Frank Sinatra - Frank Sinatra Receives the Modern Screen Ed Sullivan Award nad the 1946 "Radio Father of the Year Award" / Come Rain or Come Shine (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Frank Sinatra - Frank Sinatra Receives the Modern Screen Ed Sullivan Award nad the 1946 "Radio Father of the Year Award" / Come Rain or Come Shine (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)

Hello? Frank Sinatra′s show, he's too tired to talk.
Шоу Фрэнка Синатры, он слишком устал, чтобы говорить.
Hey boss, New York is calling.
Эй, босс, звонит Нью-Йорк.
It isn′t Colette, is it, Marvin?
Это не Колетт, не так ли, Марвин?
Hey operator, is it Colette?
Эй, оператор, это Колетт?
What'd she say?
Что она сказала?
No it isn't Colette, it′s Ed Sullivan.
Нет, это не Колетт, это Эд Салливан.
Ed Sullivan? The famous columnist? The man who writes Little Old New York?
Эд Салливан? знаменитый колумнист? человек, пишущий о старом маленьком Нью-Йорке?
Well put him on, Marv!
Что ж, надень его, Марв!
Okay, New York, and go ahead Ed Sullivan!
Ладно, Нью-Йорк, вперед, Эд Салливан!
This is Ed Sullivan, New York.
Это Эд Салливан, Нью-Йорк.
Last November I needed a big name attraction for a war bomb show we were staging at Richmond, Virginia,
В прошлом ноябре мне нужен был большой аттракцион для шоу военных бомб, которое мы устраивали в Ричмонде, штат Вирджиния,
So I contacted Frank Sinatra.
Поэтому я связался с Фрэнком Синатрой.
Richmond got its war bomb show and a million dollar sellout in bonds.
Ричмонд получил свое шоу военных бомб и миллионную распродажу облигаций.
So there are a lot of reasons which might persuade us to give this Ed Sullivan Award of Modern Screen and Magazine to Frank.
Так что есть много причин, которые могли бы убедить нас вручить эту премию современного экрана и журнала имени Эда Салливана Фрэнку.
Certainly a major reason would be Frank′s record of good citizenship
Несомненно, главной причиной тому послужит послужной список Фрэнка, обладающего хорошим гражданством.
And his sincere interest in those less fortunate than himself.
И его искренний интерес к тем, кому повезло меньше, чем ему самому.
However, Frank, the Ed Sullivan Modern Screen and Magazine Award is given to you
Однако, Фрэнк, премия Эда Салливана за современный экран и журнал вручается тебе.
Not for any of these qualities
Ни за одно из этих качеств.
But simply because your program has given so much pleasure to the country.
Но просто потому, что ваша программа доставила столько удовольствия стране.
From start to finish, your whole goal program has bounce, humor and imagination.
От начала и до конца, вся ваша цель состоит из прыжков, юмора и воображения.
So tonight I'm reaching three thousand miles across the country to hand you this gold plaque
Поэтому сегодня ночью я проеду три тысячи миль через всю страну, чтобы вручить тебе эту золотую доску.
And with it, Francis, my very best wishes to a very swell person.
И вместе с этим, Фрэнсис, мои наилучшие пожелания очень замечательной особе.
Thanks again, Ed, for the fine award and for saying that our old goal show gives pleasure to the nation.
Еще раз спасибо, Эд, за прекрасную награду и за то, что сказал, что наше старое голевое шоу доставляет удовольствие нации.
Boy, speaking of giving pleasure, I′d like to say this about old goal: I--
Мальчик, говоря о доставлении удовольствия, я хотел бы сказать вот что о старой цели: я...
Uh, not yet Marvin, a bit later perhaps, huh?
Не сейчас, Марвин, может, чуть позже, а?
Hm, that's probably Ed Sullivan wanting his award back.
Хм, Наверное, это Эд Салливан хочет вернуть свою награду.
Nope, it rang twice! Must be the postman!
Нет, он звонил дважды, должно быть, почтальон!
Hello? Frank Sinatra show, starring Axel Stordhal?
Шоу Фрэнка Синатры с Акселем Стордхалом в главной роли?
What′s that? The National Father's Day Committee?
Что это? национальный комитет по случаю Дня отца?
You have an award for Frank Sinatra?
У вас есть награда за Фрэнка Синатру?
For his efforts in pointing out and emphasizing to the youth of America
За его усилия по указанию и подчеркиванию молодежи Америки
The opportunities and responsibilities of good citizenship?
Возможности и ответственность хорошего гражданства?
And because his relationship with his own children
И из-за его отношений с собственными детьми.
Provides an example for all young parents
Это пример для всех молодых родителей.
The National Committee for Father′s Day hereby names Frank Sinatra
Национальный комитет по случаю Дня отца настоящим называет имя Фрэнка Синатры.
The outstanding radio father of the year?
Выдающийся отец радио года?
Ladies and gentlemen,
Леди и джентльмены,
On the custom as I am being named the father of the year, I uh...
По обычаю, поскольку меня называют отцом года, я...
No kidding, I... I feel mighty good about this award.
Без шуток, я ... я очень рад этой награде.
Of course, I get the wind taken out of my sails as soon as I get home tonight.
Конечно, как только я вернусь домой, ветер унесет мои паруса.
I'll say to little Nancy
Я скажу маленькой Нэнси:
"Look, honey! See what daddy brought home?"
- Смотри, милая, что папа принес домой?
She'll take a quick look and say "Uh-huh, but where′s that bubblegum you promised me?"
Она бросит быстрый взгляд и скажет: "Ага, а где жвачка, которую ты мне обещал?"
On father′s day, if papa's still around
В День отца, если папа еще жив.
What do you say we go sentimental on him?
Что ты скажешь, если мы станем сентиментальными по отношению к нему?
Let′s walk right up to him, look him straight in the eye and say:
Давай подойдем к нему, посмотрим ему прямо в глаза и скажем:
"Pops, you're the nicest guy I′ve ever met.
"Папа, ты самый милый парень, которого я когда-либо встречала.
If you don't mind, hey, I wanna grow up and be exactly like you."
Если ты не против, Эй, я хочу вырасти и стать такой же, как ты.
And while we′re talking about children,
И пока мы говорим о детях,
Ladies and gentlemen, this Saturday
Дамы и господа, в эту субботу!
It's little Nancy's birthday.
Сегодня день рождения маленькой Нэнси.
She′ll to be six years old and I′d like to sing a tune for her
Ей будет шесть лет, и я хотел бы спеть для нее песню.
And I think, uh, she'll enjoy it.
И я думаю, ей это понравится.
I′m gonna love you,
Я буду любить тебя,
Like nobody loved you
Как никто не любил тебя.
Come rain or come shine
Идет дождь или светит солнце.
High as a mountain
Высокая, как гора.
And deep as a river
И глубокая, как река.
Come rain or come shine
Идет дождь или светит солнце.
I guess, when you met me
Наверное, когда ты встретил меня.
It was just one of those things
Это была просто одна из таких вещей.
But don't ever bet me
Но никогда не спорь со мной.
′Cause I'm gonna be true
Потому что я буду честен.
If you let me
Если ты позволишь мне ...
You′re gonna love me,
Ты будешь любить меня,
Like nobody's loved me
Как никто другой.
Come rain or come shine
Идет дождь или светит солнце.
Happy together,
Счастливы вместе,
Unhappy together
Несчастливы вместе
And won't that be fine
И разве это не прекрасно
Days may be cloudy or sunny
Дни могут быть пасмурными или солнечными
We′re in or we′re out of the money
Мы либо в игре, либо без денег.
But I'm with you always
Но я всегда с тобой.
I′m with you rain or shine
Я с тобой, будь то дождь или солнце.

Frank Sinatra - Selections from a Voice on Air (1935-1955)
Selections from a Voice on Air (1935-1955)
date of release

1 If Loveliness Were Music (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra & The Bobby Tucker Singers)
2 Birth of the Blues (with Harry Sosnik & the Savings Bond Orchestra)
3 Why Try to Change Me Now (with Harry Sosnik & the Savings Bond Orchestra)
4 Gary Crosby Introduces Frank Sinatra / Sam's Song (The Happy Tune) [with John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra]
5 Songs by Sinatra Show Closing: Put Your Dreams Away (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
6 Frank Sinatra Receives the Modern Screen Ed Sullivan Award nad the 1946 "Radio Father of the Year Award" / Come Rain or Come Shine (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
7 Frank Sinatra Introduction to "Home on the Range" / Home on the Range (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
8 (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons [with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra]
9 Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
10 Personality (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
11 Who's Sorry Now? (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
12 Don't Marry That Girl (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
13 Comedy Sketch: The Battle of the Century
14 A Salute to Al Jolson Show Opening & George Jessel Introduces Frank Sinatra / Rock-A-Bye Your Baby (with Morris Stoloff & hiis Orchestra)
15 Ol' Man River / Songs by Sinatra Show Closing: Put Your Dreams Away (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
16 You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
17 Lily Belle (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
18 Day by Day (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
19 Birthday Greetings for Frank Sinatra's 30th Birthday / Frank Sinatra Introduces June Hutton / Button Up Your Overcoat (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
20 It Might as Well be Spring (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
21 Songs by Sinatra Show Opening: Night and Day / I'm an Old Cowhand / Tumblin' Tumbleweeds (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
22 Along the Navajo Trail (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
23 News Bulletin / Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Briefing / President Franklin D. Roosevelt Address of D-Day (Excerpts) / Music for Millions Introduction & Buy a Piece of the Peace (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
24 Songs by Sinatra Show Opening: This Love of Mine / Paper Doll (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra & The Bobby Tucker Singers)
25 Lover Come Back to Me / Songs by Sinatra Show Closing: Put Your Dreams Away (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra & The Bobby Tucker Singers)
26 It's De-Lovely (with Raymond Scott & His Orchestra)
27 Lonely Love (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
28 Frank Sinatra Dedication to Soldiers at Halloran Hospital, Staten Island, NY / The Way You Look Tonight (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
29 Frank Sinatra Dedication to Canadian Soliders at Rockcliffe Hospital, Ontario / I'll Be Seeing You (Rehearsal) [with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra]
30 Frank Sinatra Commentary on Special D-Day Broadcast / America the Beautiful (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
31 Frank Sinatra D-Day Announcement / The Frank Sinatra Show Opening: This Love of Mine / Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra & Mark Warnow & The Hit Parade Orchestra)
32 My Heart Tells Me (with Mark Warnow & The Hit Parade Orchestra)
33 As Time Goes By (with Mark Warnow & The Hit Parade Orchestra) (Rehearsal)
34 Close to You (with Raymond Paige & His Orchestra) (Orchestral)
35 Kiss Me Again (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra & The Bobby Tucker Singers)
36 For Me and My Gal (with Mark Warnow & The Hit Parade Orchestra)
37 I Heard You Cried Last Night (with Mark Warnow & The Hit Parade Orchestra)
38 I Don't Believe in Rumors (with David Broekman & the Treasury Ensemble)
39 Moon Love (with Harry James and His Orchestra) (Live)
40 My Heart Stood Still (with Raymond Scott & His Orchestra)
41 That Old Black Magic (with Walter Gross & His Orchestra)
42 You Brought a New Kind of Love to Me (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
43 Don't Fence Me In (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
44 Songs by Sinatra Old Gold "Yankee Doodle Dandy" Commercial (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
45 Half as Lovely (Twice as True) [with John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra]
46 The Right Kind of Love (with Axel Stordahl and His Orchestra)
47 Medley: I'll String Along with You / As Time Goes By
48 Long Ago and Far Away (with Hollywood Bowl Orchestra)
49 There Are Such Things (with Mark Warnow & The Hit Parade Orchestra)
50 The Frank Sinatra Show Vimms Vitamin Commercial
51 Songs by Sinatra Max Factor Commercial
52 Broadway Bandbox Show Opening / All or Nothing at All (orchestral) [with Raymond Scott & His Orchestra]

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