Frenkie - Napaceni Bosnjo - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Frenkie - Napaceni Bosnjo

Napaceni Bosnjo
Napaceni Bosnjo
Posjedujem skromni sedmosobni stan
I own a humble seven-room apartment
Bojler ukljucen po cijeli dan
Boiler on all day, every day
Palim ga tako sto posaljem sms
I turn it on by text message
Mobitel mi je Srbin, iphone 4s
My cellphone is a Serb, an iPhone 4s
Plazma, dvd i ipad pored
Plasma, DVD, and iPad nearby
U kuhinji touch screen sporet
Touch screen stove in the kitchen
Popularan vazda nekom trebam
Always popular, someone always needs me
Gledam i gledam sve te cure gledam
I watch and watch all those ladies
Veceras cu da metnem kao sto gledam
Tonight I will put it where I see it
Iz ormara vadim skupu kosu
I take out my expensive suit
Skupe cipe, skupe tole i jos skuplji Mosus
Expensive shoes, expensive tie, and even more expensive Mosus
Na ruci sat, oko vrata lancic
Watch on my wrist, chain around my neck
U ogledalu jako zgodan mladic
I'm a handsome young man in the mirror
U kafic i klub laganom voznjom
To the cafe and club, driving slowly
U carsiju je krenuo napaceni bosnjo
The pretentious Bosnian has gone to town
Votka pa bijelo pice klubu cijelom
Vodka then white wine, drinks for the whole club
Okicen misicima i zenskim tijelom
Decked out in muscles and women's bodies
Okicen stanom i skupim volanom
Decked out in an apartment and a expensive steering wheel
U drustvu glavna faca to znamo
The main face in the group, we know that
Votka pa bijelo, pice klubu cijelom
Vodka then white wine, drinks for the whole club
Okicen misicima i zenskim tijelom
Decked out in muscles and women's bodies
Okicen stanom i skupom volanom
Decked out in an apartment and a expensive steering wheel
I nema veze, sto sve to placa babo
And it doesn't matter who pays for it all, baby
I nema veze, sto sve to placa babo
And it doesn't matter who pays for it all, baby
Bitno je da imamo
The important thing is that we have it
Kad vidis mene i moj crni Audi
When you see me and my black Audi
Pazi jarane da ti ne naudim
Be careful, my friend, or I'll hurt you
Vidis mi ledja i gutas prasinu
You see my back and choke on dust
Jebo tvog Pasata i tvoju lafinu
Fuck your Passat and your old car
U klubu zagrlim curu, narucim turu
In the club I hug a lady, order a round
Piva dodje, ja je smirim u cugu
Beers arrive, I finish them in one go
Gledam koke dok pici Kanye West
I watch the coke while I listen to Kanye West
Kontam kojoj cu poslati friend request
I think about who I'm going to send a friend request to
Do kuce lagano odvezem trebu
I drive home slowly, full of food
Nazovem jarane da vidim je l' sta jebu, ne jebu
I call my friends to see what they're up to, nothing
Kazu nisu htjeli
They said they didn't want to
Nadjemo se kod Sipca da bi jeli
We'll meet at Sipca to eat
Na benzinskoj smirimo gajbu pivi
At the gas station, we finish a crate of beer
Tako se kod nas jarane zivi
That's how we live, my friend
Idu likovi, ja kazem nesto nije u dure
Some guys come by, I say something's wrong
Nemoj da te bosnjo smota ko burek
Don't let that Bosnian roll you up like a burek

Writer(s): Adnan Hamidovic, Amar Niksic

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