Fito Páez - La Canción de Sybil Vane - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Fito Páez - La Canción de Sybil Vane

La Canción de Sybil Vane
The Song of Sybil Vane
No quiero nada con vos
I don't want anything with you
No sabes que es el amor
You don't know what love is
No quiero que me toques
I don't want you to touch me
No quiero que me mires
I don't want you to look at me
No quiero verte nunca mas.
I don't ever want to see you again.
Hija de puta
Son of a bitch
Rompiste mi corazon
You broke my heart
Jugaste sucio
You played dirty
Tenias que actuar a julieta
You had to act Juliet
Y yo sentirme unico
And I felt unique
Hoy solo tengo este dolor
Today I only have this pain
En medio del pecho
In the middle of my chest
A vos te comio el amor
You ate love
Ami el desprecio...
I ate contempt...
Tu histeria me robo mil años
Your hysteria robbed me of a thousand years
Yo me hubiera puesta
I would have put myself
Adelante de la bara de plata
In front of the silver bar
Para que nadie nadie nadie nunca nunca
So that no one, no one, no one, ever, ever
Te haga daño
Would hurt you
Que clase de mujer
What kind of woman
Te pensas q sos
Do you think you are
Que te creiste
What did you think
Con tu imaginacion
With your imagination
Me traicionaste
You betrayed me
No tenes perdon
You deserve no forgiveness
Y ahora fumate un viaje
And now smoke a trip
Vas a terminar en tu justo lugar
You're going to end up in your rightful place
Me decepcionaste con mis amistades
You disappointed me with my friends
Acutaste en el teatro algo q no eras
You acted something in the theater that you weren't
Que desastre...
What a disaster...
Preferiria no haberte conocido
I'd rather not have met you
Me hicste tan tanto tanto daño
You did me so, so, so much harm
Yo era el principe cruel
I was the cruel prince
Ahora soy un extraño
Now I'm a stranger
Hoy soy el muerto ideal
Today I am the ideal dead man
Y resucito
And I resurrect
De las entrañas de la locura
From the bowels of madness
Yo necesito
I need
No quiero que te acuerdes de mi piel
I don't want you to remember my skin
No quiero que te acuerdes mi
I don't want you to remember me
No quiero que me veas en la red
I don't want you to see me on the net
Yo quiero ser nadie para ti
I want to be nobody to you
Traje de tu manto de dolor
I brought your cloak of pain
Tus remeras de actriz y maldicion
Your actress and damnation shirts
No me hagas lo que hizo darwin por favor
Don't do to me what Darwin did, please
Yo vivo pasado de amor
I live past love
Es la cancion de sibyl vane
It's Sybil Vane's song
Ella era una pobre mujer
She was a poor woman
Que un dia desaparecio
Who one day disappeared
En una hogera de rock and rol
In a bonfire of rock and roll
Y va pasada de amorryo no te puedo dejar de pensar
And she's gone past love, I can't stop thinking about you
El tiempo pasa historia y fantasma
Time passes, history and ghost
Yo se que te mataste por mi
I know you killed yourself for me
Y se incendio mi alma
And my soul caught fire
Si bien yo pudo hacerte feliz
Although I could make you happy
Con los crimenes que cometi
With the crimes I committed
Quedo mi cuerpo pudrefacto en el suelo
My rotten body is left on the ground
Y perfecto mi retrato
And my perfect portrait
Pasado de amoor
Past love
Yo vivo pasado de amooor
I live past love

Writer(s): Rodolfo Paez

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