdi
Let's not forget him, after all, he was my best buddy
Cebimde Param varken her zaman hep yanimdaydin
When I had money in my pocket, you were always by my side
Ne oldu lan Kamil Yorgan gitti Kavga bitti demi?!
What happened, Kamil? The blanket's gone, the fight's over, right?!
Bu Sözler Cinnet degil Ibret olsunki bosuna yazmiyim
These words are not madness, let them be a lesson, I don't write in vain
Kalemim kirilsada anlatmaktan usanmadim
Even though my pen broke, I didn't get tired of telling
Yanlizligimla Savas verdim binlerce kez istemeden
I fought my loneliness a thousand times involuntarily
Hayir ben istemedim Yollar hep Dikendi Usta
No, I didn't want it, the paths are always thorny, master
Yanlis Kaderin dogru Yasami yok Yarinlarim hep vuslat
A wrong fate has no right life, my tomorrows are all reunion
Ne kadar cok yasamak istesemde Intihar esikte
No matter how much I want to live, suicide is on the brink
Duygular celpesikte sozbul.net bitek Gönlüm Anama hasret
Emotions are in turmoil, only my heart longs for my mother
Umrumda degil Dünya Belimi sen cok büktün Gurbet...
I don't care about the world, you've bent me over, exile...
Hayatim sacma sapan gayrimesrularda Yol aldi
My life took its course in absurd and illegitimate ways
Gencligim fark etmeden Besik gibi sallandi
My youth swayed like a cradle, unnoticed
Canima kasti var Gecemin Gündüzlerim isyankar
My nights and days are rebellious, with intent to harm my soul
Amacim artik yok ben yasamaktan hic bir Zevk almiyorumki
I have no purpose anymore, I don't get any pleasure from living
Kimseye sormuyorum bu Sair Ölümü resm etti
I'm not asking anyone, this poet has pictured death
Haykirislarim bi tek Kayit Odamda kendimeydi
My screams were only for myself in my recording room
Bu Satirlarim beni yasamaktan sogutanlara lan yetmezmi?!
Aren't these lines enough for those who made me tired of living?!
Bagirarak küfretsem Kadere söyle Kinim dinermiki
If I scream and curse at fate, will my hatred subside
Kafama siksam söylesene bana hersey orda bitermiki?!
If I shoot myself in the head, tell me, will everything end there?!
Hersey bu kadar degil daha hic biseyimi anlatmadim
This is not all, I haven't told you anything yet
Ben Baba Parasiyla Millete Hava atmazdim
I wouldn't show off to people with my father's money
Onca Senemi voltaladim Yarinlarim baltalandi
I wasted so many years, my tomorrows were ruined
Çok degil mutlu bi sozbul.net Hayatim Sevenlerim olmaliydi
Not much, I should have had a happy life with loved ones
Eksik olan neydi her Derde Eyvallah etmedikmi
What was missing? Didn't we say "okay" to every pain
Adam gibi sevmedikmi bildiginiz gibi degilki...
Didn't we love like a man, it's not as you know...
Sevince birini tatli geliyormus lan Askin Günahlari
When you love someone, the sins of love seem sweet
Yaninda olmak icin silersin tüm Sevaplari
You erase all your good deeds to be with her
Kaybetmem benim olsun Yar demek tek olasiliktir
I won't lose, "she will be mine" is the only possibility
Sanirim anladiniz Suc islememek Elde degil
I guess you understand, it's not in my hands not to commit a crime
Bardaklar doldu tasti fakat bugün yanlizim
The glasses are full and overflowing, but I am alone today
Sevdiklerimden cok uzakta Acilarin Allahindayim
Far from my loved ones, I am in the God of pains
Kendimle bas basayim korkmuyorum Ölüm senden
I am alone with myself, I am not afraid of death
Haydi gel bas ucundayim Kirpiklerimi islatmadim...
Come on, come, I'm at my wit's end, I haven't wet my eyelashes...
Ben 22 Yasimda öldüm lan Günesim cok erken söndü
I died at 22, my sun went out too early
Doksanimda gömseler nolurki Bedenim cok Kis gördü
What does it matter if they bury me at 90, my body has seen so much winter
Ölümü bekler gibiyim Ecel sana eyvallah
I'm waiting for death, I surrender to you, Azrael
Kaybettim Yolumu yalvardim yardim et nolur Allahim
I lost my way, I begged, please help me, God
Sartli Tahliye oldu Gönlüm yalan Asklar Zindanindan
My heart was conditionally released from the prison of false loves
Ben cok Sevgi gördüm bunca Yil falanlar filanlardan
I have seen a lot of love all these years from so-and-so
Birtek canim Annem sana Kurbanim Gözyaslarimi o silerdi
Only my dear mother, I sacrifice myself for you, she would wipe away my tears
Affet beni nolur canim Annem bildigin gibi degilki...
Forgive me, please, my dear mother, it's not as you know...
Canim Annem seni üzmek Yüregime cok zor geliyor
My dear mother, it hurts my heart so much to upset you
Ama Haksizliga gelemem bunu en cok benden iyi sen biliyorsun
But I can't stand injustice, you know this better than anyone
Kalles hep Insanlar sen söylerdin ben hic seni dinlemedim
People are always treacherous, you used to say, I never listened to you
Kahpe Kader beni cok kötü vurdu Yarinlarimida göremedim...
The wretched fate hit me so hard, I couldn't even see my tomorrows...
Bu bir Intihar Duyurusudur...
This is a suicide announcement...
Sanirim kendimi ihbar ediyorum...
I guess I'm reporting myself...
Mürekkebim Suc Aletim... Günahlarim Ellerimde buyrun...
My ink is my weapon of crime... My sins are in my hands, here you go...
Eger yasamak buysa... eger Hayat bir Oyunsa...
If this is living... if life is a game...
Siz oynayin... kusura bakmayin ama ben bu Oyunda artik yokum!
You play... I'm sorry, but I'm no longer in this game!
Isyanim var yasamak zor gülemem Dünya bana dar
I have a rebellion, life is hard, I can't laugh, the world is narrow for me
Gel benim ol Yar dedigimde sunu bil cok canim aciyor
Become mine, when I say "love," know this, my soul hurts deeply
Sevmedi zaten beni Kaderim bana hep o zulmediyor
Fate never loved me, it always oppresses me
Can diye bildigim herkes birer birer simdi simdi kayboluyor...
Everyone I considered dear, one by one, is now disappearing...
Biktim inan yalan yalan Dünyadan
I'm tired, believe me, tired of the world's lies
Lan hersey bombos gectim su Canimdan
Damn, everything is empty, I gave up on my life
Sık son Kursunu sensiz yasayamam
Fire the last bullet, I can't live without you
Haram gülüm bana baska bir Can...
My forbidden love, another life is haram for me...

Writer(s): Ferman Nerkis

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