Fernanda Brum - Pra Onde a Gente Vai? - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fernanda Brum - Pra Onde a Gente Vai?

Pra Onde a Gente Vai?
Where Are We Going?
Com os meus olhos abertos
With my eyes open
Eu não vejo o caminho e eu me sinto tão confuso
I can't see the path and I feel so confused
Tudo aquilo que era certo, não é mais tão simples
Everything that was right, is no longer so simple
correndo pra mais perto numa jornada sem fim
I'm running closer on a journey without end
E o que é que eu faço com a minha mente
And what do I do with my mind
Que procura por respostas que se escondem entre a gente
That searches for answers that hide among us
Tudo era inocente, mas não sou mais menino
Everything was innocent, but I'm no longer a boy
Então, me diz pra onde a gente vai?
So, tell me, where are we going to?
A gente vai sentar na varanda
We're going to sit on the porch
Pra ver as folhas caírem
To watch the leaves fall
Enquanto a gente toma um café
While we drink a coffee
Espera os céus se abrirem
Wait for the heavens to open
Eu entro todo dia de cabeça
I go into every day headfirst
Sem saber se nado contra ou a favor da correnteza
Without knowing if I'm swimming against or in favor of the current
que o tempo deixou de ser tão preguiçoso
Only that time has stopped being so lazy
Às vezes eu entre o céu e o fundo do poço
Sometimes I'm between heaven and the bottom of the well
E o que é que a gente faz com essa gente
And what do we do with these people
Que se perde na história e se acha de repente
Who get lost in history and find themselves all of a sudden
Tudo era inocente, mas não sou mais menino
Everything was innocent, but I'm no longer a boy
Então, me diz pra onde a gente vai?
So, tell me, where are we going to?
A gente vai sentar na varanda
We're going to sit on the porch
Pra ver as folhas caírem
To watch the leaves fall
Enquanto a gente toma um café
While we drink a coffee
Espera os céus se abrirem
Wait for the heavens to open
A gente vai sentar na varanda
We're going to sit on the porch
Pra ver as folhas caírem
To watch the leaves fall
Enquanto a gente toma um café
While we drink a coffee
Espera os céus se abrirem
Wait for the heavens to open
Pra onde a gente vai?
Where are we going to?
אבינו שבשמים
Our Father who art in heaven
יתקדש שמך
Hallowed be thy name
תבוא מלכותך יעשה רצונך
Thy kingdom come Thy will be done
כבשמים כן בערץ
On earth as it is in heaven
את לחם חקנו תן לנו היום
Give us this day our daily bread
וסלח לנו על חטאינו
And forgive us our trespasses
כמו שסולחים גם אנחנו לחוטאים לנו
As we forgive those who trespass against us
ועל תביאנו לידי נסיון
And lead us not into temptation
כי אם חלצנו מן הרע
But deliver us from evil
כי לך הממלכה
For thine is the kingdom
והגבורה והתפארת
The power and the glory
לעולמי עולמים
For ever and ever
Avunan d′bishmaya
Avunan d′bishmaya
Yeticadash sh'mach
Yeticadash sh'mach
Tite malcutach
Tite malcutach
Yehie sevionach
Yehie sevionach
Heicama d′bishmaya af bar'a
Heicama d′bishmaya af bar'a
Hab lan lachma d'sunchanan yaomana
Hab lan lachma d'sunchanan yaomana
U′ashvuk lan hoveinan
U′ashvuk lan hoveinan
Heicama d′af enan shbaknan lichayoveinan
Heicama d′af enan shbaknan lichayoveinan
Ula T'ilan linissiuna
Ula T'ilan linissiuna
Ela patsian min bishta
Ela patsian min bishta
Mitul dilach′hi malcuta
Mitul dilach′hi malcuta
U'cheila u′teshbuchta
U'cheila u′teshbuchta
L'alam almin
L'alam almin
Aba, Aba, Aba
Father, Father, Father

Writer(s): Rodrigo Cardoso

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